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scannerdarkly's Replies
After reading yalls back and forth it got me thinking. Costigan would act and think less like a cop if he has less experience as a cop so its not so hard to hide. He knows those type of people from growing up around them, he had family connected to them, him being washed out of the academy could be hand-waved as saying "see you arent like them you are one of us". Of course the father-figure aspect of Frank helped lull him into wanting to take in Costigan.
To answer the other guys question, sometimes people are placed undercover because they can fit or hide the best. Plenty of regular people are recruited by the police to simply spy or feed information. Now deep undercover you would reckon it would be someone that is a cop. Costigan shown he wanted to be a cop, and he fit all the parameters of being someone who Frank might trust, so Queenan recruited Costigan. Also keep in mind he washed out of the academy which is what they needed! Frank had too many spies in the precinct and the cops knew it so they couldnt use a cop. And any FBI special agent that randomly shows up to try and infiltrate Franks gang would take YEARS and still not be trusted. So Billy Costigan was their best bet to get someone in there.
I agree with you about the "one time watch for me". At least with Wrecked I have thought of it from time to time and am considering watching it again soon.
There were some disturbing elements to this movie and I even considered for awhile that the penthouse owner had set the thief up to watch him suffer. (Ive read here that others thought this as well). Also you have that giant "self portrait" of the penthouse owner where his face is surrounded by an orgy. Then you have that strange secret room where it has old writings of some kind of philosophy where it was stated that the body is the ultimate form of energy and heaven is found within these energies. It was like some weird justification for having orgys. Also Nemo (Dafoe) seeing himself in the corner of the image despairingly lusting after the woman who looked like Jasmine the maid was ominous and it really does allude to that loneliness you mentioned in your initial post.
If all of you liked this movie yall oughta give the Adrien Brody film Wrecked a watch.
I see now what you mean! The team that had the wrestlers and judokas on it was the ones who wasted so much time trying to pin their opponents right there at the bag collecting center of the maze xD It just wasnt gonna work. Why pin your opponents when you arent even winning yet? Their logic of "If we pin this guy he cannot stack bags" was flawd as they didnt take into account that when you pin them, you yourself are not moving bags either!
I was stopped at the end of episode four, looks like you got to see more episodes than me so far! I think I did see the cheating already though. when that one team blocked the other in the maze from getting their bags into the bins at the final couple of minutes. Its a part of the rules that they can block them after the initial five minutes has passed but I still considered it "cheating" as well. It didnt help that the team blocking also had more massive individuals that made up the team compared to the ones being blocked. Seemed unsportsmanlike. Being bigger, it was easier for them to hold still and block them than have to keep carrying on.
They have a different beginning prequest challenge (no hanging), they still have the ball capturing game but with two newer arenas, and the next challenge after that is new altogether and interesting. I wont spoil it beyond that.
I was so eager I already watched them all and discovered not all the episodes were available yet xD
Its interesting to see all these different contestants from all walks of life competing.
I watched the entire thing and I agree that if you havent seen the boat pushing challenge then you missed out! This show was fun and I was happy to see a season 2 arrive.
I was honestly surprised when I went onto Netflix and clicked on the series to show my Fiance the synopsis only to see the banner of "Its Official: Another season is coming"! I thought the ending was beautiful and poignant. It stuck with me for months and I thought of the ending and those characters many times long after I finished watching the show. I even strove to make changes in my own life! Thats how touched I was by this show. Made me examine my own life.
I dont know where they are going to take this? Will it still follow Arisu? Will it be new characters instead? With some old ones showing up again? There are some questions still unanswered, but I prefer the ending we already got. I will watch the new season when it arrives but am unsure what they can tell us that will be as touching as we already received.
The Coppolas were and are still everywhere in hollywood. I mean hey Nicolas Cages REAL name is Nicolas Coppola!
I notice that illuminati eye on his chest, that symbol is everywhere. Just more subliminal messaging.
They helped America fight the british. Thats pretty good history
Thats whats so interesting about the case, If anybody holds a gun and fires it and kills someone then the trigger man is to blame. Lawyers could argue that "the gun owner loaded it and didnt tell any of his friends it was loaded so when the trigger man jokingly pulled the trigger aimed at someone they cannot be held liable because they werent informed it was loaded". Lawyers can argue that, and it wouldnt go far in the court of law. Or lawyers can argue that "the trigger man isnt a firearms expert so how were they to know that pulling the trigger would fire a bullet that could kill someone"? Again in court that wouldnt hold water. But it being a "closed set" (it wasnt really and thats an issue right there that can be argued for criminal negligence) and the guns are props and or the bullets are only blanks and its a pretend scene then its harder to pinpoint exact blame to one person unless the armorer is thrown to the wolves. Itll set precedent on contract signing and the like especially for armorers jobs. But also security can be held responsible for allowing people to wander freely around, whoever brought live rounds to the set can be held responsible,whoever complained about safety issues and was ignored leads the people who ignored them to be culpable.
Really, how can you bring real justice to this case? How can we determine all the chains of events and every person involved to prosecute? Its awful for the loved ones who lost someone. I think every action star about to wield a weapon should be sure its a prop or the rounds arent real before they begin, this is the best way to do it. This wont eliminate accidents but itll make them less probable.
Good point, maybe there werent many people close by the set when Jesse The Body Ventura went H.A.M. with that minigun!
I think its funny that Dutch claims his team is a rescue operations only, yet they are equipped like they are gonna topple a small government xD but hey...I reckon those mercenaries just wanna ensure they are gonna make it home.
To ensure utmost safety, they would just film the baddies getting gunned down, and then film Jesse The Body Ventura letting minigun bullets fly toward an empty area. Just to be sure. I dont think they filmed same frame of him mowing down baddies with the minigun.
Like others said, that rust set was plagued with all kinds of issues. There should also be some criminal negligence charges issued to multiple people, Alec included. Didnt he fire the gun jokingly at someone who wasnt even acting on set? Someone could have set it up to happen, who urged him to jokingly fire at the lady? More charges should be filed regardless of political belief.
I asked a similar question of someone who blew a gasket in their response to me once and never got a reply back. Hopefully they actually tell you their top five favorites, it would be interesting to see what they like.
There are two things (ha) that provide evidence that he is still human and is assimilated later on.
1) After Blair destroys the radio room he is detained and then placed in the toolshed. Macready tries to console Blair and takes a sip from the same bottle of Vodka Blair is drinking from. If Blair was infected, then drinking from anything that Blair had would spell doom for Macready. But later on Macready passes his own blood test.
2) In the script it says that Blair was hearing strange noises coming from under the toolshed. In the movie, when Macready asks Blair if he's seen Fuchs, Blair tells Macready he is hearing strange things out there but as the audience we arent sure he is even Blair anymore. Even Macready doesnt fully trust him as he doesnt let him back inside. From how big the cavern is under the toolshed, it makes sense that something had been digging it for some time. So it could very well be that a thing was under that toolshed digging in order to make room to build a small flying saucer in secret. Blair is placed in the shed and the thing hiding under the floor boards assimilates him.
You may be wondering, where was this extra "thing" from that could hide and dig under the toolshed? Well we see how the thing can split off when being damaged. Norris' head comes off and grows legs when burned on the medical bed. When the guys first respond to the dog-thing in the kennel, it grows large arms and breaks the ceiling lifting itself up. Whose to say when they torched it a small part didnt come off into the ceiling to escape the fire? Its plausible and a theory I came up with when analyzing the film.
I agree that Blair is not the thing until after he's been placed in the toolshed.
How about Dolph Lundgren as The Kurgan? The man is 6'5" and has an accent already? Sure he is old.
I have another idea none may have considered, why not Peter Stormare as The Kurgan? The guy is great and plays villains well.
this is missing actors but still interesting to look at:
Bill and Teds Bogus Journey
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
I second this, whats is the supernatural element in season 1?
Is it how Lorne Malvo keeps evading justice and mysteriously exits the house in the first episode? How he references "this is the best apple pie Ive had since the garden of eden" insinuating he is the devil? Lorne Malvo did delight in others suffering and sinning and seemed to tape many of these interactions to enjoy later.
Season 2 was the UFO showing up twice!