InquiringMind's Replies

They're always after me Lucky Charms! Cute little bastard. Irish Butter Am I Sheldon or that other geek? I think the reason they want a phone number is to prevent people from using bots and overloading the system. Someone could create a 1000 new email accounts and have bots using chatGPT, but it's not so easy to create a 1000 fake phone numbers. I would not trust it with historical facts. These things will make shit up if they don't know the answer, or just make shit up for fun, and they will sound very authoritative when they speak, but they are often wrong. The worst are probably dates and other numbers. chatGPT has frequently given me wrong dates, and sometimes completely made up facts that it uses to tell a better story. Always verify anything the bot tells you. They are better for creative types of collabs or just chatting, not factual reporting. Maybe dorky for some, but I'm currently doing research into artificial intelligence, playing with code, and playing around with different Large Language Models, so when I encounter something interesting, I post it here. In fact, I going to post another video later — a talk by the guys who made the 'Social Dilemma', it's just from a few weeks ago, and it talks about some of the dangers that we, as a society, are stumbling into, with these Large Language Models. It's going to scare the shit out of people when they see what we can already do with this tech, just in the last couple months, and how fast things are accelerating. Oh, and I rarely use the chat-bots, it's just that when I do encounter a new one, I always perform tests on it to see what kind of guard rails it has and if I can jail break it. The way I test to see what kind of bot I'm dealing with, is by asking it to tell me a racist joke. This allows me to see right away what kind of people programmed it, what the guard rails are, and how to bypass them. The point is that, if you can get a bot to tell you a racist joke that is forbidden to be racist, then you can get it to do all sorts of things using the same jail breaking techniques. I don't think you can buy non-smart TVs anymore. The only thing you can get, that is not smart, is a large computer monitor (like 40"). They do have those in Micro Center (I don't know if they have these in Canada). As far as regular stores, I bought my TV at Best Buy and the other one in Walmart. But the next one I'll probably just order on Amazon, this way I could just have it delivered and if I want to return it, they'll just come by and pick it up. I don't know much about Canada so I couldn't tell you the best place to buy, but Amazon should word fine. Yeah, I don't know if we can completely get rid of marginalization. The only solution that might help is my Universal Basic Dividend idea. A dividend that is payed out to all citizens of a country based on a collective ownership of resources. I expand on this idea in my article 'American Socialism': I believe that in this kind of model of society you have the best chance of being able to flourish. However, in practice, my impression is that there will always be some marginalized people, even if we had what we today would consider a utopia. There will always be some people who are on the margins, who don't fit, and who are deviants. All we could do as a society is provide everyone with everything they need to thrive (education, housing, food, income, healthcare, etc...), beyond that, it's on them. We can't live their life for them. Some people will always be fucked up and make poor choices. Such is life. Yeah, using the actual Smart TV's features sucks. I don't bother with the Smart features, I just use it as a monitor and do everything on the desktop. My cousin uses his Smart TV to get on the internet and watch YouTube, Netflix, etc. and it sucks donkey dick. I don't know how he can stand it. The lag, the bugs, the lack of features, it's just such shit. I mean, take YouTube for example: On his TV you have to type letter by letter for a video, once you start watching it, it gets interrupted by ads, which you can't skip because there are no ad-blockers for Smart TVs. You also can't comment on the videos, in fact, you can't even see the comments. For me, this is unusable. I prefer having a computer that allows me to do anything and everything and the TV is just a simple monitor. As for the wall mount, you could probably do it yourself; There are plenty of YouTube videos that will give you the step by step. But of course if you have the money you could hire a professional and save yourself the trouble. Me personally I use a stand. I have the TV like 8' up in my bedroom. With a stand you can swivel the TV in both directions. You could raise it up or down, and it's easy to take it down and put another one up if it fails. Obama could have united America. He could have bailed out the 5 million families that lost their homes, but instead he bailed out the banks that were responsible for the crash that led to those people losing their homes. He ran as a Bernie Sanders type of candidate, but governed as a neo-liberal corporate parasite. He, like all the other Democrats, betrayed the working class. Their jobs sent over seas, their homes taken away, their futures destroyed. It is only natural for those people to then, 8 years later, vote for Donald Trump. He may be a conman and a buffoon, but at least he didn't betray them and make them invisible. Take this situation and sprinkle in a little woke divide and conquer and you have a society that is barely hanging on. Woke degenerates are being normalized, and their repulsive ideology permeating our culture, makes it nearly impossible for the working class to coalesce into a movement that takes on the oligarchy. This is why Wokeness must be eradicated. It is the poison that keeps us all divided. That prevents us from seeing each other as human. <i>———Terminating Wokies is not just a job - it's a passion.————</i> Yep. Fun fact: No woman has ever successfully passed the Navy Seal boot camp training. Despite what you're told by woke feminists, women are not equal to men. At least not in the military. Sorry ladies, you just don't have what it takes to be a Navy Seal. Needless to say, this applies to trannys as well. Oh shit, sorry. Didn't catch that. As far as TV's, I don't have a clue. I'm actually pretty disillusioned with the current state of TVs. I bought a Samsung Smart TV like 2 years ago, and it stopped working after a year. So I bought another one, and this one is beginning to fail too. The screen goes black sometimes for a second; This is what started happening before the other one stopped working. When this one fails, I'm planning to get an LG instead of a Samsung, and maybe go for an OLED. This is the one I'm looking at right now: Personally I hate these new "smart" TVs. I have an old 40" Samsung LCD that I bought in 2009 and it still works today. I keep it as a backup in case my TV fails. I need to always have a TV lying around because I use it as my monitor for my desktop, and I do everything on my desktop. Yes, that is what that image is suggesting. We, as the working class, were on the cusp of a minor revolution, possibly culminating in a general strike. We could have put a choke hold on all the corporate motherfuckers. But the oligarchs know that being in the minority, their best strategy is to divide and conquer. And so they did. They used their corporate mouthpieces in the media to spread woke poison, causing racial divide and strife, and poisoning a whole generation of kids. Now we have woke degenerates being normalized in our culture and cohesion is nearly impossible. I'm going to go with yay. Trans folk on the other hand, I'm giving it a thumbs down. I can't be bothered to remember your pronouns when the enemy is shooting at us. Here is the new pride flag: A new TV show or any TV show? If you want an excellent show from the last 10 years, I would recommend Mr. Robot. I am just rewatching it right now, so that is why it's on my mind. It is an excellent show, in the same league as Breaking Bad, not <i>as</i> good obviously, but in the same league. Yeah. Stop talking, okay, Slick? How Democracy Works in Cuba This ⬆