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Do you remember your first theater movie?

The earliest I can think of for me may be Bambi. I remember seeing that in the theater and the ending. I wonder how many other parents were mad when they saw the impact on their children.


I don't remember what it was, but likely an animated Disney movie.



I wish I could remember.


No, but I remember the first theater movie I saw without my parents: The South Park movie(1999).
The age limit without parents was 12 and I was 11. They did not think I looked old enough, but let me in, saying that I had to bring ID next time, in a strict tone.

A lot of my friends started to swear in English that year.


A lot of my friends started to swear in English that year.

I suspect "horsefucker" was in common usage with your friends for a bit.

The first movie I ever went to was The Sound of Music. My mom brought my sister and me back when it first came out - I never saw so many white people in one place!!


My mom says she took me to see Snow White when I was very young, I guess so young I really don't remember. The first few I remember (under 10 years old) was Lili (1953), Citizen Kane (1941), The African Queen (1953), Goldfinger (1964), Planet of the Apes (1968), and 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968).

This was back in the pre-VCR days when there were revival theaters, and even regular theaters sometimes played older movies.


No, but the earliest one that I remember is Bedknobs and Broomsticks (1971)


oh i think that was mine too , but probly a cinema re run about '76


I still love that film and watched it with my young daughter a few years ago.


The earliest I remember is Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999), came out locally in July 1999. I'm not sure if it was actually my first, if it wasn't it's at least in the first handful.

The second I remember is Pokemon: The First Movie (1998), the english dub was released in my area in April 2000.


I recall Orca and Star Wars. I cannot remember which was first but those are the most likely ones.
