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Catholic bishop bars communion to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi over abortion rights support

The Roman Catholic archbishop of San Francisco has ordered priests in the archdiocese to deny House Speaker Nancy Pelosi the sacrament of communion because of the California Democrat’s support for abortion rights.

dementia Joe is also a catholic but supports baby murder.


According to Church Law, he is correct.

Because she supports abortion, which the Church does not, for to her to receive communion would be a "sin of scandal," in which people feel, "'if she doesn't have to follow the rules, why should I?" It, in fact, causes people to turn away from their faith.

Same is true for Uncle Joe.

Another example of "scandal" would be your priest having sexual relations -- and everyone knowing about it. They took a vow of celibacy. "So why should I follow the Rules of the Church?"

But, Nanny is quite fine with "rules for thee, but not for me." 🙄


and also "free speech for me, but not for thee."

the logic of democrats befuddles me.


Your use of the word 'logic' is generous. They don't believe in logic, so you will never understand their logic because they don't adhere to anything resembling it.


good point...sometimes I think I live in Bizzaro World.


Unfortunately you increasingly are.


for to her to receive communion would be a "sin of scandal"

I've never heard of this so-called "sin of scandal." Is that something from Mel Gibson's Church, "Saint Torquemada"?

I think the dogma is that the only people who are barred from receiving communion are people that are actually excommunicated.,papal%20bull%20Regnans%20in%20Excelsis.&text=Henry%20IV%20of%20France%20and,by%20%22excommunicating%22%20the%20Pope.

I never knew that bishops can excommunicate people... also there's automatic excommunication that doesn't require some judicial proceeding...


I've never heard of this so-called "sin of scandal."

It's something I read long ago; haven't researched it recently.

The way I understand it, the "sin" is in doing something to cause people to turn away from the Church... Such as I've said, blatantly disobeying Church rule, so that others question WHY THEY should follow the rules. It can be said, that you are leading people to sin.

I'm just the messenger. If you have problems with this, see the Pope.


The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines scandal as “an attitude or behavior which leads another to do evil":


"Behaviour" I understand

"Attitude?" WTF is that? Popping your gum in the confessional?


Give it up. You have no argument here. 🙄


"I think the dogma is that the only people who are barred from receiving communion are people that are actually excommunicated."

Thats not true. I'm barred from receiving communion because I'm divorced. I wasn't excommunicated though. I attended mass for a few years after my divorce, but I stopped, and started going to a non denominational Christian church.


When Fat Donnie dies, they will have to bury his bloated carcass in a satanic cemetery.


Still suffering with TDS?

I told you before, stay on topic. Now, try to keep up. 🙄


Melania has dug the grave already with her own shovel. There are four other graves dug out next to him: one each for Ivanka, Jared, Donnie Jr and Eric. " Berry all dee bastids!" she cried out while digging their graves.




You poor thing.


Why would anyone believe Nancy goes to church.


Remember when Fat Donnie was talking about "the two Corinthians"? Ha ha! That stupid fucker said that was his favorite bible "verse."


Oh, the good ol' days. And the Bible belt remained quiet on that one, too.


Fat Donnie is such a biblical scholar!!


If she does attend church, there must be some super-duper braces holding up the walls! 😱


catholic priests are psychopaths who want more children to come into existence so that they can sexually molest them.


Is Creepy Pedophile Jim Jordan (R Oh) a Catholic priest?


Can you provide direct quotes from priests that support this?


So ... They work for the education board?

You'd think democrats would be down with it...


The Catholic Church needs women to supply more children for priest to molest.


So that's why leftists dont like priests - they are taking their kid supplies away to private school and can't learn critical groomer theory LOL


If sounds like you support pedophilia among priests.


Pedophiles deserve worse than death, regardless of what the do for a living.

Nice try though.


Then, you shouldn't support the Catholic Church's attempt at obtaining more children to sexually molest by their forbidding all forms of contraception and abortion.


Where did I?

I'm simply laughing at how freaked leftists are at their competitors LOL.


Very immature response.


Very immature response.


That archbishop is an extremist kook!

He's an anti-vaxxer, therefore he doesn't care who dies from covid nor who he spreads it to since he refuses to be vaccinated.

He's against ALL contraception. He's against sex before marriage and gay marriage.

Parishioners wanted him removed for being divisive.

I doubt if the OP would be happy living under his extremist doctrine.


none of that is true...


Contraception is a sin in the Roman Catholic religion. How come you don't know this?


thats from the Pope, are you saying the Pope is wrong? and abortion is murder.


"Contraception is a sin" is not from any Pope. It's a part of the religion. You're against contraception, too?

The archbishop is an extremist kook who spoke out against alter girls which lead to a purge. He's filled with hatred.

The Pope:
""Pope Francis said that Catholic bishops must minister with “compassion and tenderness,” not condemnation, to politicians who support abortion rights and warned that clerics shouldn’t let politics enter into questions about receiving Communion.

The pontiff also said at the time that "Communion is not a prize for the perfect" but was "a gift, the presence of Jesus in his church and in the community. That is the theology."

Francis last year advised the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops not to adopt a policy that would potentially have seen Biden, who is also a Catholic, barred from receiving Communion. In November, the bishops approved a new document that fell short of denying the Eucharist to pro-abortion politicians."

Are YOU saying the Pope is wrong?


are u saying biden is a Pope? that doesnt make any sense at all.


Obviously, you can no longer defend your dopey position defending the kooky extremist archbishop.


look fat, no one can defend dementia Joe as well. no one posts anything positive about the dementia patient, all you guys just talk about Trump. its pretty sad really.


What JoWilli Said ^^^.

No one defends dopey Biden, because you can't defend the indefensible blunders. No one even tries.

They're all obsessed with Trump.
You see/hear the same thing on the news. 🙄


Pope trumps archbishop! Your whole topic is irrelevant.


Trump Pope?


Very immature response.


If you think it's murder then there's no arguing with you. You're not the one that needs convincing, you need to be marginalized.


Wow, you would have gotten along with Hitler!


Hitler would be the type to enact a policy like this. Rest of the country is looking at OK like how Ukraine looks at Russia now.


Bet you a million dollars Hitler approved abortion for certain segments of the population. Much the way democrats do...

(btw, I'm not opposed to women making their own decisions about their bodies, I'm just arguing with your ghoulish, fascistic comment "you need to be marginalized"; Only fascists think that way.)


He's saying extremists need to be marginalized as opposed to normalized. That's true. Normalizing extremism allows Hitler.

A couple of decades ago, extremists tried to influence the GOP, but were successfully pushed out by party leadership. Presently, the GOP has allowed nuts like QAnon and other extremists to takeover their party. A few mainstream Republicans who are left are fighting back, but it may be too late.

A GOP president embracing dictators like Kim or Putin is extremism. The GOP in Hungary embracing an authoritarian leader and Fascist ideals is extremism. Saying a zygote has more rights than a woman is extremism.


depends on what you classify as to what murder is.


Abortion should come at the cost of the mother's life, it's only fair that way.


Something tells me Nancy Pelosi isn't a die hard Catholic, so she probably doesn't even give a shit. Very few people follow Religion to a T nowadays. Hell, one the the Priests here is gay and its kind of an open secret.

I'm personally baptized and confirmed, but happy to say I've left that nonsense behind be.


I think the Catholic Church's policy on gay priests is that it doesn't matter, they're all supposed to be celibate anyway.
