JediAtNight's Replies

Yeah they did him dirty. All of them. Even Rey, by making her character so ridiculously Mary Sue-ish. It's a shame because they had three charismatic new characters all set up from The Force Awakens and then just wasted them. I used to work with him. Yeah the suit is visually imposing but the dude inside was a whiny byatch. His boss was the real badass. Tried to recruit me but the deal fell apart over the 401k match. He wouldn't go higher than 2% Took a while for me to get to it, but I thought it was great. Whatever floats your boat, I guess. What a horrible movie! The Force Awakens was not very good either but I liked the new characters and was hoping that the sequels would get better. They got worse instead. Much worse Only if you are male. My thoughts exactly. It was a fun movie and I thought she was great in it. You are right, should have been one and done. But $$ rules and they will keep throwing them out there as long as people are buying. Really? That sucks. I haven't watched S3 yet. He is not superhuman, but The Force is with him.