DancingintheDark's Replies

Hard 1 but if I may, rate this 1-10 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GmpVDeFq1Aw After reading the first comment in the YouTube clip comment section, absolutely not. @buddymonk2983 1 month ago Fun Fact: The moon pod costs about 15 times more than my bean bag I have at home, and yet my bean bag still feels better than the moon pod. (I sold the moon pod away cuz i wasn't using it anymore, it's just overpriced average bean bag.) It really is! That’s funny, I noticed it too! I was able to get past it but I definitely thought to myself, why the frek don’t you have that removed? AND NOW HE’S DEAD! There were two groping scenes in this film. I think it was Jeff who groped the woman in the blue dress’ bare breast when the hood ornament rips her dress off. The other being the Mexican dude, groping Barbara’s breast as he lowers her down. I love this movie but man, some of the gags in this film were excessive even for 1980. Look out Marshal Lucky! It’s HIGH prices! It’s a red car! This is a complete shot in the dark but is it possible it had something to do with copyright infringement? Everyone and their mother was attempting to piggyback off Nintendo during this time, maybe the show’s producers dropped the ball in getting Nintendo fully on board (legally speaking that is). I agree hownos his performance in Uncut Gems was as good or better than anyone whose one an Oscar, outside of a Day Lewis performance. I also think his performances in Reign Over Me as well as Punch Drunk Love were at the very least, Oscar nomination worthy. The dialogue following that is even worse, and I laugh too! Manolo … and when I’m changing the clip, the little motherfucker who I thought was killed, but was not dead, shot me.” It’s a bit hard to follow after this but it gets even more awkward. Frank mumbles something unintelligible. Manolo “The guy was behind me, I killed him.” Frank “How many bullets you catch?” Manolo Bullets? One bullet, nine mm! It’s nothing but what was sloppy was Chi Chi something something something. lady sitting on bed, who did not look like a lady, she was ugly as fuck…” Funny enough, in the script, the machine gun wielding flattop woman is named, The Lizard. I like Tony in the beginning of the film and loath him by the end. I still root for him in the final scene though ; ) lol! So did I, it’s hard not to have at the very least, a bit of a soft spot for Frank. I know and his clearing of the throat for an obscene amount of time, what was that even about lol! Thanks! Agreed, and good find! Slowdive is part of the “shoegaze” scene, along with My bloody Valentine, and many other amazing bands for that matter. I just recently discovered shoegaze and it is becoming my default when wanting to music and chill. CONGRATULATIONS!💩! And I concur with everything you said. CKY, CKY2k, CKY3 > Jackass Goodness! Well, that certainly takes the wind out of my context sails now doesn’t it? Not excusing what he said, by any means, it was a terribly awful thing to say, but it sounds like he was having a trauma induced episode of some sort, and was projecting internal strife.