123 Guy, I must admit, you seem to have quite a few strong nerves to even bring this subject up, I often tend to cover and whimper, lol.
What's interesting also is - even in HERE, yes at moviechat.org, I made loads of varieties of threads on the matter.
No, there wasn't one PERFECT and UNIVERSALLY SATISFYING answer to any of this.
Heck, I even did the subject, quite a bit actually, where it wasn't just male who were victims (yes I know I know I know I know) but also, err, someone else as perpetrators. And I wondered here too but didn't condone it either, it was an exercise in me remaining calm in the face of various strong oppositions, but what can we do, we humans are sexually sensitive creatures. And that means for stuff we see in movies too.
And some people DO find other forms of violence like the particularly WELL KNOWN examples like bloody killings to also be disturbing and, for those who are sensitive and not into movies overall, also bad and inappropriate. The sexual violation though just strikes a more, as I said already, responsive chord with some, and its just a fact of life.
And for those who at times found even my QUESTIONING of such things off-putting - exploration of stereotypes, wondering how things are like, being exposed to in typical examples revenge tropes and reading in reviews how people at least understood it and at most accepted it, but you get the picture.