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Ace_Spade (9615)


I did a spit-take watching this (SPOILERS) What I appreciated most about Nosferatu I enjoyed this nostalgic romp An Uneven Shark Movie Margot Robbie Kinda Frustrating (SPOILERS) Pure Faerie Tales A way to fix it? (SPOILERS) Really great right up until it's infuriatingly bad (SPOILERS) Unsettling and Insightful View all posts >


Somebody once pointed out to me that women and gay men make up a large proportion of the fashion industry and then pointed out that a lot of models are rail-thin without a lot of the curves that hetero guys find seductive and it has coloured my perception of model selection ever since. I think Gerard Butler and Patrick Wilson are both underrated as actors and they do great work here. I agree with you 100% on Butler's performance: he put the acting first. I think that's why some musical theatre people don't like it as much. Musical theatre tends to put the emphasis on singing-dancing-acting, and Butler went with acting-singing (he doesn't really dance). I thought he drew out flavours that I haven't seen either from original cast recordings or live performances - not that I'm ripping on those; they're superb in their own way. Recently I learned that this movie was kinda boiled by critics, who mostly gave it "meh" reviews. I don't get this. I've seen it on stage and it looks like this. This movie is bombastic and spectacular. It embraces its rudimentary story and plays it to the hilt. It's never been a musical about plot twists and originality, it's just a great, classic story of a love triangle with all of this sumptuous art design and melodrama and it's fun. Puttin' up with Carlotta's bullsh*t This probably explains why, in 1989, 4 Non Blondes formed as a counter-culture to the blonde invasion. We just seem to be bathing in irony. People commenting on reaction videos and constantly deconstructing deconstructions. It's deeply refreshing to see something that plays its authenticity to the hilt. By "the twins" do you mean Fat Man and Little Boy? Was Florence Pugh the bombardier? It wouldn't work. They have that dialogue where Bruce talks about Vicki being unable to reconcile his personae so she left. Adding Vicki back in would demand that the interaction be around their relationship, which would bog the movie down. If they wanted to make Vicki a side character, they could, but they'd have to have her throughout the movie to do justice to the character. And if they wanted to tack on another 15 minutes of screen time, they'd have to work the reporter angle. Bruce would use Vicki for research and information about the Circus Gang and the Cobblepots - as well as, perhaps, some dirt-digging on Schreck. They would still have chemistry but the tension would be too much. This would get ratcheted up as Bruce became more infatuated with Selina. There'd have to be some rivalry there. They could maybe also have Vicki forced to write the article about Batman killing the ice princess, which she'd have to do reluctantly, given that she knows who Bruce is and knows that he would never in a million years off the girl. At the end, Vicki would probably be falling for Bats again, but he'd leave her to pursue Catwoman, get shot down, and wind up with nobody. But, ultimately, the movie already has plotlines involving Max, the Penguin, Catwoman, and Batman/Bruce reconciling his two sides. Adding in a whole bunch of stuff with Vicki would really confuse things. Maybe we should just put the catsuit on the list. I think I read somewhere - ages ago - that McPherson had more scenes but they were cut. That was probably wise; I don't think her character added a whole lot to the movie, which was already pretty stuffed full of plotlines. Hard task... All four are physically very beautiful. Pfeiffer is first. Maybe this is because her character was more complex and interesting than the others, or maybe it's because she's in an S+M catsuit for a lot of the movie... but whether its more personality or just the darker side of sex, Pfeiffer's in the top spot. Kidman is next. Chase Meridian seems like she's got that wild side, too. Basinger's third. The reporter character is cool, although she isn't as nuanced or interesting as I'd like. McPherson takes last by default, I suppose. It doesn't help that I barely remember her character from the film at all. She's on Wayne's arm a couple of times and gets to ask, "Who's Ivy?" She just has zero impact on the libidinous psyche, outside of being obviously physically stunning. Somebody else put up the non-Bruce Wayne hotties from the Burton-Schumacher (BS?) era. For what it's worth: Uma Thurman is sexy, even in a bit of a cartoon character. I'd probably put her at No.2, just behind Pfeiffer. Drew Barrymore would go somewhere around Basinger. She manages to be reasonably memorable with a small role. Alicia Silverstone would come in around McPherson. Her wooden plank dialogue hurts her, but she's cute. That's part of it for me. But part of it is just that I'm not sure I could throw the switch. Even if I knew some guy was 100% guilty, I don't know that I could sit there in cold blood and electrocute him (or push the fatal needle into his veins, or what-have-you). Because I wouldn't kill him after incarceration, I don't think it's fair to expect "society" to do it for me. View all replies >