Why Has Fat Enabling Become Such A Socially Acceptable Construct?
It's interesting to read some of the comments on here re Bridget's massive weight gain and a number of people feeling the requirement to virtue signal that they wouldn't "fat shame".
But how did we arrive at this juncture, i.e. at this point at which fat enabling seems more socially acceptable than shaming?
Is it simply an unavoidable consequence of capitalism?
i.e. So many companies can make huge profits from people shoveling heaps of cheap, garbage food into their mouths that there necessarily had to be a counter to people describing obese bodies as unhealthy and "grotesque". By this counter being pushed (and with people, the sjw types, thinking they're just signalling / being seen as being positive snowballing the effect) it allows the junk food industry to continue feasting on their profits...
Who else gains? Maybe the healthcare industry also stands to gain very nicely out of this narrative being pushed. Obesity leads to various clinical conditions requiring very expensive treatments.
So, is it really just a free continuation of today's society that we've reached this point of proud, righteous fat enabling or has it cleverly been pushed by those who stand to gain from this weighty issue?