MiyagiDoMAGA's Replies

<blockquote>You tell me, Mr. MAGA</blockquote> No I'm not fueling your next masturbation session you filthy little degenerate, fuck off. This is what you chose to come back and post? lol What total cope, I told you it was all going to be a nothingburger and Trump would never see the inside of a cell, it was all just smoke and mirrors for you dumbdumbs. Why don't you rewrite another famous song into a hilarious parody about Trump being a Convicted Felon, while he's about to run the world's #1 superpower again 🤣 And what happens next in your homoerotic fantasy? Does Trump drop the soap in the shower and is assaulted by big Bubba? <i>And then little contorno creamed his underoos</i> If you retards weren't still crying daily about Trump after the year old thread, scratch that, crying since 2016, you might have a point but as usual you don't. 14 questions is ridiculous. 👊 Thank you! Except for all those associates and followers of Trump who were jailed over J6th, fucking dumbfuck lol Does he guarantee that we're going to get a full 4 years of your whining to enjoy? <blockquote>How do you explain atheists knowing the Bible better than believers then?</blockquote> That's easy, it's simply not true and you're parroting nonsense again. Did you even read your own links? They don't support your claim. The entire sample size of questions about Christianity was 14 FFS, utterly worthless junk data. I mean, no he didn't and you're lying again. Only in your wet dreams homieo No one cares what you losers believe though, pipe down, stay in the losing lane where you belong and let the winners show you how to run the country. Oooh look how butthurt you all were about Trump being president you whiny little fucks. HOW ARE YOU NOT GETTING THAT I CARE AS MUCH ABOUT THAT AS YOU DO THIS? https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/may/31/trump-flees-to-bunker-as-protests-over-george-floyd-rage-outside-white-house https://news.sky.com/story/george-floyd-death-trump-rushed-to-white-house-bunker-as-protests-raged-outside-11998401 https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/09/22/melania-trump-memoir-white-house-protests/ You stupid hick lmao, I said J6th was mostly peaceful, try crying about it phag. And CHAZ was YOUR people, suck my balls you smelly commie. I care about those retards as much as you care about the far left commie antifa who set up CHAZ, phag. You think people forgot about you spastics trying to burn the country down for most of 2020 over a junkie criminal OD'ing? lol Yes it mostly was you fucking lying spastic. <blockquote>Two time presidents can do that to some far left retards</blockquote> FTFY Cool neither do MAGA you retard, we just peacefully protest now suck my balls you lying commie.