MovieChat Forums > Terez > Replies
Terez's Replies
You didn't put in the work, you were simply born into privilege. Now you come explain to me why the girl who takes care of her family after her mother died and works a part-time job while still attending college is meant to stay down in the slums all her life while the fat boy who was simply lucky enough to be born into upper middle class gets his college education paid for by his parents and has no worries as he parties his way through college.
College is just what gets you the interview after all, with how rampant the cheating is these days and the lack of real world use for the information being provided (you learn more on the job than you do in college.) Kid with the right parents can be however the hell lazy as he wants, just has to look presentable and act mature.
Yes, the middle class is rich, because they exploit every other country that is poor by their standards of living. Without cheap China, the middle class wouldn't be able to afford all the goods they can today.
What do you mean, the middle class IS filthy rich...
Yet you failed to indicate how it was wrong which is because you know I am right. Capitalism requires there to be poor people that the middle class step on so the even wealthier can step on the middle. If you take the lower bricks out of a bridge, the whole structure collapses.
I want people to learn what an Unidentified Flying Object is... instead of insisting that everytime someone says "UFO" we're talking about some flying saucer or even something that is physically there and actually flying.
You mean "You are a stupid fuck" or "You're a stupid fuck" you stupid fuck.
Just like a typical filthy rich leech, you insist the poor have better lives than you do. Of course you would never join them because you know that is all a lie, but you have no problem exterminating them despite the fact that you're the one who displaced them and created the problems to begin with.
The problem is that memory is retroactive, you'll see this happen in cop shows all the time.
Put witness in front of a lineup... 'Which one did the crime?" witness "they all look alike" cop "what about the scar" witness "oh right, I now remember there was a scar on the left cheek."
See, people can convince themselves that they have a memory when what really happened was that they constructed a memory for themselves and now believe it to be true. Similar to asking people what they were eating at a ball game, if it wasn't unusual they'd think about what they normally eat at a ball game and then associate that with what they were eating.
The way we "remember" things isn't like photographs, it's reconstructive... we build off of things we know and make up all the rest. This is why people remember things differently as they get older and have more experience in life... it's because they're applying their experience on the fragments of information we call a memory to form a new perspective.
Aren't Muslims basically conservatives? So you consider the worst to be both liberals and conservatives -__-;
The problem is that the only viable review system is a system that lets you choose reviews based on your own preferences. I still find it hilarious how adults are downranking children's shows because the adult hates the show. Well, of course if you're an adult then you're not going to like the show... and of course if you're in one target audience you're not going to like something designed for a different target audience.
This is how Netflix does its recommendation system anyways, it groups people by shared preferences and recommends to you what others who have your preferences like.
That was funny as hell. People giving reviews to the God Father "Not as good as The Dark Knight"
The environmental catastrophe won't change humans, we'll just build CO2 scrubbers and domed cities. Humans are the ultimate destroyers, what they'll leave behind is a dead planet.
People in the 90th percentile of world wealth. Those who are richer than 90% of all other people.
I agree that all politicians and rich people should be wiped out, that'd fix the majority of the problems with human overpopulation and kill off all the evil people too.
So you blame everything on Trump and refuse to simply accept the truth that Humans are all horrible and they don't need some horrible leader just to justify their own horrible actions.
It didn't matter who was in office, it was always going to be political. Of course horrible humans can't accept this horrible truth that humans are horrible regardless of whether they have a horrible leader to blame for how horrible everyone is.
No, America is a GENTRIFICATION pot.. all cultures get uprooted and replaced by rich white middle class scum. Just look at Hawaii which was a very happy independent nation before Americans invaded it and executed their queen... then they displaced all the Polynesians and destroyed their land. Now the few remaining natives can't even afford to live in their own homes because of white scum like you. America needs a big nuke up its ass.
Dogs have been bastardized by humans to be incapable of fending for themselves. Imagine if an alien species had selectively bred humans so we'd be too stupid to fend them off as they cooked and ate us. Admittedly, that's a more human thing than intellectual alien thing to do.