MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > The biggest movie event of your life

The biggest movie event of your life

The hype of a movie and people still discuss about it

The force awakens
The last jedi
Avengers : infinity war


Holy Motors (2012)


I seriously don't understand this genre


It's a prequel to Cars (2006) Croft.

reply thank you


Your loss Croft, they are both great movies.


An animated movie,great


Resident Evil Resurrection (Or whatever that movie you shared the trailer to with me) was animated.

Get with the times Croft, CGI is everything now - forget about the stories, that's how our grandfathers used to be entertained.

All any serious cinema goer wants these days is pew-pew, BOOM! and some visuals.


I'm not getting younger you know,the times are changing too fast for me


The older you get Croft, the younger you should act.

Being old is a fallacy that idiotic young people chase and often catch.


Could be


Tough call. The movie I've looked most forward to is without a doubt The Fellowship of the Ring. I couldn't sleep the night before the premiere (I was in my mid-twenties...).


I understand the feeling😊


"Rocky II"


The Matrix
The Sixth Sense
I also have to add Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, even though I'm no fan of that movie myself.


I too was going to say Phantom Menace ,surely that was the most anticipated movie of all time?
A star wars film after 20 years?
We thought it was going to be good!
I was sure they were going to stop the "staged release , one country at a time" crap for that film , but they didnt and that was just the start of the disappointment...


This was mine too. I thought it was great the first viewing, I just assumed my excitement made me miss something. I didn't.


LaLa Land. I'm a fan of the two principals and had been eagerly anticipating the films release. I was not disappointed despite the fact that there was a noticeable backlash to the hype the film received. The IMDB boards were overflowing with discussions.


I remember that movie,everyone said is such a good film, but musicals?


I enjoy musicals as well as movie scores. I have discovered some vital music from the movies. Pat Metheny comes to mind. He has won 18 Grammy Awards in his long career. He is my favorite jazz artist and I initially discovered him from the movie Fandango.


One of the criticisms I've heard about LaLa Land is that it comes off as nothing more than what one would expect from an extended Glee episode, no offense to anyone who enjoys one or the other or both. Is this a fair statement in your opinion? I don't always watch musicals but sometimes you can't help but get into the rhythm and thinking about watching it when the mood strikes.


The two most common criticisms I read were that it didn't live up to the hype and it wasn't a traditional, old time, over the top, big voiced production. I disagree but understand the latter. Stone and Gosling don't have big voices and aren't Fred and Ginger either. However I much preferred the more natural setting and performances. That said, their were some big numbers, the opening scene on the freeway, dancing at the planetarium. I loved it! Thanks for your response.


I'd say phantom menace. 16 years really brought the hype! Too bad that's all that turd brought...but it ain't as bad as last jedi!!!


I agree.


Seeing the continuation of Star Wars after so long was probably the biggest things for me in terms of movies, both with prequels and the later sequels. Both were disappointing, the sequel less so.

Seeing a sequel to Blade Runner was also a big moment, but I wish they hadn't done it.


Mum and dad took me to the drive in when Stars Wars first came out.

Another is my local cinema screened 2001 A Space Odyssey on their biggest screen a few years ago. That was spectacular!


As a child, Disney's Pinocchio. We went to the big fancy theater in the city to see it.
Teenager? The Godfather. Everyone was talking about it!
Adult? Stand By Me. Loved the Novella, The Body, so I was very excited to see the movie.

I love about a million more, but those are the big ones that I remember really wanting to see at the theater and really enjoying .
