GloccaMorra's Replies

Trumpsters sure do. They even went as far as supporting Roy Moore when he endorsed him. Don't kid yourself. Actually, like father-in-law like son-in-law. Either way, the shit don't fall far from the ass. I've often wondered why 'thoughts and prayers' are never suggested for a woman's right to choose ? Instead they want the government to step in and legally ban a woman's right to choose. When these Republicans go on their 'prio life' rallies, why don't they just offer up 'thoughts and prayers' at these rallies, rather than ask the government to intercede ? However, when it comes to a gun massacre, thoughts and prayers are more than enough. Nor did you say it was a bad idea. If "Hunter's laptop" gets the GOP all in a tizzy, I can only imagine what this will do to them. Oh yeah...nothing. Nada. Zilch. They don't care. With only one door available to each school building, what happens if there is a fire and children and teachers need to escape ? They all head for the one door and create another chokepoint while flames and smoke engulf them ? How do one door buildings work for supermarkets, churches, theaters, malls, etc. After all, shooters are not choosy where they kill. C'mon you Trumpster human centipede - what can you offer to Cruz's ridiculous suggestion other than your thoughts and prayers ? Won't Biden endorse Roy Moore for anything in 2024 ? Great example of a molester - what's wrong with Joe ? You're right ! So let's allow good guys in with guns, and bad guys in with guns, and have a shoot out at the NRA convention to prove their theory correct. The right will still have their way, so you offer the person who's threatening to kill you your thoughts and prayers. So your questioin is what exactly are you supposed to do if someone just wants to take a peaceful stroll down your street and wants to politely visit your home to use the bathroom ? Well, just in case something went awry (which I highly doubt) we will join you in thoughts and prayers for your safety. This is so unfair to gun owners - infringing on their second ammendment like this. For everyone entering with a rifle, someone should acoompany them with 'thoughts and prayers'. That should even it all out, and everyone will be happy. "a couple of idiots trespassing into a building" That's right ! What do the Trumpers call them ? Rep. Andrew S. Clyde (R-Ga.) said the mob of insurrectionists breaking into the capitol "were just a normal tourist visit". LOLOLOLOLOLOL! So your questioin is what exactly are you supposed to do if someone just wants a normal tourist visit to your home ? You Trumpers wear your ignorance everyday like it's a badge of honor. To quote Melania The Tramp: "How you say, boys will be boys ?" LOL! "So what exactly am I supposed to do if someone wants to rob my house and kill me?" Are you talking a full-on inusrrection mob attack like the Trumpers pulled at the White House on January 6, 2021 ? When you say 'try to kill me' are you talking hanging a noose outside your house so they can hang you like they wanted to do to VP Pence ? Oh, the good ol' days. And the Bible belt remained quiet on that one, too. That's what I'm thinking, as well. There is definitely something 'not kosher' in her past or her husband's past the way she answered so curtly. Since the 1960s, single men and single women have been allowed to adopt a domestic child in all fifty states in America. I have a very good reason to believe that it's just your personal record and background info which disqualifies you from adopting a child. Laws are in place to prevent people such as you from adopting, thankfully.,adoptive%20parent%20to%20a%20child. If this is the worse Biden has done, we're in very good hands. I like the one who kept repeating "No we couldn't adopt" at the end. It sounded like they tried, but were rejected. I wonder what child welfare services found in their home that they 'couldn't adopt' ? Maybe Matt Gaetz is their son ? Great - something else the Republicans can blame Milkshake Maddy Cawthorn for these days. If only he wasn't so out with his homosexual affair with his cousin Stephen....this monkeypox wouldn't have come to America.