AustraliBoy98's Replies

You seem to believe that it is impossible to be an atheist and not worship the state. I don't worship the state. This attitude is why I hate religion. FYI, if I lived in America, I would vote Republican. Mind blowing I know. Can your little brain even comprehend this. That makes me more of an atheist. It's only under the stupid American definition, which is wrong, that statism is left wing and freedom from the state is conservative. Atheism will beat everything. Bump. [quote]That's pretty fucked up.[/quote] That's subjective. Bump. The movie does seem to imply that the shark took the dog. If he was spooked, he would have run back to his owner. There is no god. Morality is subjective. Deal with it. Islam is a right wing ideology. You are just calling them left wing because you don't like them. I don't like them either. Not all muslims are terrorists but most terrorists are muslims statistically. They are just butthurt children who can't handle the fact that most rational people don't believe their shit so they blow stuff up. I don't worship the state. Explain that. God I hate Christianity. Wanna kill it. Is atheism woke? No. Many atheists are woke, yes. Not me though and many others like me. Ah yes. Straight from the Oxford dictionary... "Atheism" - noun - being an old fat sweaty lesbian. The fuck?! Bump. Atheism is not wokeness. What's your religion of choice? [quote]Wrong. Atheism is mostly an American thing.[/quote] That's great for America then! Maybe the yankees aren't all that bad after all.