MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is the media brainwashing us?

Is the media brainwashing us?

Think about it. Everyone is obsessed with wearing masks everywhere. People will not leave their homes or travel to different counties (unless it is to work at a company or hospital that provides essential services) or on husband canceled our trip last month because he was afraid of getting the coronavirus. People refuse to sit next to each other and stand far away from you if they don't know you...I have never lived through something like this. I can't even visit my mom who lives in the next county 45 minutes away from where I live. I understand that this is a new virus to us but please. I truly believe if you take care of your body, eat healthy, sleep a lot, up your vitamin C intake, you'll be fine. I don't think wearing a barrier (aka a mask) over your mouth (that can be quite suffocating at times) is truly going to help you. The whole world is obsessed with watching the media and following all their rule about the coronavirus to the my opinion, the world is completely brainwashed right's quite frightening actually....


I'm in England and I think our tv news has been very informative with basic facts. Haven't worn a mask or gloves as I've listened to nhs staff and followed common sense.
From what I can gather, the rules in America are very different and they can say what they like even if it's total nonsense. That's not allowed in the UK.


Yes, they are and it's frightening how easily people fall for it. I wish I was living in Sweden right now!


I had the coronavirus, and I'm not old or frail in any way. It was the most uncomfortable, painful, and frightening thing imaginable. So no, about this thing, the media is not brainwashing you. They're trying to help you avoid getting sick and maybe dying.


I’m really sorry you got coronavirus but, I am glad you are better now.
