MovieChat Forums > Kimmie > Replies

Kimmie's Replies

No, ever since pacman i have an irresistible urrge to run around in dark rooms eating doughnut holes i pick up off the floor But the core issue remains, that people who have been victimized have flashbacks because of scenes like that, trying to create slippery slopargument is a fallacy by the way, no one iscalling to deviolence movies in totality, Why stop at rape? Because it is sensible to not fight thateverything in entertainment needs be removed he rape scenes aren't adding to the story, other than pushing the women in refrigerators trope, wich should die seeing how lazy writing it is OFFICER: Don’t you see how alarming that is? That there are children nearby, people passing on bikes and In cars where they can look and see what you are doing Yes watchin interacialporn is reallly bad worse than child sexaua⁴buse material, how oblivious can a man be ? Exposure infront of a preschool?5 LINTERNET ADS are based on your preferences Movie chat Because hypocrisy is awesome And there is a serious problem with havin a film discussion board over a snuff film the death of george floyd The issue is for people haVe been raped, Seeing what is often a very porn like scene for male audiences, is triggeing and causes mental stess A movie that glorified school shootings would have similar effects, it isn't generic law breaking that has the effect You mean everyone doesn't have an oedipus complex or an electra complex Lets talk about your relationship with your mother i think this may be creating an oral fixation issue which is manifesting itself today as distain for women Blaim sigmond Freud Oil It is far easier to imagine a skynet or a shodan than to actually create one Regardless the point stands that this is an irerrational fear based on humann imagination You seem to completely miss the issues, because you modified the conspirac theory to avoid what you don't agree with without understanding how you cannot do that Inteligence is the capacity to do a task Sowhat the golden child of ai is the capacity to perform any task without humans having to retrain the ai, given the information it needs an agi would be capable of doing anything on its own once directed But note that people who have been trying to make agi are trying by way of creating a somewhat sentientai in the idea that intelligence naturally evolves from a model of life So of course with trillions of people trying to create an agi in thieeitr basements, the 8dea that someone has already succeeded and unleased their creation upon the world sounds plausible but then you still have checkups the code itself isn't sentient, and the best backups are disconnected from the main system so 8f the main system is compromised the backup isn't, someone who succeeds in creating an ag is not likely to keep this info to herself. Without something at least emulating consciousness it does not matter how intelligent something is it has no free will or any desires A narrow intelligence caoablebif only doing one thing can do that one thing better than humans because human brains are terribly outdated hardware So canceling the show is an occasional change that variety is the spice of life stuff ignores all the things you don't want to happen in favor of one thing you do, The show is great Karen's exist because some people are offended by women using the non emergency police to settle a dispute rather than resorting to battery, It is a good hing to call then non emwgency police rather than act like a stereotypical roid raging male Whyoonly women? Because there is no justification for battery, you hit some one you go to jail, seveity oes not matter to the law I press charges against your slap and the male would likely engage in a full out brawl sndeveryoe go-to jail because t an actual crime has been committed being offended is not a crime, I caun't understand why septics don't understand world English only American english So why caun you understand a southern drawl All of this accents make it impossible to understand is silly beyond belief The visual effects last upto now, Movie still gives the impression that what you see is pretty close to reality Black elf mates with female dwarf and anything is possible Dwarf mates with Black human also works Well many shows use this antic, establish a weakness then torture the lead by constantly subjecting them to said weakness, Removing the blood would change the show, unfortunately docmartin gets over his haemophobia too often and too easily Get the hell out of my way and let me kill those who stand between me and Sauron It is an understandable character, Ms, ahab isn't trying to win friends, smiles and being cordial is out of place for such a character Yeah house never struck me as actually having aspergers house gets really mean and not just curt or to the point. Taking the rectal temperature of trigger is rather absurd I thnk septics just want to beat up good shows like doc martin the social anxiety is obviously there, not just trying to be mean because hit show that way Ala house m.d. But are too lazy to finish my sentence before pisting Appeal to authority is not an argument regardless of how many insecure servers you know exist from experience Ythe idea of ai even trying to hide first requires ai to have a enough self awareness to fear humans Reality disagrees, narrow ais doing simple things are Skynet isn't coming, we have the massive wall of a general ai, being scared of what we imagine from movies doesn't change much Musk isn't an ai programmer, he is a sales man trying to impress laymen he hires engineers and programmers butthat does not make him one Fearmongering is usually don't work when the fear Mongerer is a naked man on the side of the road ,that doesn't mean a well dressed man cannot fearmonger