Which means Vote By Mail is the best way to go
Electronic vote being the absolute worst doesn't mean everything else is the best way to go. Mail vote has many problems, though it usually doesn't matter since it's a tiny percentage of votes.
Most Americans are honest
I don't doubt that. The same way I don't doubt most Chinese are honest, or most Mexicans are honest, or most Russians are honest.
The problem is that 'honesty' is a
culture-dependent term. Honesty in China means obeying your community and not being problematic. Honesty in Mexico is more about loyalty to your side. Honesty in US
used to be linked to fairness and respecting contracts, but US society is becoming more and more like a South American one.
As I said, I don't doubt most Americans are honest. The problem is that the very meaning of 'honest' is changing towards a more South American version of it. Nowadays, for many of them 'honesty' means "
do whatever is necessary to prevent Trump from winning, fuck fair play". That mindset is why the Russian hoax happened, fueled by very honest civil servants in the FBI.