DarkLeafNinja's Replies

Apocalypto I think has it. I just developed ear cancer, thanks. Can't they be black british nobles? Same reason they won't make Tarzan black. This cracked me up, thanks! I agree that PIB2 should have won best animated feature. Guillermo Del Toro's YES!!! He sure as hell deserved it. Also Puss in Boots 2 got robbed by Pinocchio, which again I like that movie but PIB2 is just better all around. Barry Keoghan or Brendan Gleeson should have won best supporting. I like this movie but it get's outperformed by all the other nominees. "Have they run out of content from the comics" not according to old readers, they say that disney just skipped the good ones to get to the crappy new ones. Yes, most of TMNT fans are adults and if Joker and Deadpool can make money then so can TMNT. I recently read the original comics for the first time and I was thinking the same thing. Would you expect anything else from Hollywood at this point? Also I think this looks like shit based on all the choices from having young VA's, designs and the audience they seem to aim for. Only thing I like is the art and animation. NINJA GAIDEN Master Collection, just the 3 games in a bundle for current generation consoles and PC. Don't even think they remastered them. Yes! One of the best Animated films in the last 10 years. Seen it twice, can't wait to get it on DVD/blu-ray! Sorry for late reply and yeah it works both ways. When a group of haters or fans drop reviews for something in a short amount of time to alter the score either positively or negatively. Agreed. "Poor Jack" for me.