What i never understand...

With any of these movies with zombies or creatures that hunt by sound, i dont get it. How do they know what sounds to attack or react to?? Water rushing, fire crackling, leaves and trees blowing, them themselves moving and attacking are making noise and they dont confuse themselves nor any of the others. To me it sure seem like they'd bumble around confused and attacking about anything.

And you tell me that friendly cat never purrs or meows?

Since they are attracted to sound, you just keep rocks or small hard things in your pocket or bag to throw and distract if they get close or if you accidentally make noise.


You hit on the 2 things I thought about most while watching this movie.

The aliens make a racket themselves when they're following the choppers around, how do they not get distracted by their own sounds?

Yep, I kept on thinking that you'd probably get out of most problems if you just had a pocketful of stones/projectiles, especially in a city environment where literally throwing anywhere metres around you would create a loud enough noise.

Unfortunately the more I see these movies the more I realise they keep throwing up flaws and ways for these aliens to be tricked.


Yeah, i generally put them on for background noise. But i pay enough attention.

Idk why they make these movies with sound being the focal point. Be so much more plausible if they used sonar or heat detecting. Or heat detecting with hearing. Or hearing with a minimal amount of sight.

I put more in my comment to guy below, but some of that pertains to your response too.


I figured that, like most creatures, they learn in time what sounds to go for and what to ignore. And that they know that many sounds often lead to what they're seeking (people / food?). Eg. a car engine or sound of the tyres means a person might be in it.

And yeah... that cat. Having that cat was a massive liability. Why it didn't hiss, meow or purr is so odd.

And also, I was also thinking about how the creatures themselves make all that racket! Smashing things, knocking stuff, breaking glass, etc.


You'd have to assume this world is new to them, so all these sounds would take time to know whats what.

Another thing is with them having the hearing they have, you couldn't breath or have a heart beat. They'd hear that.

Why dont they attack animals? Maybe they do, we just dont see it. Just saying they'd be busy attacking alot of stuff besides humans.

When they arrived on the planet, whats the chances they landed on every continent. So, there should be places without them enough to fight back.

Also, the navies could be on the coast attracting them to waters edge and just wipe them out in masses. I mean, all kinds of ways these things would kill alot, but humans would win out. Love how all these movies our armies become inept and useless
