MovieChat Forums > Terez > Replies

Terez's Replies

This movie is great though, I loved imagining how all those biomechanical creations would work. People prefer less imagination and more generic stuff I guess. The world is full of ignorant uneducated idiots. Masks aren't only an issue in America, though people keep pretending that is the case. Not funny at all, because your joke relies on someone being so brain dead they actually voted for Trump to be funny. The military has no problem with saying the term UFO, only brain dead Trump supporters actually believe when the military says UFO the military is talking about space aliens. But what can you expect out of people who voted for the biggest crook in American History? Space Aliens might call F-18's a UFO since they might not be familiar with our airforce... but of course a Trump supporter is so stupid that she has to insist a UFO is always a space alien. Yes, exactly. If it wasn't identified at the moment, it was a UFO. You're pushing this ex post facto rationale that if pilot went "WTF was that" then when the explanation came the military would have destroyed the fact the "WTF was that" ever happened. That something was a UFO doesn't change once you identified it, the fact is what the military calls UFOs and what civilians call UFOs are completely different things. This is why when the military releases information on UFOs and the alien nutjobs claim "LOOK UFOS ARE ALIENS, THE GOVERNMENT IS CLAIMING ALIENS EXIST" anyone who has even a basic college education looks at you folk and thinks "can't you read the article?" No, you are the one who is suggesting that the military is so moronic that they actually believe extraterrestrial aliens are visiting this planet and thus made the term UFO just to describe it. You're suggesting that their entire shift to UAP is some government conspiracy to hide the fact Biden lost and Trump won (because no one but a trump supporter can be as stupid as you). I believe you're not in the military and that as a trump voter you're not smart enough to understand the argument is that you're not in the military so stop insisting they use UFO to refer to aliens. They use it for ANYTHING that they do not immediately know what it is or what caused it. You continue to insist that the military use UFO in a way they don't. You belong in an asylum with all the other trump supporters. Why bother, rich people like yourself refuse to acknowledge how rich you are... and that was what we started this whole discussion about. That you're too rich to give a crap about people who have 1/12th the wealth of your nation. Hilarious... so you're willingly shifting the burden of proof? You have to realize, your entire argument is "I don't understand how the military uses the term UFO, therefore UFOs are aliens" Something only a Trump supporter could come up with. By repeatedly denying that actual UFOs are things like the northern lights you've change the Military's use of the term UFO to match one that only lunatics use (where a UFO is always an alien). You lost your credibility by being a trump supporter. Insurrectionists like you who rioted at our capital need to be brought to justice. Since you're a trump supporter, everything else you say literally is garbage, because all trump supporters have dysfunctional brains. As you're not smart enough to vote for someone actually competent or even understand that he lost the election, how are you supposed to understand the basic meaning of what an unidentified flying object is? The fact is, you can't. Supporting Trump has caused permanent brain damage and you literally are incapable of understanding scientific facts. Appeal to self evident truth is also a fallacy, all I need to do is say "it isn't apparent to me" and then the burden of proof is on you to make it apparent. As I clearly indicated "it isn't apparent to me" In fact, I countered what you considered a strawman with a definition that doesn't match yours which would mean even if your reasoning were self-evident the fact is that our definitions for strawman differ and we're back at you having to defend your position. My point was that you don't get to be that rich without exploiting the nations that are 1/12th the wealth of your nation... and that you're too filthy rich to give a crap about people who are poorer than you. Clearly the middle class is a plague on this planet. By definition, a foreign experimental aircraft is a UFO, but being a Trumptard you don't understand what a UFO is and therefore insist that all UFOs are of extraterrestrial origin. Unidentified only means we do not have a name for it yet, if China is flying a new aircraft no one has ever seen before... it's a UFO, it is an unidentified flying object. That is how the military uses the term. Civilians and Trumptards insist that all UFOs are extraterrestrial aliens, and when the military talks about UFOs they're talking about everything except aliens. That is why the military moved on to unidentified aerial phenomena, because civilians wouldn't stop equivocating UFO with aliens. Of course that didn't change how the stupid civilians insisted that every single thing that appears to be flying must be an alien. Stupid civilians of course prefer to remain stupid and rebuke scientifically proven facts. "It's not that difficult to differentiate between a deep fake video and the real thing." You're defiantly a Trumptard, you don't even know what a deep fake is and are clearly saying it to make your intelligence sound higher (or rather lower because I actually know what it is) than it actually is. What I was talking about were ways to create videos that have convinced people like you for decades that ghosts, bigfoot, and other bits of fiction (like extraterrestrial visitors) exist. All of this is basic cinematography. A deep fake uses an artificial neural network to generate new content based on old existing content. Effectively, what you're doing is creating an association between frames of speech with what was actually spoken, and smoothing it out by having additional content (so it doesn't look like you simply cut out the frames where the guy was saying what you wanted him to say and stitched it all together.) Haven't you seen the UFO evidence released by the Airforce? Small hard to distinguish objects that appear to dart from one point to another. You hardly need something as complex as an ANN to create dodgy video like that. In some of the cases it's clearly just a lens flare. You must be a Trump supporter to be this stupid. The northern lights are UFOs, you can see the northern lights, you can't see it on radar because it isn't physically there, it's just an optical illusion, no one had their instrumentation affected. People who "see" a UFO only saw something that appeared to be flying and appeared to actually exist. Who cares if extraterrestrial life exists, it's irrelevant to basic science which has proven a million times over that what you Trumptards think are actual flying objects are all optical illusions. "Wrong again, the proof is in the pudding, you're in the top 1% of richest people in the world. To be completely average you'd need to be making less than 2850 USD a year" LEARN TO READ, I said you were in the top 1% of richest people in the world and I proved that. Simply because you're not smart enough to know what a strawman argument is or argue on an intellectual level doesn't change that I proved my claim. That doesn't PROVE the clot was caused by the vaccine. Correlation does not equal causation, evidence is in repeatability and reproducibility. Simply saying "this person had COVID-19" doesn't mean that's what the person died of. The problem with these style stories is that they never actually define anything. "Exotic Material" doesn't mean anything until it is fully defined. I can tell you want it to be metallic fragments or some physical object but the story doesn't say that, it says nothing because nothing was actually given as hard evidence. Even more so, the hard part of this UFO issue is that a crashed experimental aircraft counts as a UFO... but not the type of UFO you want it to be.