The counter-culture to this forum is atheism...
...since you all here are Christian conservatives, except the very few that aren't.
share...since you all here are Christian conservatives, except the very few that aren't.
share90% of the World believes in God, Dude...
Atheists will always be a minority no matter where they go. But they aren't a 'counter-culture', they are just...awful people.
and they all disagree about which god. with 45 000 different sects of Christianity alone. its like they are all arguing about their favourite one and only "real" version of whose imaginary friend exists
ya im such an awesful person because... i dont believe claims without evidence and base my morals in actually treating people well as humans, vs "da book said A and B and if you dont follow it you are a horrible sinner! but I'll ignore X and Y because following those rules would be very inconvenient to my life"
also was it atheism that justified slavery??? maybe you can brush up on your history. or maybe actually read the very pro slavery bible.
LMAO, are you serious with this post?
shareRespond with periods to him see how far he goes.
My personal best is getting him to respond to 10 periods.
See if you can top that B1cKsurN.
Like just periods...?
Like this?
"So you're down with people buying an unneeded new phone every year?
With people buying disposable clothes made by slaves?
You like those practices on a global scale?"
LOL remember this clown
Theres nothing clown about those sentiments.
it is when its something i never said, implied or said i supported or was down with. and he completely dodged what i was asking before this to say im okay with all these things i never said or brought up.
he invented this dellusion in his head.
I was thinking of the phone, clothes ,slaves etc rather than who said what.
Fair enough he may have incorrectly assessed what you were "down with"
But why reintroduce that in this completely separate thread with zero context?
You cant expect everyone else to remember that he was accusing you of not being down.
It just makes it look like he correctly assessing you that way
In summary (TLDR:)
your post comes across as "This clown thinks excessive consumerism and slavery are not the great things that they are"
you are free to assess how you like. im more concerned about having a coward who spreads nonsense actually account for what he says. but hes a puss who lies then runs away. if others know or see that it doesnt mean much to me.
as long as hes called out for being a spineless liar
hes a puss who lies then runs away
cope hill? cope? are you using terms you dont understand again?
everything you post is verifiable?? like your hawaii space lasers thing? and how i had to explain how forest fires work to you like a little child?
how about when i had to explain to you how C02 works and why we know its causing global warming?
im sure lots of fellow idiots thank you for posting the same dumb stuff they subscribe to.
oh is he the one who insists "co2 is a coolant" like the gas in his aircon or the water in his car radiator, and thinks its cooling the planet down ?
I didnt see that one but i wouldnt be supried.
he asked for proof C0s is heating up the world. i walked him through it slowely. giving multiple points with links showing
-we know how C02 works
-we know roughly how much Co2 we have released
-we know how the global temps have changed
-we know this is the main cause
so of course i got no reply and he ran.
he also gave us a video "proving" it was space lasers used in hawaii because abunch of large wealthy peoples houses werent burnt down while on the other side of the road everything was burnt.
i had to explain to him that the other side of the roads were clearly some sort of grassy feild/crop. and would be far less likely to "jump" across the road and be far less dangerous versus an actual large forest due to less heat, less embers, the way it would quickly burn through the feild etc. of course he ran from that too.
Ha, That is the second time s/he claims that others lie and run away, and yet the juvenile-bitch constantly lies, adds me to the ignore list and runs away like a pussy; then removes me from the ignore-list just to follow me around and send me private messages because I refuse to reply.
Yeah, definitely on that cope hill.
like when you lied and said i constantly talked about you after blocking you? and when i asked for evidence of me constantly bringing you up you had a breakdown? im following you? by YOU replying to a thread im on? haha your dellusuonal mind is ill and in need of professional help.
ever since i intellectually emasculated you soooo hard you have got permanent ptsd and all you can do is nip at the heels and reply to others and talk about me?
HAHAHAHA i permanently messed you up. you got owned sooo hard you are afraid of me. i made you my little B*#*#*# cowering at even the sight of one of my replies. hahahahah
That's all he has to go on. He may be a 275lb slob that can't move from the computer...but I just don;t have time for that shit.
I have money to make, women to fuck, and shit to get done... There's only so many hours in the day! 😉😏
That is one obsessed 275lb slob-troll that has replied to me five times in less than 24-hours across different boards.
shareBitchfleck is an attention craving whore that hates to be ignored while begging and groveling; however, using the “period response” is probably worse since it is more annoying and the bitch will likely threatened you with the “ignore button”, lol.
sharei gave you such bad PTSD you can only reply to others i replied to hahaha
thats how badly i emascaulted and fu**** you up. i literally left you in fear of me.
hey remember when you admitted to stalking me around Moviechat when i blocked you and you said its cause i kept brigning you up all the time? and when i asked for one example you bitched out?
HAHAH little puss
shareYep, that's where all the schism come into play. Each with their own way of worship and traditions based off Early Church teachings or lack thereof. There are claims that Atheism itself is a religion with the belief of there being no god. Humans will go to no ends to give themselves purpose.
Personally in my agnostic belief, the so-called 'god' (superior intellect/advancement) does exist but has moved on to greener pastures. Human kind is a failure and it shows. Just glad we're alone in the universe because we sure as hell would dissect, reverse engineer, steal because we humans must come out on top due to our fear of the unknown. We'll pretend to be friendly at first to give the illusion of innocence until the aliens put their guard down.
im not trying to be conflictual and say your beliefs are wrong. My philosophy is i want to believe as many true things as possible and as many few false things. and what is true is that which comports with reality, and can hence be demonstrated. So my biggest issue, and you are absolutely free to say/ believe it, is you are making claims you cant possibly demonstrate. and are equal to any other theists claim, or someone claiming "i just feel a magic dragon created everything" without evidence
he so-called 'god' (superior intellect/advancement) does exist but has moved on to greener pastures
Just glad we're alone in the universe because we sure as hell would dissect, reverse engineer, steal because we humans must come out on top due to our fear of the unknown.
100% of people do not believe in someone else's God.
shareI don't recall specifying a particular God? You are assuming, me thinks...
shareEverybody doesn't believe in most Gods. Atheists just believe in one fewer than theists, do. (At least monotheists).
shareWrong. Atheism is mostly an American thing.
The World believes in God. Go and try spreading your atheism outside of the West... you'll be killed.
Do you believe that Allah is the one heir God and Mohammed is his prophet?
Do you believe in the Lord Krishna?
Allah is the same Abrahamic God as the Christian-Judeo God, and he had a few prophets...are you not aware of this? lol.
I don't personally worship Krishna, but I'm not going to be a bigot and shit all over Krishnas(like leftists do to religious people they think are beneath them)...
So you are an atheist when it comes to Krishna.
share>Wrong. Atheism is mostly an American thing.
Europe says hi.
Why are atheists "awful people"?
shareBecause they are usually quite bigoted to religious folks, and it usually happens without provocation.
shareI could just as easily suggest that religious people are bigoted to atheists.
shareThere is probably no group as discriminated against in this country as much as atheists. Seven states actually prohibit atheists from elected office.
shareIt seems like the moderators deleted my reply to this because I'm such an awful person, like you said. For that you have my sincere apologies you didn't get to read it, unless you did before it was deleted. It is a crying shame.
B1cKsurN said - "90% of the World believes in God, Dude..."
That doesn't automatically make those people right, or even sane, after all, to use but one example from history, a lot of people thought hitler was just a-ok there for awhile too.
And before you suggest that hitler can't be compared to religion, how many people throughout history have been killed by religion for just not being the kind of people religion accepted at the time?
It's simply plausible that the people you've used as your "proof" are misguided. If it weren't, modern psychiatry wouldn't have terms like "Mass Delusion" and "Mass Psychosis".
The MAGA here all claim they are Christian, yes. They also claim that tRump is a good Christian. No wonder the number of Americans identifying as Christian drops more and more each year.
shareI can feel the cope in this. You live by Christian Values, Bro.
Whether you like it or not!
1.You shall have no other Gods before me
2.You shall not make for yourselves an idol
3.You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God
4.Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy
5.Honor your father and your mother
6.You shall not murder
7.You shall not commit adultery
8.You shall not steal
9.You shall not give false testimony
10.You shall not covet
For modern times, only #s 6,8, and 9 can be said to be relevant. The rest is authoritarian crap (#5 sounds good at first reading, but also sounds like an invitation for parental abuse. Also #7 is an ideal, and we see how much even "Christians" respect it.
Western Society is based on Christian Values! Doesn't matter what you say!
Don't like it? Convert to Islam, move to the Middle East and throw some LGBs off a building...
So you must be one of those Xtian Nationalists one reads about these days. You do know that the Bible is a Hebrew document, don't you? And that Muslims introduced the backward Europeans to math and astronomy? And that fewer and fewer people self-identify as Christian or religious at all as time goes on? (I won't mention what a sophisticated and convincing argument you make--"Love it or leave it." LOL! Are you a child or have some sort of learning disorder? I'm sorry if you do but you really need to recognize the limits of your cognitive abilities!)
shareRacist much?
All of the people from the time period you are talking about have nothing to do with anything today, and if you think I care about that... well buddy, you're just a racist.
"All of the people from the time period you are talking about have nothing to do with anything today"
You are on my ignore list after that comment. I do not suffer fools.
The west is now post-christian. No-one denies that Christianity has influenced the west, but that doesn't mean someone has to be a christian.
shareSince you hate MAGA and Christians, you should consider moving to China.
shareReligion does not normally flourish online, and though I've never spent a lot of time in this cesspool, I can't say it struck me as terribly religious. What's more, Trump is likely an atheist. He addresses Christians like other interest groups. He'll go to Iowa and say "Isn't corn great? It's amazing. You know what? Our farmers are the best farmers in the world. I love it here." He'll go to Christians, "Isn't Jesus great? Walking on the water. Incredible. You know what? I think our Christians are the best Christians. The best."
His biggest supporters are evangelicals who do not attend church services. Not surprisingly, more than a few people have observed that his rallies are like religious revivals. This forum is like a support-group for the similarly disaffiliated -- except fueled by incel-rage, non-stop stupidity and vulgarity.
Religion does not normally flourish online
This forum is like a support-group for the similarly disaffiliated -- except fueled by incel-rage, non-stop stupidity and vulgarity.
Wokism (and politics in general) can be viewed as religion-adjacent, but these are not really religious views. As religion declines, politics has become more of a lifestyle (and lifestyles have become more political).
"There is definitely a huge amount of overlap between the TDS sufferers and inceldom. It really shines whenever women republicans come into the news... especially MTG and Lauren Boebert. The TDScels really hate those two."
That might very well be the case. I think they're taken too seriously. I have encountered self-described liberals who believe Boebert and Greene secretly celebrate mass shootings of LGBT people, and it is their goal to encourage more violence. In my view, these politicians are performative morons who pretty much make things up as they go along. Boebert failed her GED several times so she's not sinking bank shots with coded signals.
What an odd post. Your point, such as it is, is that Trump's "biggest supporters" are supposedly "disaffiliated".
There seems to be a negative conotation to that, as it is lumped in with being supposedly stupid, vulgar and unable to get laid.
Other than expressing your dislike of a group of people, what was the point of that?
Trump supporters being evangelicals who do not attend church services is, as far as I know, a fact. I do not have evidence for this forum beyond impressions and, as I said, I have not observed piety. The politics forum does seem to have a lot of incel-rage, non-stop stupidity (thanks for your contributions), and vulgarity. I think that's the case regardless of whether I like or dislike it.
share1. So, what? Evangelicals that don't attend church services. Who cares?
2. What is your deal with "incels"?
3. Stupid? lol. You imply that I'm stupid? LOL.
4. Vulgarity is sometimes the proper response to someone being a complete asshole.
1. This has already been explained.
2. What do you think my deal is? I made observations about this forum.
3. Yes, another observation.
4. Sure, but again, it's just an observation.
1. So? Either I missed it, or didn't get your point, I've asked for clarification. Don't be an ass.
2. I think that you are just talking shit on people, as part of a standard logical fallacy as lefties do all the time. Also, some punching down.
3. A false observation, perhaps a testimony to your very poor observation skills. Or your own lack of intelligence. Studies show that stupid people are too stupid to know how stupid they are.
4. Don't earn it, and you won't get it.
1. If it's still unclear to you, I'm not sure what else I can say that will help.
2. Just because someone is a stupid, vulgar incel does not mean they're wrong when it comes to X political view. That is indeed a fallacy of irrelevance. A given person's religious beliefs are also irrelevant to, say, the effectiveness of Republican tax cuts. But if we're talking about the broad background characteristics of a forum, then their religious views are precisely the subject. That you ascribe this bipartisan fallacy to "lefties" beclowns you.
3. I could be mistaken. This and my previous interaction with you suggest otherwise. People do not as often cite "Dunning-Krueger!" as that has been a victim in the replication crisis. Notice that my posts contain arguments and yours contain mostly assertions. The argument you have here is a poor one. It would be silly to say to a person before you, "People are generally average height, so I'm going to guess that you are average height," especially in a comment about observation skills.
4. Don't care. Inceldom was related to loneliness. Vulgarity went against the idea that this forum is especially religious. The comment about stupidity was gratuitous, especially as it's likely true. If you say I'm punching down on this forum, I wholeheartedly agree. This not so subtly contradicts your assertion in 3 (if I were as stupid as you say, I would not be punching "down").
1. Or, you are afraid to be clear. Standard lefty shit.
2. So, why do you keep harping on such irrelevances? That was my point.
3. I note that your post contans a lot of assertions. And irrelevant slurs. That you pretend to be holding an intellectual discussion while peppering your posts with logical fallacies and insults, is typical of some subtypes of lefties.
4. Punching down is generally the action of a bully. What is your self image like that you embrace that? Sounds unhealthy.
1. I'm yawning.
2. I'm not.
3. Unidentified fallacies. Great. We know how it went the last time you tried to be specific. An insult is not the "logical fallacy" you seem to think it is. Suppose someone refutes another person's argument, and then adds, "You're an idiot." It's not a "logical fallacy." Twice in this post you've "peppered" comments about me being some type of leftist. It's empty talk.
4. "Punching down is generally the action of a bully." It sounds like you're trying to say something. The most active posters on here are poorly informed. They're also relatively fanatical and dumb (one might even say they're so dumb they don't know it). Bullying is a form of harassment. Who am I harassing? In my experience, people on this forum attempt to compensate for their knowledge gap through sheer tenacity. I refute, they restate. For a reasonably clear example of this, review our one-sided exchange. I should add that a good argument is coercive by nature. It compels someone to believe something they do not want to believe.
1. You're evasive.
2. LOL. For once you managed to NOT do it. That is better than most lefties can do. Congradulations.
3. On the other hand, suppose someone is supposedly having a debate about a complicated and nuanced issue, and insists on filling his posts with various types of personal slurs. Which, since they are irrelevant to the discussion, can be ignored, thus creating the illusion of credibility since they are not challenged. And if htey are challenged, then the thread becomes buried in irrelevant and pointless filler.
4. We were discussion supposed "incels" and your use of the term as a slur. "Incels" are generally lower socio-economic, marginalized people. If they are poorly informed, then crush their arguments, attacking them personally especially on the grounds of their socio-economic, and marginalized status, could easily be a form of bullying and adds nothing to a clash of ideas. Unless, you feel your arguments need assistance from personal attacks, to appear convincing?
theres no such thing as atheism, if you take away religion you just create a vacuum, history has taught us that.
So while you don't believe in a religion such as Christianity, your religion becomes something else, and historically it has been the state. that's why we have people queueing up for an 8th booster, when the vaccine has done nothing. try and explain it to them and they look at you with a blank expression.
statism has it's saints, it's causes, it's symbols... instead of a cross it's a lgbtqutwyz flag, instead of Christ it's the democrat party.
nobody is an athiest, everyone worships someone, even you.
>theres no such thing as atheism, if you take away religion you just create a vacuum, history has taught us that.
Atheism literally just means someone who does not believe in a god. People do not believe in a god. Ergo the term as is understood accurately describes people.
>that's why we have people queueing up for an 8th booster, when the vaccine has done nothing. try and explain it to them and they look at you with a blank expression.
[citation needed]. And I really doubt people, except olds are on an "8th booster".
>nobody is an athiest, everyone worships someone, even you.
Present your definition of worship. You don't seem to understand what atheism means, so I doubt it's accurate.
you seemed to have missed my point, i'm saying that everyone has a god, everyone bows down to someone. i'll explain it to you because maybe it went a little over your heard when i said "god", theres the God of the bible which you would relate to organized religion. where people maybe go to a church and they worship and they believe in the after life...
But then theres also another "god" which doesn't need a capital letter and it's kinda what came about in soviet times, where they took religion away and the state become god, where whatever the state said became fact, it was something that educated people at schools, hired them later and gave them a total worldview.
So it's not a god as such, but it's still worshipping something, and we have something like that today in america.
I'm always worried when someone uses "literally" in a sentence when they don't understand what it means, they seem to think it means "really", because i already know a few words or sentences later i'm going to hear something stupid.
if you need me to further explain this idea that everyone worships something, be it ol joe, science or taylor swift, i'd be glad to.
>you seemed to have missed my point, i'm saying that everyone has a god, everyone bows down to someone.
This is unargued for. I do not have a 'god'. It also begs how you define "god".
>But then theres also another "god" which doesn't need a capital letter and it's kinda what came about in soviet times, where they took religion away and the state become god, where whatever the state said became fact, it was something that educated people at schools, hired them later and gave them a total worldview.
I'm not a communist.
There are also plenty of atheist libertarians and small government types.
i never said you were a communist, just because i spoke about what happened culturally in the atheistic soviet union while talking to you, doesn't mean i'm saying you're a commuist.
And i don't mean this as an insult, i really don't, but not everything is supposed to be taken 100% at face value, people use words that describe things that maybe traditionally aren't used that way. as a way of making a point. if i said "it's raining cats and dogs" i assume you wouldn't take me at my word and correct me because there aren't cats and dogs falling from the sky.
Some people who sadly suffer from autism and the like don't grasp this, they can't differ from these things, my use of the word "god" is suggesting that everyone worships and bows down to someone, be it the state, fauci, micheal jordan.. whoever.. and this person or organization becomes god like in that they can't be questioned, everything is a fact and they are adored along with them certain symbols, which would be very much like a religion and the concept of god.
i can't explain it better than that, if you can't grasp it then i dunno...
Atheism literally just means someone who doesn't believe in a god. God has a widely accepted frame of reference beyond the Abrahamic concept of god (pantheistic, monotheistic, deistic, polytheistic), but you just saying that it also means, essentially, "things someone might worship or value very strongly" is your definition and your definition alone.
shareyou're giving me explanations on what words mean when you don't even know what "literally" means.
Literally is away of distinguising between things, if i said to you "i'm hanging around the house" it's a way of saying i'm at home doing nothing special...
if i said "i'm literally hanging around the house" then i'm on a rope going around and around my home.
you're using words that don't make sense in the context of what you're saying.
i don't know where it started this using "literally" in every sentence without knowing what it means, but it's dumb. especially when you're telling people what things mean. you seem "slow" or something.
If you're just trying to make some vague point that can essentially be summed up as "atheists, like most people have ideas, concepts they hold to and values they feel strongly about" then I'm not really sure how strong you think it is. There's no reason to regard this as comparable to believe in a supernatural entity(s) that you determine created the universe.
shareHe said correctly but you refuse to understand it or accept it.
So while you don't believe in a religion such as Christianity, your religion becomes something else
>And in your case, it is “wokeness.”
I don't consider myself "woke". And even if "wokeism" was a religion, it would be a 'religion' bereft of a deity - thus still making me an atheist.
You obviously forgot my other comment where I mentioned that satan also represents ideals.
Self-proclaiming atheists worship/believe "anything" that is not Christianity regardless whether they admit it or are unaware of it.
>You obviously forgot my other comment where I mentioned that satan also represents ideals.
You think "ideals", as in values, aspirations are inherently satanic?
>Self-proclaiming atheists worship/believe "anything" that is not Christianity regardless whether they admit it or are unaware of it.
This makes no sense. I equally disbelieve in Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Baha'i, Zoroastarianism, etc.
The ironic thing here is that some people treat atheism as a religion, defeating the whole purpose of their beliefs. It's kind of like a loud and proud vegan, who feels the need to tell every single person. The truth is, most people don't care about others personal lifestyle choices, so what's the point of being so vocal about it? As I always say, live and let live.