MovieChat Forums > ColumboKate
ColumboKate (5731)
Carol and Doug SPOILER.
I need bifocals 🤓
China wins new year celebrations!
New years eve plans?
Merry Christmas all
How do you sign off work emails?
Random question about ears
Is it really that easy to get a new identity?
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I really like Romano too. Just watched his last episode - helicopters are not his friend!
My favourite quip from him is an episode after he lost his arm. He's doing surgery on a pig, which then wakes up from anesthesia, he shouts "grab a loin lizzie" to Dr Corday as he tries to pin it to the table 😄.
Currently on season 9.
Doug Ross
Carole Hathaway
Abby Lockheart
Luka Kovac
Robert Romano
Elizabeth Corday
All the supporting nurses
Yeah. I work with gamblers and some people are really bad losers. The nighttime brings out the harder players, and don't even get me started on when it's a full moon!
I've learned that when people are shouting that they're gonna smash the machine or the staff, it's all talk, they're just angry at themselves for losing their money. Fortunately, we kick most of them out before it gets that bad, but a few just blow up without warning.
If someone is going to do something, they'll just do it - they won't tell you all about it first.
The worst I've ever had is being spat at. Someone tried to slap me once, but that was my own fault.
I love Tim Curry! My favourite film of his is Clue. He was funny in Home Alone 2 too.
Terrifying as Pennywise 🤡
He does lol. I love that little dude.
Ha! Same. I've turned into my parents 💩
I was a huge raver in the 90s/00s and still love the music. But now, there's a few DJs who are arranging the music for orchestras to play and it sounds amazing 👏 .
Same music, but more grown up.
I love youtube. I pay for premium as I have it on my tv most of the time.
If you use it on your phone or laptop, just use duckduckgo as your browser and watch though duck player. It gets rid of the ads for free.
I've never uploaded a video. Have you?
Very informative thanks!
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