MovieChat Forums > Carl Weathers Discussion > Carl Weathers dies age 76

Carl Weathers dies age 76



here come the vax posts


You called it.


Like it's unusual for a 75 y.o. man to kick the bucket. SMH!


Everyone who died since 2022, died from the vax. Fact.


good thing Betty White died December 31st 2021


The vax?
So many dead from the shot so far and the deaths just keep piling up.


Disney had vax mandate, we lost actor from Andor too πŸ€”


Morons.... 😏


Said Mr. Tuboboost...




He posted it on Twitter. He got the jab and the booster one year and a half ago. Now he's dead and he was a man who had always been very fit most of his life. It's appalling how many people are dying in this way.


Their excuse will be "Long Covid."


Unfortunately for them, nobody is no longer believing that bs.


Most people have been vaccinated. Does that mean, by your logic, that anyone who has been vaccinated who dies from an illness of any kind obviously only got it because they were vaccinated?


Numbers are numbers. Deaths are skyrocketing after the vaccines and also the increase of tumors. The link between these deaths and jabs were proved by some scientific studies as well.


This is a claim. Provide evidence that "deaths are skyrocketing" and that the causes of these deaths can be tied to the vaccine. Does that mean, by your logic, that anyone who has been vaccinated who dies from an illness of any kind obviously only got it because they were vaccinated?

>The link between these deaths and jabs were proved by some scientific studies as well.

Evidence please.


He was 76


R.I.P one of the greats.


Same. He was a legend


Absolutely, NOBODY would have been a better Apollo!
R.I.P. Legend.


I liked how he got Rocky to get the eye of the tiger back.

Seriously though, RIP.


Man, this one hurts. He was so great in the "Rocky" movies and I loved him as Chubbs in "Happy Gilmore." Talented guy...I believe he played college football at a southern U.S. school that I can't remember, so he had an athletic background. RIP, Carl Weathers.

Edit: It was actually San Diego State where he played college football, so Southern California. πŸ˜ƒ Little bit of IMDb of his college teammates at San Diego State was Fred Dryer. I loved both of those guys as actors.


Yeah, this makes me sad. This is my favorite Apollo Creed scene.....


Hi, Clementina...yes, that was great and seems to be even more relevant today. I am very much "pro-sports," but within reason, and the increased importance, greed, and decline of sportsmanship involving sports at all levels over the years is really sad. With you being a teacher, I bet you see the effects this has had on young people as well.


Hi GnG! You weren't wrong about Weathers playing football in the southern U.S. I was reading about him last night and learned he was born in New Orleans, LA and received an athletic scholarship to play at St. Augustine High School, a private school, in New Orleans.

Yes, I have witnessed the decline of sportsmanship both inside and outside the classroom. I also see how many "student" athletes do not care about academics, especially among the ranks of football players. At times in my career, I've had coaches ask/tell me to "help" a student's grade out so he can play. I had a friendly debate with a colleague a few years back about all of this. He told me that sports build character. I told him that sports don't build character, they reveal it. That quote has been attributed to Vince Lombardi, John Wooden, and a few others, so who knows who actually said it. I believe it's true whoever said it.

I like that Apollo Creed clip for its advice to kids, but I also like it because I think it captures Apollo Creed perfectly. The rapid-fire, staccato delivery of his message, his charming arrogance (if that's even possible, he made it so), the suit and tie that directly contrasts with his ring persona as well as Rocky's fashion choices out of the ring, and the cool effect that we are watching Rocky watching Creed on that tiny grainy black and white TV set, yet somehow Creed is just as large as life as if he were in Rocky's face in the ring. Rocky is my favorite movie of all time, by the way! I feel the need to watch it yet again this weekend.

Side note: I'm a big fan of Fred Dryer too. I never, and I mean never, missed Hunter!

Good talking to you again, GnG! :)


Hello again! I remembered reading that Weathers had played college football (and he actually played in the NFL for a bit also...I didn't know that, nor did I know that Weathers and Fred Dryer were college teammates), but I couldn't remember where. He really had such a physical presence in the "Rocky" movies, especially the original.

I'm not surprised by what you wrote regarding "star athletes"/grades/eligibility/etc. That's been going on for a long time. I love what you quoted about "sports revealing character." I think sports can teach a person a lot of things about to win; how to lose; how to be part of a team (if it's a "team sport"); how to keep competing when things don't go your way; etc. Unfortunately, we've seen the "win at all costs" mentality seep all the way down into all levels of just about all sports, which really saddens me.

I also love what you said about that scene and how it encapsulates Apollo so well. It's definitely reminiscent of Muhammad Ali, who was also very "brash" (arrogant?) but also could be very funny and charming in a weird sort of way. Weathers was able to pull it off so well..."Rocky" just wouldn't be the classic it is today without his performance.

And as if I needed more reasons to like you...saying "Rocky" is your all-time favorite movie (in addition to liking Fred Dryer/"Hunter") is just awesome! πŸ˜ƒ I would love to read your thoughts on "Rocky" at some point. I think it's one of the greatest movies ever much as it gets classified as a "sports movie," I think it's really a movie about life. In life, we have to pick ourselves off the canvas and keep moving forward, just like Rocky did. Just a great story and so many great acting performances.

It is always a pleasure to correspond with you. Take care and enjoy the rest of your weekend!


GnG, I agree that Rocky is indeed one of the greatest movies ever made. I watched it for the first time in 1983 or 1984 at age 11-12, and even though I have watched many super movies since that I love, Rocky will always be the top for me. I wish I had been old enough to appreciate all of the buzz around it when it was first released.

It is a movie about life, and I'll add it's a very solid love story packaged in a sports movie. It's about people who are basically invisible within society getting a chance in life and in love. This may sound crazy, but I think it is modeled after the fairy tale formula. We've got Rocky going out to try to slay the giant (Apollo), we've got Adrian trapped in her role of spinster domesticity with Paulie who just needs a prince to blossom into a beautiful woman like Cinderella. Of course, no fairy tale is complete without the sage character who is older and wiser, and that's Mickey.

The music choices reached genius level. I think without that soundtrack, the movie wouldn't have become quite the icon it is today.

My favorite line from the whole movie is after the match when Adrian is making her way to the ring and loses her red hat. She sneaks into the ring and Rocky immediately notices her hat is missing even though his eyes are beaten to pulps and swollen. He asks her, "Where's your hat?" To me, that line right there is proof of what the movie is all about. Even after being on the world stage and reaching his goal of going the distance, his focus was on her. It's also another allusion to Cinderella because Adrian lost her hat like Cinderella lost her slipper. This scene along with that hard-driving score ending with the trumpets playing a bit more slowly makes it absolutely impossible for me to not cry every single time I see it!

The movie gods smiled down on this one. The story behind its making is the stuff of movie legends and almost like its own fairy tale!


What a great post! I just loved reading what you posted...I can't add anything to what you wrote, but want to make a few observations/comments:

1) I loved what you wrote about the "great love story" within the "sports movie" and that's not something I really gave a lot of thought about (the "sports movie aspect" was the "hook" for me). But you are exactly really is a great love story and we get to see both Rocky & Adrian both blossom during the movie. I love what Rocky said about their they "fill gaps" for each other.

2) I also love the ending and Rocky asking where her hat is. Whenever I re-watch this movie, I tend to get emotional during the final round of the fight, where Rocky's just wailing on Apollo, and you realize that his life will never be the same again. He really went a long way in about two hours on screen (the power of the movies!). πŸ˜ƒ

3) Agree 100% about the soundtrack and what a tremendous job Bill Conti did on it. I've listened to both "Gonna Fly Now" and "Going The Distance" while typing this...thanks for the earworm! πŸ˜ƒ

4) Just a couple of personal comments...I never saw any of the "Rocky" movies in the theater, but my oldest sister saw the first two in the theater & I remember her raving about both of them after seeing them. Also, my second-oldest sister lived in Philadelphia for a time in the early 2000s (she worked at Temple University) and I got to visit her in Philadelphia a couple of times while she was there. I really liked Philadelphia a lot...there's just so much history there (We did a "Liberty Bell/Independence Hall Tour" during our first poured rain, but we still enjoyed it! πŸ˜ƒ) and so much to do. We went by the Art Museum, but I never got a chance to run up the stairs...I was so disappointed at the time, but I eventually got over it! πŸ˜ƒ

I'm running out of characters, so I'll stop here. Again, I loved reading your post and your great observations. Have a great night!


Thank you, GnG, for reading my ramblings and being so complimentary! Chatting back and forth with you in these longer posts reminds me of the old days at the IMDb boards, may they rest in peace!

I love the "fill gaps" line too. That tells me Rocky knows neither of them are perfect, so he has his expectations in the right place.

Yes, Rocky is about to enter a new life. Adrian is too with him, but I think she's ready. She told him she loves him first, and the look of joy on her face and how she kept saying it over and over again proves how far she's come. Talk about coming out of a shell! What a transformation not only in looks but demeanor! By the way, I love how we can hear her still saying "I love you" for a little bit longer after the freeze frame ends the movie.

Paulie comes through in that final scene for her--finally! It took me forever to realize that he lifts the rope so she can slide into the ring more easily. I would love to think that was a 100% selfless act for his sister, but naaaah. LOL

I am amazed that Bill Conti was only in his early 30s when he composed the Rocky score! His board here is basically empty which is a tragedy! I've been playing the music too. "Going the Distance" is my favorite. I love how many of the notes echo the sounds of the boxing ring.

I loved your family stories! I'm jealous of your sister who saw the first two! My childhood piano teacher's daughter saw people standing and cheering in the theater when she watched Rocky IV. I would love to visit Philadelphia. The American Revolution era is one of my favorite historical times. I've been to Harrisburg, Lancaster County (to visit a college friend), and Pittsburgh (my dad worked there for several years). Maybe one day I'll make it to Philly.

By the way, you solved a mystery for me....there's a character limit it seems! I thought my keyboard was broken!

As always, it's been a pleasure, GnG! Have a great night!


I don't think you "ramble" at write very well! πŸ˜ƒ I never did post on IMDb, but I read the posts and there were some really knowledgeable people on those boards. Some of them came to this site that I still enjoy reading...and I definitely do enjoy reading what you post here!

That's yet another great point about Adrian saying "I love you" at the end and how it's actually the last line in the movie. Along those same lines, it's so interesting how the result of the fight is almost immaterial at the end & how it's regulated to the background. Rocky may have lost the fight, but he's won Adrian's heart and that's what really matters.

You mentioned Paulie...we could discuss him for hours! πŸ˜ƒ Burt Young just had a real gift for playing these sleazy, despicable characters. I was so sad when Young passed away last year....he just knocked it out of the park in every role he was in, including Paulie.

Something else I've thought about with regards to "Rocky"...isn't it amazing how many different "facets" there are to the movie and the many different relationships between the characters? They're all great...e.g., the relationship between Apollo and Duke (his trainer), Apollo and Jergens, Rocky and Jergens, Rocky and Gazzo/Buddy, etc. Again, I think we could spend hours discussing this movie and still not cover everything! πŸ˜ƒ

Regarding Bill's interesting to me how the soundtrack has parts that sound like they're out of the mid-70s (like the guitar solo in "Gonna Fly Now," for example). And yet...overall, it's timeless. Of its time and yet timeless...just a brilliant job on the soundtrack by Conti.

Yes, I hope you get to make it to Philly one day. Maybe you can run up the "Rocky steps" for both of us! πŸ˜ƒ

I'm about at the end of my character limit again. I'm enjoying this so much...take care, have a great night!


The IMDb boards were nothing short of an archive to which some powers-that-be took a flamethrower. There were posts on there by people who worked on movie sets and had background tidbits that couldn't be had anywhere else. I was on there that Sunday afternoon in February 2017 when they started dismantling the boards. Everything was deleted backwards, so the earliest posts were the last to go. It still really bugs me how it all was taken away.

Good point about the relationship "facets." Rocky was operating in his own orbit for so long, but then that orbit suddenly got thrown onto a new path that brought him in contact with new people who completely changed his life. For the record, of the minor characters, Gazzo is my favorite. He sure does present himself as a multi-layered character to be a minor character. He's equal parts harsh and kind.

Have you heard that Burt Young and Talia Shire dated for a very brief time? Well, he claimed they dated. Also, I read that Bette Midler was offered the role of Adrian. And didn't they want Ryan O'Neal or Burt Reynolds to play Rocky before Stallone insisted he play the lead? Can you even imagine Bette and Ryan in this movie? I sure can't! Burt Reynolds might have been okay--keyword is might.

Do you think something will be done for the upcoming 50th anniversary? I remember a documentary airing on a Saturday night on I believe NBC for either the 20th or the 25th anniversary of the movie's release. It was a really great behind-the-scenes look. For instance, the scene in Rocky's apartment when he kisses Adrian, Talia Shire was very sick with the flu. That's why her eyes look so glassy.

Yes, maybe I can make it to Philly one day, but I doubt there will be very much running up the Art Museum's stairs! It looks like people have to train before they tackle that behemoth! LOL

It is indeed fun discussing all things Rocky! Have a great night, GnG!


Yes, it's sad that a lot of the old IMDb posts got deleted. As one who never posted on the IMDb boards, I'm thankful for this site. One of my many regrets in life is that I didn't see a lot of movies in the theater when I was growing up and as a "younger adult." IMDb has so much great information about movies.

I liked Gazzo as well. I actually saw "Rocky" before I ever saw the "Godfather" movies, so I didn't know Joe Spinell and Talia Shire were in both. Did you know the scene where Gazzo pulls out the inhaler when he's talking to Rocky was because Joe Spinell had a real asthma attack? John Avildson liked that and kept it...I remember that bit of trivia! πŸ˜ƒ

I did not know about Burt Young and Talia Shire dating, nor did I know about Shire being sick while filming that scene. I'll keep that in mind next time I watch it! And I again agree with you about Ryan O'Neal, Bette Midler, and Burt Reynolds...nothing against them, but Stallone was born to play Rocky and Shire was born to play Adrian! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! πŸ˜ƒ

I remember watching that NBC special and it was really well done, IMO. I really enjoyed watching it. I honestly don't know what, if anything, will be done to mark the 50th anniversary of "Rocky." I hate to say it, but I think there will be an element of sadness if they do something. So many of the actors are gone just makes me sad to think about it. 😒

I ran out of space the other night, but wanted to comment on your trips to Pennsylvania. I think Pennsylvania is really a great state...I have been all around Pittsburgh, but have actually never been in it. I have never been to Gettysburg, but have heard so many good things about it. Maybe one day....

I've just about reached my character limit again. I just love reading what you've been writing about "Rocky." Thank you for that! Take care...have a great evening!


PS: I wanted to mention this the other night, but ran out of characters...during my second visit to Philly to visit my sister, I drove by Joe Frazier's Gym several times (It was only about a 15-minute drive from where my sister lived). I just love Frazier's cameo in "Rocky" (which was kind of a "happy accident"...the plan was to have several past champions to show, but only Frazier showed up. I think that worked out perfect as it was, since Frazier was a Philly native). As a big sports fan, I think that is really an important scene...Frazier's appearance gives the film a huge dose of reality and credibility, which is also part of the movie's charm. I've always appreciated Joe Frazier for that cameo (He passed away in 2011...hard to believe it's been almost 13 years now).

OK, I'm done for tonight, I promise! πŸ˜ƒ Have a great night!


I didn't see movies either in childhood or my teen years. My dad didn't allow it, but I did commit the unpardonable in my early 20s and snuck off to see those evil films Sleepless in Seattle, The Lion King, and Forrest Gump! LOL

I didn't know that about Gazzo's inhaler and the asthma attack! I'm sorry he wasn't well at that moment, but little things like that add so much to a character. It reminds me of how much Le Chiffre's inhaler added to his character in Casino Royale, but his inhaler was in the novel and therefore intended in the movie.

A production tidbit -- did you know that Rocky was only the second movie ever to use Steadicam? They used it when he was running up the Art Museum steps.

Have you happened to come across that NBC special anywhere on YouTube or elsewhere?
I haven't, but I haven't been super focused on finding it either. I hope it's out there because I would like to see it again. You raise an excellent point about a 50th anniversary being very different this go around because so many of the actors have passed. It would be quite bittersweet.

I didn't know about the Joe Frazier story and Rocky! And what a great memory to have driven by his gym while you were in Philly! I remembered a Rocky related story from right around the time I saw the movie. We had a storage building in the backyard. I found a stack of Good Housekeeping magazines from the late 70s and early 80s in there one day. I would read anything when I was a kid, so while looking through one there was an article about Sylvester Stallone. It had to have been printed around either Rocky II or Rocky III. I took it to school to show a boy in my class who was also a Rocky fan and went around school talking like Rocky. I loaned him the magazine to read, but I never saw it again! He never returned it.

I always enjoy reading your posts, so no worries about being done! Have a good night, GnG!


I know you've mentioned before about how strict your dad was in regard to you listening to music and going to movies. I can empathize a bit with you there (although I don't think my parents were quite as strict as your dad). But I was "discouraged" (at best) from going to concerts and parties during my high school years. I never really"pushed back" until after my college years....I played sports in high school & college and was so reclusively shy and socially awkward that it was probably a good thing in the long run that I wasn't a "party animal!" πŸ˜ƒ I'm sure your dad loved you and thought he was doing the best thing for you. I'm struggling with this now as a parent to my's such a tough thing trying to finding a balance between "learning about life" and "keeping them sheltered from the world."

That was so funny how you phrased that regarding the 3 movies you mentioned! πŸ˜ƒ I never saw any of them at the theater, but I saw the last two on VHS back in the day (I think they're both great movies...I have never seen "Sleepless In Seattle"). Somehow, you still turned out OK after seeing those movies in the theater! πŸ˜ƒ

I vaguely seem to remember reading that tidbit about the Steadicam. Isn't that such a great scene when Rocky flies up the steps with the end of "Gonna Fly Now" blasting in the background? It's such an incredible moment in an incredible movie, isn't it? By the way, did you know that the two scenes where Rocky runs up the steps were filmed on the same day, only a couple hours apart? The first scene (where Rocky really struggles to make it to the top) was filmed before sunrise; the second scene was filmed after sunrise.

No, like you, I've never really sought out the Rocky special to see if it's out there in "Internet Land" somewhere. But, like you, I'd really love to watch it again also! πŸ˜ƒ

Well, I'm running out of characters again, but I still want to "blab online" some more with you! πŸ˜ƒ More in a bit!


Shame on the kid who didn't return your "Good Housekeeping" magazine with the Stallone interview! πŸ˜ƒ I bet that would have been an interesting read. As much as I admire Stallone ( He gets a "lifetime pass" from me because of "Rocky"...not that he cares, LOL! πŸ˜ƒ), I'm a bit ambivalent on his work outside of "Rocky." I really liked the movie "Lock Up" that he did with Donald Sutherland. But I never really got into the "Rambo" movies (They're well-made and well-acted...but they just don't "connect" with me the way "Rocky" did) and I feel like he kind of botched the "Rocky" sequels. But still..."Rocky." ❀

I know I say it at the end of every post, but I just love corresponding with you! I know you're a teacher and I really hope I get the chance one day to correspond with you regarding your teaching experiences and get your thoughts regarding our educational system (If it doesn't hit too close to home). My oldest sister retired as an elementary school teacher a few years back and my second-oldest sister has her PhD in "Higher and Continuing Education." I actually went to college with the intention of becoming a Math teacher, but I backed out of it before my Senior year (much to the chagrin of my mom, who thought I was making a huge mistake!). I have a real appreciation of teachers and I can tell that you're one of the "good ones!"

OK, I'm finally done for now. Take care, have a great night!


I saw Rocky IV for the first time at a spend-the-night party when I was in the 8th grade. The girl who had the party was a bully. I hated spend-the-night parties (my room and a good book thing), but I felt coerced into going or my life would be even more miserable with this girl. Somehow I got my sister to go with me. I guess for moral support.

So we watched Rocky IV, and I was swept away in all the patriotic USA vibe. I thought the training scenes in Russia were amazing, and then when Adrian showed up in her snow bunny outfit, I was hooked. But my good vibe about Rocky IV wasn't to last....

So the bully girl's mother was a bully too. Imagine that. After Rocky IV ended, bully mother proceeded to put all of us pre-teen girls (except her daughter of course) on trial for the person who committed the unspeakable crime of leaving the milk on the counter. Bully mother literally called us to the witness stand (living room chair) one-by-one and questioned us for HOURS while she paced back and forth across the living room. I mean she literally did this until like 3 AM. I really do think she wanted the guilty party to have a breakdown confession on the "stand." I mean Paul Newman in The Verdict had nothing on this woman. Looking back on it, I think she was either unstable or had delusions of grandeur about being a lawyer or both. Think of any movie of someone being let out of prison, and that's how I felt going to my mom's car the next day.

I have quite the contrarian views on education, but I will go ahead and tell you the best way to describe its current state -- HOT MESS. I'll be happy to dive more deeply into it all sometime! Thank you for your support of teachers (it's not the norm anymore) and thank your sisters for their contributions to education! And about not becoming a math teacher, you didn't make a mistake!

Yes, we have some fun conversations here! Thanks for taking the time to write such enjoyable, thoughtful, and informative posts! Have a great night!


Wow, what a story you told about your experience with "Rocky IV!" Sounds like the apple didn't fall from the apple tree! Who knows what that mother was thinking...unreal. But I bet you will remember that experience until the day you die! πŸ˜ƒ

No, I don't have that scrapbook...what a neat thing to have!

I agree with your description of education, unfortunately. I look forward to reading what you're willing to share at some point in the future.

Well, it looks like we've typed so much that we're getting those"really thin columns" that make it so hard to type and read. That is probably the one thing about this site that I don't like. If it's OK with you, we might just have to call this chat "finished" here and hopefully we can continue chatting again soon. I have enjoyed corresponding with you so much.
! Take care, have a great night!


Yeah, the stilts columns are quite aggravating! I think we've mined this one out too, so we'll chat soon on another topic. Have a good night!


Yeah, my dad was strict, but it was an equal 50/50 split between us not becoming one of Satan's minions and his wish to keep us out of his hair. It was the seen and not heard thing. He'd get mad at me and my sister if we made noise while getting along too well! LOL

But, in his defense, I never wanted to be out partying and cruising the roads in the night with friends. My room and a good book were all I needed in high school! I'm still that way!

I don't have any children myself, but I know through being a teacher that parenting is THE hardest job in the world. My hat is off to you, and I'm sure you are doing right by your boys with the balance you mentioned. They'll grow up to be good men.

I never realized that the steps scenes were filmed on either side of a sunrise. There has got to be some symbolism with that, although it was probably more about just being there and time passing while filming. I do think Rocky struggling before sunrise echoes the saying that says something like it's darkest before dawn. Then he breaks free of his struggle and makes it up to the top when light is breaking. I may be reading too much into it. I can see symbolism and allusions in just about anything. LOL

Do you have this? I do! I bought it used many years ago. I don't remember paying what it's going for now though.

Yeah, I'm not keen on the movies outside of Rocky, but I haven't seen Lock Up. I'll put it on the to-watch list. I think Rocky II still captures some of the charm of the original. The ending of Rocky II puts some tears in my eyes just about as much as Rocky does. I really really loved Rocky IV back when I was a kid, but it hasn't stood the test of time like I and II do for me. I have a funny story about the first time I saw Rocky IV (not in the movie theater obviously), but it would destroy the character count. Another post!

To be continued....


The way you describe yourself reminds me so much of my oldest sister. She loves to read...and was also a teacher, of course! πŸ˜ƒ

I really admire what you said about your childhood. Peer pressure can be really tough when you're growing up...sounds like you were very "in tune" with yourself and assured/comfortable with who you are. I really admire has taken me years to kind of figure that out!

I like "Rocky II" a lot also. I think Stallone was dealt a huge blow when Thayer David died. Had he lived, I think Jergens could have been the "bad guy" of "Rocky II" instead of Apollo (I don't like the "about/face" that Apollo does between the end of "Rocky" and the beginning of "Rocky II"). But the training montage is great again and the fight scenes are probably better than the original. But I think "Rocky II" could have been a "classic" (similar to "Godfather, Part Two") had Thayer David been in it.

Thank you for your kind words about being a parent. I really didn't want to have kids, but my wife really, REALLY wanted a girl. It really was hard for her to accept that we had three boys! I've said before that my wife (who's originally from Ukraine) and I are "polar opposites" in many ways, but I love her dearly and she deserves so much credit for "bringing me out of my shell," so to speak. We love our boys...they're really great kids, even if I'm a little biased! πŸ˜ƒ

More in a bit....


That is a great thought about the role that Jergens could've played in II. I really wish we could've seen more of him.

Opposites do attract, and it sounds like you and your wife "fill gaps" for each other like Rocky and Adrian!


RIP Apollo Creed

I like his role in the Mandalorian too


Forever a legend with Apollo role.


He was also terrific in Predator as well.
Very charismatic screen presence wether playing a good dude or a jerk.


My thoughts as well!


