MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Our first convicted felon President!

Our first convicted felon President!

We should be so proud!


The case was politically motivated, the DA and judge are corrupt, the charges were made up, and the jury was biased and stupid. It was a kangaroo court, so its conclusion is meaningless to all except low-IQ Democrats.


...and yet he is still a Convicted Felon.


Proud to be an 'Merican?


This is what you chose to come back and post? lol

What total cope, I told you it was all going to be a nothingburger and Trump would never see the inside of a cell, it was all just smoke and mirrors for you dumbdumbs.
Why don't you rewrite another famous song into a hilarious parody about Trump being a Convicted Felon, while he's about to run the world's #1 superpower again 🤣


The worlds largest debtor maybe, the superpower part is pretty much over.
The US got defeated in all the halfway recent wars, like in Vietnam, Afghanistan, etc., no matter which party was in government at the time, everywhere the US had to retreat and the ones taking over the void after the Americans left are sworn enemies of the US.
Some superpower that is.
Spending so much money on the military that there isn't any money left to give its own homeless people shelter and can't win one single war.
The US and it's NATO allies, where alone the biggest 10 of them have a combined GDP of about $40 trillion can't even prevent Russia from advancing in Ukraine while Russia has a GDP of only $1.5 trillion.
Go figure.

You know when was the last time in history something like this happened?
Americans should know, because last time they were on the winning end.
1775–1783 the American Revolutionary War that the British lost, was a milestone on the way to the collapse of the British empire.
The signs the American empire is about to collapse are everywhere and ever more warfare with increasing losses are a clear sign, you just have to open your eyes.


That apparently is not the case.
That would mean EVERYONE was lying except the Lyin’ King himself!




Deal with it cream cake
