I don't know why I remember, but it was 1999. The good ol' dial-up days. 🙄 I decided it was time because my children seemed to need it for school stuff. I have a photo of a time when some good family friends of mine were gathered around my computer, amazed at what they saw.
I bought my first computer in 1990, DOS based and had to load software via 5 1/4" discs. Went online a few years after that, about 92 or so. Dial-up modem access, and could only really access text-based Bulletin Board Systems. Used to chat on there and play a lot of interactive games. Didn't get on the WWW until I upgraded to a 486 in 1995 with Win 3.1.
Sometime in the 1990s. I don't remember if it was at school or at home, but probably school. I was in elementary school at the time, no idea which grade, but probably on the lower end. I remember playing Oregon Trail and a few other games on the school computers, but we also used the internet for some stuff, though I don't remember what. Although I do recall the time we first used this brand new search engine called Google.
I didn't use the internet much for a few years. I would use my mom's eBay account to buy Dragon Ball Z action figures and stuff like that every once in a while. That was about it. I only really started using the internet a lot in 2003, after I moved away and started using email to stay in contact with my best friend/first girlfriend.
I remember Oregon Trail. We inherited my mom's Apple computer - she got it because she was teaching then - and yep, Oregon Trail was about the only thing we did until we got dial-up access a few years later. I first encountered email at work. Back then I worked for Target Stores and we all called it T-Mail. It was all inter-company stuff, though.
Yeah, sex, in spite of what many folks say, is not the be all and end all. There really is more to life. I'm not saying it's not important, though.
No, I never raced. But I loved going to the local ARCA races when I lived in Phoenix. We used to go nearly every weekend. Back then we could go down to the infield before the races started. So cool. Al Unser Jr used to race there.
It was dirt track racing. Dang, we had a great time. Sprint cars were my favorite. Gordon Smiley raced there, too. He was a fan favorite at Manzy (Manzanita Raceway near Phoenix). He died in a crash at Indy during qualifying.
Yep, I get it - being tired of driving. It gets old fast.
Oh no! You use a gun and kill defenseless animals! 😏 You are aware you will now be hated and scorned by some on this site. Yesterday I had the occasion to meet a guy in the check out line at our local Cracker Barrel. Very tall guy who had the most beautiful pearl grip firearm holstered to his side. We have open carry here in Mississippi and he’s the first one I’ve seen carry openly. His baseball style cap had Security across the top. I struck up a conversation with him...a most impressive type you would want by your side. I inquired if he had run into any resistance so far. “A few times.” he answered. One time he was asked to leave or the police would be called! His response? “Go ahead and call them!” They backed down.
I genuinely enjoy fishing and hunting
I eat what I kill
Wild animals are difficult to track down and the chase is thrilling
There is great sport to be had in fishing and hunting
I suppose on the internet this brands me as a psychopath or something...LOL!
My buddy owns a building in the rough part of Yonkers, he needs to collect rent from some real tough costumers and he works days so can only collect in the evenings
Westchester County declined his request for a full carry permit!
Unbelievable but true
I don't remember the exact year but it was the late 90"s..Windows 95..
The first message boards I discovered were AOL and after that I was always on some forum or other..and even moderated on a few. As the 2000's progressed I discovered software that helped me with work...and with research..and downloading torrents (mostly books).
Never was that keen on most of the social media, though, even in its beginnings.
1983: Saw the movie WarGames but that was Matthew Broderick communicating with other computers, not people. Didn't give it a second thought.
(Late 1980s?) Saw an author on a talk show talking about how he could send his son an "electronic letter." "E-mail" hadn't been coined yet. I totally didn't get it. Who cares?, I thought. I didn't get it that an e-mail wasn't like a conventional letter, but could be just conversation.
1993: Heard about this thing called AOL. Again, Who cares about something called chat rooms? I didn't get it.
1997: Went online for the first time and instantly got what "surfing" was all about. It was driven by the hyperlink. Netscape was the browser. Yahoo was the portal. AltaVista was the search engine.
It was 1998. My girlfriends dad had just got a new PC and dialup connection to go with it. My girlfriend and I went on it one night. Played some games, then tried out the internet. Didnt really know what we were doing but we found a chat room built in to the software provided by the dial up provider. Someone started speaking to us almost straight away. Long story short, the first time I used the internet the very first person I spoke to offered me money to have sex with my girlfriend on a webcam.
Nah. We found it hilarious. It got tedious real fast though, seemed like thats all that was going on in it. I think I remember looking up other things like early IMDb, but never really gave it a second thought after my limited experience with it. It was 2000/1 before I got my own internet connection, and by that point I knew a lot more about it. Still though, any chat room I entered with a username that didnt make it clear I was a dude, I got spammed with a/s/l requests and the occasional offer of a dick pic.
Lol, yes. The dick pic market is booming. The internet is like being in the audience of an Oprah show. Only there’s no present of a car or money under your chair, just dick pics. You get a dick pic, and you get a dick pic, everybody gets a dick pic. Lol
everybody can enjoy a dick pic. One way or another, they’re funny. Either because of how they look, or because someone yet again thought sending a picture of that was somehow going to lead to separating the object of their desire from her underwear in quick fashion. That kind of desperation is always funny 😊
I, for one do not enjoy dick pics. There have been times I’ve misspelled a search and ended up seeing things I couldn’t get off the computer fast enough! I clear my cache, my history, shut down & reboot! I don’t want that garbage even leaving a footprint if I can help it. OMGosh! A skank and a horse!! Talk about a dic pic!🥴🤢🤮
You don’t know me as others do so I’ll let you know politely. I don’t like profanity. Please don’t use the f-bomb when replying to me as I find it offensive. And for sure don’t take offense at my request.
To answer your question I don’t recall what I was searching for as it was several years ago. People used to say don’t worry about kids finding porn while on the internet as they had to give their age, pay a fee or whatever. I sure knocked a hole in that theory! All it takes is a misspelled word as I did. BTW, that wasn’t what I saw.
Dick pics in 2000/1?? I'm surprised. I do remember the ASL thing. Someone claiming to be a teen or early 20s posted ASL here and at first I thought it was a typo and he was asking about ESL 😄. I'd long forgotten about ASL.
There was one chat room I used to go to, but it was about a specific profession, so there was little to none of that stuff.