MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Remakes that broke your heart.

Remakes that broke your heart.

Clash of the Titans 2010 The original is one of my top 10 favorites of all time, so when I saw this crappy remake I just got mad.
Valley Girl 2020..I'm actually in the middle of this one, but its not good. The original was so unique. This new one feels like a High School Musical Rip Off.


I actually haven't had my heart broken by any recent movie remakes, but half the time I was sad and disappointed, the other half of the time, I was horrified and disgusted; considering we have some of the finest resources Hollywood has to offer right now, and they're being wasted on bad writing, bad acting, and inserting political propaganda in.

I actually wrote about this a few years ago in my DeviantArt journal, if you want to read it:


Oldboy (Oldeuboi). Pales in comparison to the original.


Oldboy is amazing. I like Brolin and Olsen but didn’t even finish the remake.


Here’s only a few of the remakes that really piss me off: Psycho, Ghostbusters, The Lion King, Beauty and The Beast, Poltergeist, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Pet Semetary, Point Break, Total Recall, Robocop...all of these shitty remakes can suck a turd.

Leave classic movies alone!!! Get some originality!


I don't know that a remake has ever broken my heart. I rarely go in expecting much from them.

Clash was pretty lame, though, I agree. And as a kid I watched the original quite often on cable. It was a lot of fun.


Escape From L.A.


Pretty much all of them.



The Longest Yard


Black Christmas. What a useless movie, and that’s being kind. The original is spectacular.


I haven’t seen the remake but yes, the original is awesome.
