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Why does everyone feel like they have to get married and have kids?

I totally understand for people who genuinely WANT those things, but you and I both know plenty of people who do it because they feel like it’s what you’re supposed to do by a certain age and are either unhappily married or divorced. Me personally, as selfish as it sounds, rather enjoy doing whatever I want whenever I want. However, I realize this will eventually get old and I will get lonely, and based on how much I enjoy my nephews I’m fairly certain I want a family of my own. It’s just strange how almost everyone rushes to get married by 30-35 due to societal pressures.


@ MovieBuff224
how old are you?




I thought you were younger than that for some reason. 🤔


Yeah lol I’m gettin up there


Who can really say, but look at this video for information on hot singles in your area:


We ought to give people money NOT to have children.


Here's the deal. People feel like they have to do a lot of things that they never had to do. They start training you in school. Act right, do as your told, get good grades, go to college, get a spouse, a house, and procreate. If you follow these guidelines you will be a happy and successful member of society. A good person that is accepted by the masses.
Ok, but girls spend their lives planning their weddings, knowing damn well the chances of it working out are not in their favor. Couples have kids, get divorced, not what they planned but they tried to live the dream.
If you want married and kids, more power to you. Enjoy it. But if you have a different idea of what happy and successful looks like, that doesn't make you a bad person.
Why is it selfish to do what you want? Is it unselfish to have a kid that you never really wanted in the first place?
I didn't do any of it, and I wouldn't change a thing.


The urge to mate and procreate is ingrained deeply in our species, as indeed in any successful species.



Amoebas don't mate.


All successful advanced, multi cell animal species.



I think it's a cultural thing, and it's your choice as an adult whether you marry or not. Heck, not everyone who gets married even wants kids, usually due to personal reasons. I mean, we don't have to rely on marriage as a societal survival tactic anymore. However, it does provide stability to one's life (if it's a good marriage), as well as giving some of us a reason to live.


I'm lucky enough to have found a partner that doesn't want kids either. We've been happily unmarried for 28 years thus far.


I don't have children, I will never have children, and I am absolutely fine with that.

Have to say I disagree that you sound selfish for enjoying your single life and the freedom it affords you. People with kids get to enjoy all that entails, you as a single person should be reveling in the fact that you have opportunities and freedoms that being childless offers to you.

It sounds to me like you would like to start a family one day, which I also think is great. I wouldn't put too much pressure on yourself though. Who knows, the girl you eventually fall for may already have kids and not want any more, or may not be able to have them for medical reasons. This also won't mean you or her are failures, it's just how life works. If there wasn't a variety of situations the world would be one boring, bland place.

Don't worry about how others perceive you. If you're happy doing what you do then who cares if society thinks you should be conforming by your age? They're not the boss of you lol
