MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Pardon Question - Undoing Biden's Most E...

Pardon Question - Undoing Biden's Most Evil Act as President.

I know that Trump plans to pardon and release many Jan 6th and Abortion protestors but I have a different question. What will Trump be able to do in regards to people that advised him and were indicted just like him. Peter Navaro and Steve Bannon who were thrown in jail for ignoring the Supoena from the Jan 6th committee. The people who were indicted along with him in Georgia case. Will he just pardon everyone even if they served time and that will clear them of any criminal record? I'm curious about this as the Biden Regime claimed they were the defenders of Democracy but took great joy in trying to lock up their political enemies.


people who ignore the law and the judicial system go to jail


Unless you're Hunter Biden during 2014-2024 amirite!


when you're rite you're rite

although i would postulate that Hunter's charges were much less serious , maybe thats a matter of opinion though


Are you serious with this stupid post? Treason vs maybe fudging accounting records?


the treason is on your side dickhead Peter Navaro and Steve Bannon participated in the j6 attempt to overthrow the democratically elected government - the exact definition of treason..

all hunter did was smoke a spliff or something


Nope we don't do that stupid thing where we pretend J6th was anything more than a rowdy protest anymore sorry, your framing has been rejected.

"All" Hunter did was sell access to his powerful political family to foreign interests (you know all the stuff you pretend Trump did and pretend to be really angry about it) have shady shit on his laptop, firearms and drug offenses and God knows what else during 2014-2024 that he's completely immune for now.

It's no wonder America resoundingly rejected you partisan freaks in November if this is the level of bullshit the Dems have been reduced to.


I love the name MiyagidoMaga.🀣


πŸ‘Š Thank you!


Fuck you, creep. You're an outsider looking in, passing haughty, distorted judgment and you're not even an American. "...all Hunter did..." πŸ™„ You're minimizing, dismissing the greater actual crime.

Trump has overcome everything lowlifes like you have come at him with and he'll continue to do so.


Afterthought: What should I expect from an unimaginative lowlife that arrives here with a moniker such as yours?


[–] moviechatterer (15977) 3 minutes ago
people who ignore the law and the judicial system go to jail"

Except if you're Hunter Biden


Or a follower of Trump


Except for all those associates and followers of Trump who were jailed over J6th, fucking dumbfuck lol


Everyone knows the Jan 6th committee was a joke. They only acted the way they did towards Peter Navaro and Steve Bannon was they went against the Deep State.


Except we lived in a two tier justice system under the Biden Regime for the last four years.


Steve Bannon is out of prison


Yes and so is Peter Navaro but will Trump issue Pardons to clear them of their criminal records.


H already gave Bannon one free pass


Bannon’s fraud trial for stealing wall money is next week.
What a patriot!!!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Yes; he most likely will pardon them; however, keep in mind that at some point, almost all of those people betrayed Trump, schemed against him and were/are controlled opposition.
