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Do you remember your first theater movie?

The earliest I can think of for me may be Bambi. I remember seeing that in the theater and the ending. I wonder how many other parents were mad when they saw the impact on their children.


My parents took me to the theater when I was around 2 or 3. Not the first movie, but the first I remember seeing was Mary Poppins around that age. Ridiculously huge crowd and my parents bought the album which I played nonstop.


Way too long ago. What I do remember is walking to the local movie theater every week-end for a DOUBLE feature. For 25 cents we got a ticket, popcorn, a candy and a Coke. My favorite was JuicyFruits the early gummies of yesteryear.


I think the first one I can remember seeing in theaters was Disney's [cartoon] "The Little Mermaid." However, my parents said that they took my brother and I to theaters a little earlier than that, but we didn't remember.

Now if you want a really funny movie theater story, mom had a great one when she went to see "Lady and the Tramp" as a little girl xD It was great. So my mom and aunt are little girls, going to the theater with my great grandma, who was a feisty redhead in her day, and she was one of those people that everybody [normal] liked. However, when they got there and found their seats, they had the misfortune of discovering two older women in the seats behind them who wouldn't shut up. My great-grandma was not someone who took crap from anyone, much less strangers. After a few minutes of that BS, she turned around and very sharply told them off, 1950s style, and both the two hens behind her were shocked into silence, with one of them actually saying, "Well I never!" Then the rest of the movie went great, and it's still one of mom's fave Disney films.


Not really. I do remember scenes from Beneath the Planet of the Apes, Snoopy Come Home and Aristocats.


Star Wars:The Phantom Menace glad i got to see it again twice this year


It was some 80s version of batman. My cousin was with me and feel asleep


Yes. It was The Jungle Book.


My first memory of going to the movies is when I attended the world premiere of Aristocats (1970) on December 11th in Hollywood. I was 6 years old. I walked on the red carpet with my mother and stepfather. My stepfather was a celebrity and that's why we were invited to the premiere. I rember that every seat in the theater had a huge Christmas stocking full of snacks and other goodies. Good times!
