MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is the media brainwashing us?

Is the media brainwashing us?

Think about it. Everyone is obsessed with wearing masks everywhere. People will not leave their homes or travel to different counties (unless it is to work at a company or hospital that provides essential services) or on husband canceled our trip last month because he was afraid of getting the coronavirus. People refuse to sit next to each other and stand far away from you if they don't know you...I have never lived through something like this. I can't even visit my mom who lives in the next county 45 minutes away from where I live. I understand that this is a new virus to us but please. I truly believe if you take care of your body, eat healthy, sleep a lot, up your vitamin C intake, you'll be fine. I don't think wearing a barrier (aka a mask) over your mouth (that can be quite suffocating at times) is truly going to help you. The whole world is obsessed with watching the media and following all their rule about the coronavirus to the my opinion, the world is completely brainwashed right's quite frightening actually....


They sure hope so.


IMO, the media in general lives for this type of crisis. It's where they can shine and prove just how valuable they are to keep us "safe." With their superior knowledge and insights, they will guide us through this to safely reach the other side and then pat themselves on the back at the end of the day.

I certainly am not trying to say we don't have a problem right now or diminish lives that have been lost, but for god's sake just get back to reporting the news and let me figure the rest of it out.


True. Also not to mention, everything is closed down! Malls, hair salons, movie theaters; geez, we can't even live our lives anymore....


Every second of every minute of every hour of every day.


Exactly, Quasi!


I'd say no, and earlier today posted a thread about how shocked I am some people are behaving as though there's no problem at all, putting themselves and others at risk.

My first reaction to all of this was that the media *were* playing it up to the hilt, so I was downplaying it. Until I realised this was different. Dano posted a link to an article written by someone who's a whistleblower on just this subject -- media-induced panic. He likened it to the story about the little boy who called wolf and titled the article something like "This Time There Really Is A Wolf."

We know the main way this virus is spread is through water (saliva) droplets we breathe out through our mouths and nose, so yes, a mask is going to prevent those droplets from getting out, and go a ways to preventing them from getting in.


There was an article from a doctor that explained that if you wear a mask and sneeze or cough into the mask, you are trapping those germs into that area (between your mouth and the mask) which makes you more vulnerable to getting the coronavirus. In my city where I live, people are constantly wearing masks and staying at home; nobody is going anywhere. As I stated in my post, if people in general take care of themselves and up their vitamin C intake and sleep a lot (which strengthens your immune system), you should be fine. I agree with you in the sense that I don't like when people go out in public when they are sick; they should stay home until they are better.


If you wear a mask and cough or sneeze into it, you're trapping the germs you already have. You can't be made more vulnerable to germs you already have.

Doing whatever one can to build up and protect their immune systems is very important, I agree. I wish news and other outlets would focus more on that. But some people are vulnerable through no fault of their own, and we now know a number of people who are reasonably young, with no health issues, and fit have also gotten it. There's too much about this virus we don't yet know.

I'm 98% certain I had it back in February. Maybe I have antibodies, maybe I'm immune. But maybe not. They don't know yet, and people like me can't take a test to confirm we had it, so it's moot anyway.


i think you can be made more vulnerable to germs you already have. the point of sneezing and coughing is to get rid of germs.


Our bodies develop antibodies to help make us immune to the germs we have. The point of sneezing and coughing is the virus providing the irritation for us to do those things, which propagate the spread of the virus. Clever viruses.


you should volunteer to work in a nursing home where there is a outbreak.


Many healthy people have died.


There was an article from a doctor that explained that if you wear a mask and sneeze or cough into the mask, you are trapping those germs into that area (between your mouth and the mask) which makes you more vulnerable to getting the coronavirus.

Jesus christ. If you cant understand the basics of what a mask is for even when explained by a doctor , you should give up on the wild theories of media brainwashing and vitamiun C and do what you're told and stay inside etc.


You're thick, mate. Sorry, but you are. Just read your own post.


You know how to brainwash the media?

Give it a frickin' enema

Why do we assume these are smart people


So how is the media responsible for brainwashing people? No one is being forced to watch it.


Brainwash is an overstatement. It's slanted news reporting that I think most people mean. Going on about that will put me squarely in a "This belongs in politics" complaint.


I agree, but practice free will. How is the media responsible for brainwashing people. People are making the choice to watch it.


Once upon a time there were news shows on mainstream that I enjoyed. It pisses me off that they screwed up my shows!


Yep. I made the choice to stop watching the news years ago. If something's big and important enough, I'll hear about it, then do my own research and come to my own conclusions. Then take appropriate action.


How was Hitler responsible for the Holocaust ? He didn't force people to be Jews.


I have no idea. He was a weird little fuck that should’ve never been in power. I guess it’s easier to listen to an idiot than make your own choices.


Well that would depend on the idiot I guess. If they had a really thick accent for instance it might be easier to just make your own choices rather than trying to work out what they're saying.


Hitler would have been nothing if people chose not to listen to him.Hitler was crazy as fuck. He should’ve got his ass kicked at the playground. How is the crazy guy the only one responsible?People made the choice to listen to crazy.


I blame bad potty training.


Yes. Let’s blame everyone. No one is held responsible and it’s not our fault. They told us to.


Do you realise that in taking that attitude you are playing right into the hands of the Stygiannati ?


You do realize I was being sarcastic. I’m not blaming anyone for the choices I make. I’m not doing anything because someone told me to. I’m not looking for other people to agree with me. I’m certainly not gonna do what the crazy guy down the street told me to. I’m also not going to blame the media for brainwashing me. The media only exists because people watch it. Then claim they’re brainwashed because they chose to listen to the evil media. What’s dangerous is blaming other people for the choices you make. People aren’t brainwashed. They are just choosing to not use their own brain. I’m not blaming a single man for the holocaust. I don’t consider the nazis victims of hitler. They were just killing Jews because hitler told them to.


I read that some German people believed Hitler was possessed by a demon and I also read that when Hitler was a child, he was greatly abused by his parents. Not sure if that is true though....


From memory I read that Hitler was beaten by his strict authoritarian father but doted on by his mother.


That'll mess you up right there.


I've seen that happen here with a very divisive and destructive troll. I once even referred to him as a Pied Piper Troll.


I’ll never understand why people make such an effort to put up a front.


Self-esteem issues.


If you’re gonna take time out of your day to fuck with people, I feel like you should at least make an effort to be clever.


Is this directed at me? If so, I don't get it.


C’mon dude, never! We’re always cool. I was talking about generic asshole 101.


Yeah, I thought we were too. The wording of that, specifically "you" is what confused me.


Yes. I can be confusing. You’re my boy. I’m not gonna say a bad word about you.


Hitler was a perfect example of brainwashing. He was pure evil...


No, if he had been perfect he wouldn't have lost.


I meant that his behavior and how he control people was brainwashing; I didn't mean he was perfect...


Oh I misunderstood.


No worries, it's all good. :)


Brainwashing is what the media does.





