MovieChat Forums > Freeion > Replies
Freeion's Replies
Just imagine that, bouncy paint, put it on anything and it gets super bouncy :D
But time travel is relative, the photo would be from a past future delivered to the present.
The space tourism industry is going to collapse big time, you can't get around basic science which requires an enormous expenditure of energy to just leave the atmosphere. No amount of wishful thinking will make a space elevator possible.
For the same reasons flying cars never happened, space tourism isn't going to happen. Flying cars (helicopters) are reserved for the richest people who can afford to spend money on all the excessive fuel wasted just to fly somewhere instead of drive.
It's a kids film, and adults always have to hate on kids films. Space Jam was wicked fun, and does not deserve the hate it gets from the adults who didn't enjoy it.
You're the one who is trying to convince people that fake looking explosions and lame ass fake cars being flipped around is better than real explosions and real cars. All I am trying to do is explain that what you keep insisting are worse effects from the past aren't what the thread was about. I've seen CGI being used to replace stuntmen.
They built buildings that they would actually demolish with the stunt doubles on the set. Controlled demolitions, controlled explosions, all expensive now replaced with cheap CGI. You're going to extremes with the idea of city destructions, but the majority of destruction were small buildings which were built life sized and destroyed life size.
And I think you're constantly thinking about VFX when SFX is a real effect, they actually blew cars up in the old days, they actually dropped cars on top of other cars. Do you not understand the difference? VFX is done after the filming, SFX is doing something for real while the actors are playing their roles.
So when there was an explosion in a movie, there was actually an explosion... it wasn't VFX and added in later.
I said SFX not VFX. Replacing explosions, car crashes, and so on with CGI is lame.
That's the best idea ever... now every male inmate will identify as female and request to be moved to the female prison.
Doesn't this belong in politics?
""Irregardless" isn't a wor<b>k</b>."
The problem with your claim is that the Stanford Binet test focuses strongly on logical thinking ability and if IQ is defined by one's score on the Stanford Binet test then a high IQ does prove a logical thinking ability.
Therefore our problem is either that the person has not had an official Stanford Binet test and instead used an internet test or some other non-official testing method and therefore only assumes he or she has a high IQ, or that we're using a non-objective method of measuring logical thinking ability.
I'm pretty certain the FDA exists to make food like this illegal to be sold. It's also why food needs to be labeled for peanut allergies.bHeck no, but I can see how pre-FDA such food would be sold in markets, often cheaper than the food that doesn't kill your baby.
But SSL denies the man in the middle attack, so open sockets can't be spoofed.
If I might, POP3 can be spoofed in the same way IMAP can be spoofed in the same way your internet browser can be spoofed. Sure, anyone can send you a packet claiming they're communicating from a source they aren't... but the keychain verifies certificate is from who it claims to be from, and furthermore you require the private key to decode the communication.
I do have to agree that technology isn't a linear progression... so we can't honestly say military might would be comparable. But the movie aliens are very militaristic and outrank us in every way. There is no excuse for humans winning the day.
Then what are people injecting into their arms?
Space with extra Jordan
Are you using Outlook Web App, or the desktop client? The web app probably expects you to be using it from a public computer which is why it offers you the ability to log off. There is nothing inherently insecure about leaving the connection open, or even just not clearing your cookies. The issue is more about if someone goes into your house and uses your computer without your permission, then they'd have access to everything you have left signed in.
IMAP is not more hackable than POP3... though Google (wanting you to use their ad delivery service) does claim using anything other than a Google app is insecure. An open socket does not mean you have an insecure connection either, the connection is through SSL so even if someone managed a man in the middle they wouldn't get anything.
COVID-19 has become endemic, it is going to be here forever, and it will just keep mutating and killing people. There will never be a post-covid time ever again.
This doesn't go far enough, we need to fire the racist who hired him, then fire the racist who hired the racist who hired him and keep going until everyone has been fired and everyone is out of a job. This is the only way to end hate, fire everyone! [/sarcasm]