beetsville's Replies

Some people are falsely accusing the girl of starting it even though they have no evidence. New Hampshire is obligated to have it legal based on their state motto. It does not bother me because I believe in individual liberty. Don't have to read it because SWAT should only be used when lives are at risk. The Palestinians are a ethnicity invented by the Arab Muslims to use them to fight a proxy war against Israel. They raped her because they are very selfish people. FACT: Rapists don't rape because they have to they rape because they want to. Prove me wrong. FACT: Orgasms are irrelevant when it come to where a person's is raped or not. Prove me wrong. I challenge you to prove this is a sock account. Yes. I'll just copy and paste the relevant text of the email. Thank you for contacting Paramount+. We’re sorry you’re unable to The stand Episode 2. Apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. Due to streaming or show rights or licensing restrictions the Stand episode 2 is not available to stream. I vote for beancrisp. And on real time. I can not think of one logical reason because there aren't any. I have been reading this and other threads you have started and acertained that you are a person of great wisdom.