MovieChat Forums > Lily Magnum

Lily Magnum (267)


Streaming? Book never asked what happened to Rachel's husband Anybody got dvds of this? Why is this not available to stream? When do Fred and Ethel move to CT? View all posts >


Jean Shepard was on radio for nearly 50 years! The guy knew how to narrate You are correct! 👍 I saw It on HBO a couple of years after it was in theatres. I was around 9 years old and I thought it was the funniest thing I'd ever seen. I still think it's funny, but I've seen it so many times that there's no spontaneity to it anymore and that's a key element of comedy for me. You mean side piece to Willie Brown, she never actually worked at McD's. The. Best. Show. Ever. " Is it poking fun of Texans and conservatives, or is it celebrating them? " Both. That's the point. You can gently poke fun at people and situations without denigrating everything they think and believe. Hollyweird should try that again. I just watched this one. It was so good. WTF? Trump laughs all the time and he is hilarious. He even pokes fun at himself. Get the stick out of your ass and laugh with him. More importantly, vote for him. I wouldn't say he was ugly, but he wasn't as hot as the show made him out to be. View all replies >