MovieChat Forums > MikeCable

MikeCable (1879)


Started interesting and then got all political with so much archive footage Good effort, shame it didn't work out so well I enjoyed it - creative, interesting, cute, kids liked it Willis better in this - what do you think? Michael Ironside would have worked well as a replacement for Mick Jagger It was okay - Frozen meets Shrek Pretty good docu Rated R! It was alright... The Call of the Wild View all posts >


It's Star Wars for kids, but not a cartoon, and has a bit of an 80s feel for it. So not for everyone. What I like best about it is that it is a great way to share a new live action series of the Star Wars world with my little kids. I've noticed it does has some extended scenes of little happening (usually people sitting and talking about their lives or whatever) where my kids grow a bit bored of it, so I'm hoping they smooth this out later on. I figured that, like most creatures, they learn in time what sounds to go for and what to ignore. And that they know that many sounds often lead to what they're seeking (people / food?). Eg. a car engine or sound of the tyres means a person might be in it. And yeah... that cat. Having that cat was a massive liability. Why it didn't hiss, meow or purr is so odd. And also, I was also thinking about how the creatures themselves make all that racket! Smashing things, knocking stuff, breaking glass, etc. I would have watched it! Have enjoyed this movie since the mid-1990s. I like how they warmed up to Nick by the end, so they would have made a good gang for another heist. This is probably the oldest post I've ever commented on, but there's not a lot of activity for this movie. Yes, excellent film! Very funny, love the silly cops. I can kinda see how some of the stuff had comedic overtones. Like when he achieves something only to have to deal with another problem. But I'd never class it as a comedy, more a sci-fi drama. I enjoyed it. If you love animals and quiet movies then you'll love this. No dialogue, just animal sounds and behaviour. Some moments will leave you guessing at what will happen, some things make sense afterwards and their journey has a 'you never know what is around the corner' story as they go on and come across things. It takes a lot of crap as being the weaker of the 3 OT films, but there's no denying how wonderful it is seeing our favourite heroes regroup, rescue Han and work together to overcome some villains, in the first act. Then we are treated to a much larger world of the good guys with other alien races and their ships, get to meet the Emperor properly and finally have the three-location super battle going on at the same time, which concludes with a big party! And it neatly wraps up the issues of the Emperor and Vader also, although these aspects continue to be discussed (as evident in the recent posts in this forum). (We won't mention the Ewoks.) I've heard that it is quite highly regarded in the astrophysicist circle as well as linguists, so definitely not for everyone with its slow pace and plot, and perhaps more appreciated by people of those specialist backgrounds. However, it does get criticism from those circles for not bringing in an astrobiologist character to help them. I certainly appreciated the amount of effort they went to, to recreate the look and feel of seventies late night live television with convincing actors and dialogue. Great job, everyone! I didn't know that. I always assumed it was a sarcastic comment on how beautiful life can be, and then we see the movie with all the stuff going on. View all replies >