Worst Episodes?

Let me first say that I'm a massive fan of this show, and almost everything Larry David does makes me laugh. That being said, there have been a few episodes that I would consider duds. After re-watching the series On Demand over the past few weeks, I've compiled a short list of the worst all-time Curb episodes:

5: The Nanny From Hell
4: The Ida Funkhouser Roadside Memorial
3: Car Periscope
2: Ben's Birthday Party
1: The Blind Date - by leaps and bounds.

Honorable Mention: Aamco, The Benadryl Brownie, The Lefty Call, The Bare Midriff.

Thoughts anyone?


I can't get THAT into this show that I would be even able to make such a list. I am more casual about this, I suppose.

However, I thought the 'Nanny from Hell'-episode was reasonably good, and there's nothing that wrong about the 'Car Periscope' - as far as I can remember.

The Blind Date.. ah, the whiny blind guy? I thought it was a pretty good premise, I guess the episode itself is not that good, can't really remember it well.


You know, lists are kinda boring.

This would be more interesting, if you could explain your reasons as to WHY those are your picks for 'worst episodes', especially 'leaps and bounds'. What sort of leaps? What about the bounds?

Is the cinematography bad, was the camera too shaky, angles all wrong? The story didn't 'do it for you', and why? What? Tell us, please - this IS a discussion board, after all.
