MovieChat Forums > punkrockgirl > Replies
punkrockgirl's Replies
I'm not saying I'd never try reading a small portion of it, but my reluctance is so strong I don't think I could bring myself to.
I know exactly what I'm talking about. I don't have to read to know. I have read many reviews about Lolita. The reason for that was because a few years ago when I found out about the story, I didn't understand the reason it was considered a classic and frankly I still don't. Reading people's reasons of dislike/like for the book gave me a perspective that it is an intentionally conflicting story, but still a bad one. I don't see it as "advocacy" but a piece of literature nearly glorifying such a disturbing subject matter and became famous for the wrong reasons. Not that there could've been any right ones really.
The only one I see acting like a fool was the original poster and you it seems. Otter is 100% right.
They aren't just trolls but horrible people that sympathize with criminals. Shame on you if you're in agreement with the op
Two buffoons pleased with themselves and their own ignorance. Many of the replies gave valid arguments and you can only see it as "SJW outrage." Because anyone that disagrees with you must automatically be in an indoctrinated cult.
Of course they have an "open mind" there were more than "this or that terms" and anyway some things in life are simply "this or that." Right and wrong.
She is not a "young woman." She is a teenage girl.
Sad that you see it as a work of art. I thought you'd be in agreement with me. I can't respect any opinion that views Lolita as a good book. So it is well written. That's all it's got going for it. "Well written" spewing out trash.
(Edit: I thought you were the same person I responded to but I realized you are not.)
I'm not an "SJW" for thinking pedophilia is wrong.
"Adult-Child Sex."
There is no such thing!
Call it what it is!
This is a story that should have never existed and it's existence exposes a large amount of people's disgusting beliefs.
To call the basic core of the plot in Lolita as a representation of anything else, American life and suburban living is glossing over something completely immoral.
It should have never been as famous as it was. Should have been forgotten. Or even more controversial than it already was. To have discussions about everything wrong with it instead of concentrating on such a sadistic main character.
Yes. Great song. Whenever there's any mention of Lolita I only think of that song and that line. I refuse to read the book
Don't scare me like that
I mean this is about him saving his daughter. I think damsel in distress is more well suited to the romance category.
I was just discussing the damsel in distress trope with my family. I personally don't have too much of a problem with it, most stories it seems to work, but sometimes not. I can't think of anything specific really. Well, actually. In The Princess Bride, Buttercup is a good example of someone that wants to be rescued. Of course she doesn't want to be in danger, but she takes comfort in knowing that she will be saved by her true love. A lot of women are the same way, but everyone is different. It's stupid to say a woman can't enjoy the feeling of protection. No one is forcing that, it's what they want. It doesn't make them weaker, in fact I think it's a strength to show appreciation for gallantry. It does show that most action/adventure movies are written by men. I'm not saying that's a bad thing (or it could be on occasions.) I'm saying that they will write characters in a certain way they might not understand. The same goes for women writing male characters. Some movie directors that are men think that if they write a female character not needing a man to save her and she can take care of herself that automatically makes her "strong" and "badass" when that isn't the case at all.
your wish came true
The Real World was out!
I've just never heard anyone call the truman show a satire, but I can believe it. I did know that american pyscho mocks yuppy culture. Never seen american psycho, but I've watched the truman show lots of times. I do see it as a commentary on many different things and satire itself IS a type of commentary. I actually never decided what I thought the main theme of The Truman Show is, but it would be whatever the creators of the film say it is.
The truman show and american pyscho are considered satires?
if the animation still holds up after more than twenty years, then it probably always will. This is seriously one of the best animated movies to exist, and I love the animation of the third as well, with a shinier look. You can always expect the best kind of cgi animation from pixar, but honestly their very first movie animation is just good as some of their newer ones. I mean sure in some spots it's dated like with the dog/human characters but with the technology they had at the time, it was so experimental.
I cannot stand her, she's unbearable. I hate his whole family, they're horrible
I don't know if that's an "unpopular opinion" necessarily. it isn't peter's fault that there was a criminal on the loose that chose to shoot his uncle, but in a way it is his fault that Uncle Ben died because he did not try to stop the killer. While he could've prevented it, his attempt may have not guaranteed the man to not get away.
I think it's funny, but it works somehow.
I have a very diverse family, so I'm used to it. Sure, I usually notice it in films but it doesn't bother me and I appreciate it. What people are exposed to can surely make them more close minded. a lot of users will judge something before they even see it. Plenty of times you can tell when something is going to be really bad, but that isn't always the case of course.
no way is this movie worse than mission impossible 2
exactly. if they made another movie like jerry macguire, that would be cool
Bill Pullman chooses good roles to play. like always. underrated? I think he might be.