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What’s your predictions on the UK post-covid restrictions?

I’m predicting another shutdown when their 40k to 50k per day positive cases jumps to 100k and the hospitals are inundated.


I’m a little more optimistic. Whilst infection rates will surge, hospital admissions and deaths will hopefully remain low for several reasons: -
1. High vaccination rates.
2. The Delta variant is a weaker strain (albeit more contagious).
3. Eventual herd immunity.

Fingers crossed eh?


Delta is not weaker.

“Public Health England said that the data showed there was a higher risk of hospital admission for patients with the delta variant compared with the alpha variant”

So it’s not weaker. But they continue:

“but its analysis2 revealed that two doses of vaccine gave a high degree of protection against hospital admission, estimated to be more than 90%.”

So they’re basically saying “times up unvaccinated.”


My wife and I were done weeks ago. We’ll still take precautions, but I’m not too worried anymore.


Thought the Delta was more dangerous.


the world is watching the uk


Leading the way as usual, 😉


You are getting the Euro surge.


We’re vaxxed and taking precautions, so remaining Meh! 😑


Brexit will continue to mess up the UK.


I think, that unless something even deadlier comes along, that lockdowns are behind us. The chances of dieing if you are double jabbed are 2% for Pfizer and 8% with astra zenica. Vaccine rates are very high here so the ones who choose to not have it, or can't have it, will hopefully be protected by heard immunity.

Stories of long covid are scaring me a bit tbh. I didn't realise there were such a wide range of possible ailments brought on by contracting covid.


Yes and I'm a long hauler and my sore feet are flaring up again, on the ball of the feet. It's no fun.


Has your breathing returned to normal?

There's a couple of foot related issues I've heard of. I wonder why a respiratory virus affects the feet too. It's very strange.

Are you being treated for your feet or is there not much that they can do about it ?


No I had x rays to see if it's arthritis and it's not, the doctor said it's the body still in turmoil due to having had a viral infection.

Some say the vaccine can help so I'm tempted to try.


I wouldn't be surprised if winter brings restrictions but for the rest of summer and into autumn I don't think they could get a lock down short of the black plague suddenly turning up.


There's the lambda variant that started in South America and has now been found in the U.S. Not much is known about it and I haven't read of any cases in Europe yet.


COVID-19 has become endemic, it is going to be here forever, and it will just keep mutating and killing people. There will never be a post-covid time ever again.
