avortac4's Replies

"Wouldn't be as funny" Maybe it could've been MADE funny somehow. In any case, I hate when shows become FRUSTRATING because they try to be 'funny'. Everything is sacrificed on the altar of 'funny' - sometimes it's good, because it means there are no politically-correct sacred cows, but other times, it's annoying, because it means you have to be frustrated, because being non-frustrated would mean 'not funny'. "I hate stupid Marty Funkhouser. So annoying! Terrible character, terrible name, terrible voice, terrible!" You are speaking the truth, except you forgot 'terrible face, terrible acting, terrible non-expressions' and so on.. I still can't understand why he was accepted to be on TELEVISION. The most numb, boring, crap character ever. "He's not going to look well." "..going to look good", "..going to look like he's well", but not "going to look well". What's wrong with people's command of the english language? ".. time hasn’t treated him kind. " "Kindly" or "well", not "kind". "Uhhhhh, like Susie or Larry don't curse over the top every single episode?" You sure used many 'H's, did you need that many? In any case, 'foul language' is not necessarily about cursing, it can be about 'foul usage of the english language', basically assaulting a perfectly good language for no reason. Sometimes Leon's 'street lingo' IS a great source of fun humor, but sometimes it's just annoying how crude and foul his expressions are, it's just tiring and not funny. "He had his moments...but too much Leon was not a good thing. I hate his foul language." If anyone has EVER summed up my thoughts well, you did the best job, congratulations! Let's face it, Leon can be funny, but he _IS_ a "poor man's Kramer" that most of the time doesn't quite deliver. You know, lists are kinda boring. This would be more interesting, if you could explain your reasons as to WHY those are your picks for 'worst episodes', especially 'leaps and bounds'. What sort of leaps? What about the bounds? Is the cinematography bad, was the camera too shaky, angles all wrong? The story didn't 'do it for you', and why? What? Tell us, please - this IS a discussion board, after all. I can't get THAT into this show that I would be even able to make such a list. I am more casual about this, I suppose. However, I thought the 'Nanny from Hell'-episode was reasonably good, and there's nothing that wrong about the 'Car Periscope' - as far as I can remember. The Blind Date.. ah, the whiny blind guy? I thought it was a pretty good premise, I guess the episode itself is not that good, can't really remember it well. Leon is pretty CRUDE, though - it's not always that funny. Sometimes the juxtaposition of Larry's correct english and Leon's street lingo can create amazing, hilarious moments, and the misunderstandings when Leon uses his 'black people status' to Larry's advantage can also be great (like when Leon opens the door and the demanding white guy thinks Leon is Larry and becomes humble, which is racist of course, but whatever). Leon can be a hit-or-miss, depending on the situation, writing and delivery. He CAN be hilarious, but he isn't automatically guaranteed to be funny. Susan's car-wash cun7-line was funnier than 'Fat fúck', which is just so easy to say and annoying to listen to. I disagree, I think at least one of the funniest things in this show was Susan saying her line about the car-wash cun7. Well, it fluctuated, it peaked, it fell down, and now it's just on life support, still sometimes entertaining and funny, but nothing unique, creative or respectful anymore, just your bland, run-of-the-mill show to keep your most boring seconds of your life slightly less boring - that is, when the show isn't boring. At least it's cringy sometimes, but I think it's way past its prime... it's like food on the table - it's delicious, even inviting at first, then its smell goes neutral, and it sloooowly starts rotting away.. unless they pull the plug in time, we'll get to see zombie-version of this show stink to high heaven as a rotting corpse that's artificially animated. With this kind of stuff, I tend to think about origins. Wood comes from killed trees that used to happily live in some nice forest, before these apelike bipedal monsters came with their gas-powered, air-polluting, noisemaking, metal-teeth nightmare machines designed to destroy anything that's natural and beautiful, and mow them down, to cause agricultural, natural, weather and human problems by making areas erode and become deserts and whatnot. So when you look at it THAT way, it's a bit of a moot point; if you REALLY want to respect something that deserves respect, why not respect the trees that are still forming a beautiful, natural forest, created by the Divine for us to enjoy, watch, breathe and live in their harmonious energy. Respecting wood is respecting the imaginationless shape of chemically processed DEAD BODY of a murdered part of nature that took aeons to be created. Respecting wood? WHAT? Respect NATURE, you murderous apes! To me, this is kinda hypothetical, as I HATE eating when anyone can see me or if people are around, and I ABSOLUTELY abhor having to watch someone CHEW. Why do people eat together, I never understand. Why can't it be a private function, you just shove nourishmental piles of matter into an orifice of your body, is this really a social situation, is this really something people need to watch? However, imagining a situation where I would, for some reason, accept an invitation to 'group-based orifice-shoving', I would definitely either sit with my back against the wall, or I would not go. Those are the only options, I am not gonna sit in a bad Feng Shui just because someone has some kind of opinion about sitting. Instead of 'basically', you could use 'figuratively'. Unless you don't care about honesty, accuracy or writing something coherent. You should also use punctuation and start your sentences with a capital letter. I never noticed it before, but now that I read your post, I can easily remember and imagine him saying this in one way or another. He seems to always underline that as the reason why he tolerates Larry or why he is his friend or why he chooses his side, or something like that. Maybe it's just his tired comedy pattern or something. I liked him in 'Men in Tights', but I haven't really seen him in much else besides this show, I don't think he's the funniest individual, he's pretty robotic and often mean, I would not be his friend. "They even seem like cheap imitations of themselves in earlier seasons. " I definitely noticed this happening a lot. I didn't expect this to happen so much, I thought he had more unique ideas left, but I guess he doesn't. The show has become 'samey' and repetititititive, just like a bad pop song you hear on the radio that seems good the first time you hear it, but goes on for too long and is played too much, until your ears bleed cheese. Larry used to be the 'victim' of unreasonable people, sometimes sneaky (the missing shrimp). Then he became the 'attacker', and now he's responsible for his own downcomings (I can't believe how much he just needlessly insulted the Romanian Uber driver's country and the women of that country for NO payoff or reason, it's like shooting someone randomly, why would he do that?). The show can still be funny, but it's very hard to empathize with almost anyone on the show anymore. He always sounds like he had screamed his voice out last night and is trying to make vocal sounds, but fails. Always. I wonder what happened to him, he shouldn't be on television with that expressionless face and that weak 'almost-voice'. I wonder why he was put on this show when everyone knows he can't deliver more than robotic face coupled with the weakest old-man non-voice ever almost-heard. "Oh, brux, if only your musings were actually interesting to anyone.." Or relevant to the topic, the post, or anything else, for that matter. He comes SO close, though, you have to give a point for effort. Magical Vagina.. I think they just chose that so someone could say "Magvag".