MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Are you friendly to strangers?

Are you friendly to strangers?

Like if a complete stranger had a nice watch/bag/shoes etc would you compliment them?

What about if a stranger started talking to you? Would you talk back or freak out?


I don't tend to compliment complete strangers on their clothes or accessories. Some people can get funny about that, and although I do notice decent clothes, men in particular can get weird if you compliment them on their attire.

But I do find myself talking to complete strangers if they approach me, and finding myself quite comfortable having those conversations. Although I'm an introvert my nature, and I used to think of myself as very shy, I do like speaking to strangers and striking conversations with them. The only awkward thing is ending them. I feel rude when I have to say "I've got to go now."


I never notice watches, bags, or shoes, but I am very friendly to strangers. In the past, if I'd see a cool band shirt, I'd say something, but I guess those Pink Floyd shirts got old after 40 years (and I never see "new" bands advertised). And if they talk, I'll definitely talk back, since I'm very talkative. 99.9% of the time its someone who is over 70, which is great, because I don't want to talk to a teenager, but its too bad that its only REALLY old people with humanity.

Now if I (mid-30s) were to say hello to someone around my age or younger, they'd stare at their shoes or phone.


I actually commented on a girls band shirt recently, it was My Chemical Romance. I told her I had been to three of their concerts when they were still together, she said I was so lucky. She was only about 16 so she would have been too young to see them, she was envious. Strange to find a teen into a band from 10 years ago.


"99.9% of the time its someone who is over 70, which is great, because I don't want to talk to a teenager, but its too bad that its only REALLY old people with humanity.

Now if I (mid-30s) were to say hello to someone around my age or younger, they'd stare at their shoes or phone."

Really? I get into conversations with people of all ages, from very old to young kids and everything in between.


Really! My first book was on travel and observations... I think in Europe, my number would be lower, or Australia, but its mostly the very old.


Sometimes when little kids are with their parents in a store, the parent will be looking around and the kid will be staring right at me. If it were an adult I'm not sure what I would think, but for the little kid I'll wave "Hi" or maybe make a face. Most kids don't seem to want to interact all that much but there are some exceptions. I was waiting in a convenience store one day and one young girl was dancing un-selfconsciously in front of me, and she had her hand in a cast. Her Mom was at the counter very nearby. I asked her what happened, and she responded in some funny nonsensical way. Later some troll on some site asked if I always talk to young girls, and it really pissed me off.


That sort of thing is NOT done in NYC
In the outlying suburbs conversation loosens up a bit and it's more friendly but I would not compliment a strange woman on her outfit...that can only cause trouble


I noticed in America, blacks would comment on my shoes or shirt, even ask where I got them.


Were you in a large city?


I live in Louisiana and here most people talk to one another. I still hold the door open for ladies and say hello. :)


The American South and West is so different, I bet it's pretty nice
I go down South every year or two...the people are so kind and gracious it sort of freaks me out!
Over here in New York being polite and making eye contact might be a prelude to a big dust really is a bit tense here
Good enough earnings but the goddamn drama is not worth worth the bill:/


I will remember your warning if I ever end up in the north east. I’ll tone it down. :)


It will depend on your size and street smarts as most of the dirtbags are cowards but for the most part avoid strangers...

Stick to the Touristy areas in NYC


I have heard that what passes for simple courtesy around here is looked on with suspect back East.


What state are you from?


Ore - EE -gone


“I go down South every year or two...the people are so kind and gracious it sort of freaks me out!”
Shoggie, sweetie, you just don’t know how friendly we Southerns can be! 😘 As Blanche said on “The Golden Girls”: “I think it’s because we mature faster in the South.” 😌😉

“Over here in New York being polite and making eye contact might be a prelude to a big dust really is a bit tense here.”

There’s no way I would make eye contact and speak to a stranger in New York! I keep thinking of the line in “Taxi Driver”: “You talkin’ to me?” Followed by “You’re crusin’ for a brusin’!”


In LA a lot of strangers talked to me. It felt very open. I had a shirt that said "black mumba" and people would yell that out at me.

In New Orleans someone complimented me on my Jordans.

In New York I did meet some gruff people. I nearly fought a black guy in a wheelchair who rolled up to me in the subway and started calling me all types of horrible things. I knew he could walk do I said "stand the fuck up!" He lifted and dropped his wheelchair at me and I moved back and he said "you're scared, you ain't worth it bitch". He then rolled to the stairs, picked up his wheelchair and carried it out.


That sucks.

New Yorkers sound like douchebags.


Not a great deal of fun, true, and
a lot of of creepy loons!
The salaries are pretty high but then the taxes chop into your loot, and you lose nearly 1/3 easy right off from taxation

Gun laws are super restrictive, you have to drive an hour and a half into the city in the morning to afford a great school system way upstate and you need a framing hammer and a knife in your car to park in the 'hood...We are all on edge in NY, it's annoying as hell!


No wonder you're a con (sorry to bring politics up again).

New York sounds like an example of 'progressive' politics done wrong (i.e. an inequitable school system and stupidly high salaries - instead of high taxes, maybe there should be a salary cap).


I don't know what 'con' means tbh...



My bad if I've got you wrong. You said you supported Trump (who, admittedly, is more of a white supremacist in my mind than a conservative).


Eh, I voted for the one I thought it turned out the economy is is doing quite well, my property value is increasing and
my retirement accounts are looking sweet...Trump annoys people, I get it, but I'm voting for for him again
I support business...I actually lost money this year on my tax return but sacrifices and losses are part of the game...I don't mind playing the long game and moving money around

I do agree he is terrribly crude...I won't defebd his baser statements...
I do like to see my money grow;)


I don't think having DJT in office equates to whether or not one's $$ grows. Everyone wants prosperity and everyone wants to perform competently. Eight years of Obama did not bring the economy to it's knees, and that tax cut seems to have helped the rich more than anything. I really, really dis-like that guy. I don't think he has a clue as to what he's doing, and some people gleefully report how great everything is now. It's not for a whole lot of us.


Call me an optimist...

I don't like some of the things he's said and tweeted either


polite is the better word.


I wouldn't compliment on anything they have. That'd be weird as if I were trying to steal from them or distract them to do some bad thing on them.

As for a stranger talking to me, I would politely answer something short, and ignore and avoid them. Being cautious (for reasons above). That's what happens when you live in a place full of petty thieves and robbers.

That applies for random people on the street.


Where do you live?


A 3rd world country, as some might say.


I smile at strangers and say hello if eye contact is made. It all depends on the situation but mostly I wouldn't freak out. I mean if it were a creepy person totally different reaction. I also compliment people all the time. I guess it's a little less threatening for a woman to compliment a woman, but I believe that honest compliments can mean so much to self esteem. It's all about delivery though. I've found that in the past getting a compliment from a guy who was really hitting on me was frustrating because you know it's just a line, but you can tell when it's not. Those ones feel good.


I was doing bag checks at a concert and complimented a man's watch, he smiled and thanked me and said it had made his day. I thought that was hilarious.


I complimented a woman's gloves at a theatre I work at and she was so happy. She'd just bought them and was unsure if she liked them or not and said that I made up her mind and she loved them and felt good wearing them.


Yes. I'm a friendly sort in general.

I've complimented strangers, and had strangers compliment me.

Today I took my dog for a walk in an open nature preserve and met up with a man and his dog early on. We ended up walking around the preserve with our pups (great dog! nice man!) and had a very nice chat. He surprised me at the end by saying he'd like to stay in touch and could he have my phone. I gave it to him. This wasn't a romantic sort of thing. He's happily married. We just had stuff in common, and our dogs liked one another. He said his dog didn't usually get on this well with other dogs, so it'll be fun to met up again sometime so they can hang out together. They acted like they were brothers!

Er, uh, I wandered off topic. It's that it was a very nice experience in an otherwise hectic day, and it's related to your question.

Now I'm curious to read what others had to say.


Interesting. Dogs always draw attention from strangers. Are you comfortable having a friendship with a married man?


Yep, and my dog is super friendly and a looker to boot, so he gets lots of attention from everyone from little kids to the elderly.

Sure, if I felt nothing weird about it, and I didn't, I have no problem having a friendship with a married person. I've already got married friends.


There is a young woman who likes to jog with her dog around my neighborhood. She is gorgeous. I always want to figure out a way to talk with her, but she's always jogging by. I don't expect to get anything from her, but she's like a magnet when she goes by. I don't know if she jogs daily or exactly what her route is, but she looks perfect. Whoever lands her is going to have a real treat.


Im notoriously shy but I talk to strangers all the time, even sudden long conversations.
