MovieChat Forums > Curb Your Enthusiasm (2000) Discussion > Love this show ... but do you think

Love this show ... but do you think

Curb Your Enthusiasm would be as funny without the music?

Does the music sort of function to take the place of the clumsy laugh-track they had in Seinfeld?

There is a video on YouTube of Larry David and Ricky Gervais together where they are comparing their accomplishments, and Gervais says something like, we got to number one without a laugh track.

So, what do laugh-tracks do in America? What is the function of a laugh-track? It is to foster a fake sense of community as you watch the show alone? Americans are the most isolated people in the world now ... especially white Americans.

Did white America sow the seeds of its own destruction by breaking up the family when we transitioned to having men traveling all over the place with their nuclear families and breaking up the multigenerational household? Put the nail in the coffin when we switched from eating real whole food to eating mostly canned, frozen processed and then junk food. I can't think of a another country in history that is in danger of doing itself in, so fast?


America isn’t the only country that uses a laugh track.


Is that what I said? Why do you even want to quibble? It's not worth my time.


Yep, that's pretty much what you said.


Oh, brux, if only your musings were actually interesting to anyone...


"Oh, brux, if only your musings were actually interesting to anyone.."

Or relevant to the topic, the post, or anything else, for that matter.

He comes SO close, though, you have to give a point for effort.


"In America"?

I hear laugh tracks all the time in U.K. sitcoms.




You made quite a few leaps in your argument there.


I am an argument leaper, for sure.


“ travelling all over the place???“

The way you phrased that suggests that women were simply orbiting around the men like servants and had no input into the family decision making process, which many of them surely did all throughout history.

And for the whiners who are tired of reading my feminist posts: try, just try if you can, to imagine if the shoe were in the other foot and this this is how your gender were described. If you’re at all able to empathize I know you wouldn’t like how it feels to read these sexist posts all the time.

You’ll probably say I’m quibbling because I’m not responding as you’d like or saying “ well put.”

I just really find this sort of insensitivity towards the roles of women so dispiriting in a coed forum that’s supposed to be fun for everyone, not just sexist men who speak about women in such ways that are so marginalising.

You know.. it really does get so tiresome to see this sort of sexism taken for granted.


Hey, having lived through that socio-economic era I would suggest that your feminism is getting the better of your desire to understand.

My Mom and our family had to move ( men travelling all over the place ) whenever my Dad got a new job, which took all of us away from our families, friends, and familiar surroundings, until they got divorced in a time when divorce was rare.

At that time my Mom was one of the first women I was ever close to that started to read about women's issues and feminism and I learned a lot from her - while being a boy/man. I am not about to renounce my gender as I would not expect you too either. So, I am fascinated by how your got my comment so wrong and then be so definite about it at the same time?

( I am assuming you are a real independent person and not some kind of ultra sophisticated troll that latches on to a few words, pattern recognizes the subject and then outputs an automated reply meant to make feminists look bad )


Ok, to satisfy your curiosity it’s how you phrased it. “Men moving all over the place.”

If you had been more specific by stating that you were referring to such things as corporate America expanding its offices, or the military etc., or simply getting another job, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

Can’t you understand how demoralising it is for women to be referred to in such ways? Or should I say, not even mentioned?

“Families having to move around the country because the jobs the fathers had required them to do so..”

I’m glad your mother was a feminist; although in your response you talk out both sides of your mouth by saying my feminism is “getting the better of my desire to understand” I.e.: irrational, and then you go on to proudly state how much you learned from your mother about feminism.

It’s your language that indicates your point of view, which can be whatever you want it to be, and so can mine.


Seems like you are just predisposed to get mad at someone who is basically on your side. I am not talking out of both sides of my mouth any more than you are reading out of both sides of your eyes. You didn't even try to glean the meaning of my post you are just looking to pick a fight. Sorry, not interested. You are just wasting both our time.


Blah blah blah


Laugh tracks have been around for ages. Music in comedies in or other shows just the same. Neither Seinfeld or Curb has anything to do with any agenda.

Man just watch and have a giggle. Shit.


> Laugh tracks have been around for ages.
> Music in comedies in or other shows just the same.

who is you you imagine doesn't know this that you are being a condescending jerk to exactly?

> Neither Seinfeld or Curb has anything to do with any agenda.

Agenda, your word. What do you mean by that, and how would you know?

>Man just watch and have a giggle. Shit.

Please do, and lay off the commenting when you have nothing interesting to say please.


What I mean by that is you start of innocently enough about laugh tracks and then you make it all political. You connect dots that aren't there. Don't tell me to lay off.


If you have something to say, say it. I'm allowed to say what I want here and connect the dots as I see them. There is a difference that cuts through American culture and every other developed culture that is holding the US back, except for a small elite that depends to "stupidizing" the rest of the country so they can be exploited politically. Our media and entertainment has something to do with that, so don't except me to do anything other than put your on ignore if you keep attacking with no point and telling me what to do. This is on you buddy. The reason that you cannot seem to make a coherent statement is that you are trained like Pavlovs dogs to react to certain political words, not think about them, which makes you the experimental Guinea Pig of exactly what I am talking about.


That's not fair at all. And feel free to ignore me. I'm am not trained to react to any words. I just know reaching when I see it. Making mountains out of molehills. I agree media can't be trusted, and I would never put blind faith in anything the news or government told me. But I also can see entertainment for what it is. Fucken entertainment.


> I just know reaching when I see it.

Just because you feel ( obviously, not know ) something doesn't make it correct, or enough to warrant commenting on it. And don't be so sure you know the forces that shaped your behavior, they would not do it if it didn't work.
