Worst Episodes?

Let me first say that I'm a massive fan of this show, and almost everything Larry David does makes me laugh. That being said, there have been a few episodes that I would consider duds. After re-watching the series On Demand over the past few weeks, I've compiled a short list of the worst all-time Curb episodes:

5: The Nanny From Hell
4: The Ida Funkhouser Roadside Memorial
3: Car Periscope
2: Ben's Birthday Party
1: The Blind Date - by leaps and bounds.

Honorable Mention: Aamco, The Benadryl Brownie, The Lefty Call, The Bare Midriff.

Thoughts anyone?


That being said

Shame you didn't say "Having said that.."

Whole-heartedly disagree with the inclusion of The Nanny from Hell, Ben's Birthday Party, The Blind Date, and especially The Benadryl Brownie (one of my favorites).

My list:
5: Car Periscope
4: The Smiley Face
3: The Lefty Call
2: The Hot Towel (really surprised I don't hear more people mention how awful this one is)
1: The End (oh, so bad.. massive misfire with the "heaven" scenario)

(Dis)honorable mentions: The Acupuncturist, Wandering Bear, The N Word, The Bare Midriff, The Smoking Jacket

All those are the only episodes I think are actually lousy.


You are so right! Of course, I should have said "having said that". My apologies; what a violation.

The Hot Towel and the N Word were surely not great on any level, but I didn't think they were as bad as you. The "Seinfeld" homage's in both bump them up a notch, for me.



Yeah, "The Hot Towel" doesn't even make sense from the previous episode. They make a big deal and do the Seinfeld Reunion episode and Larry in so intent on getting Cheryl back and then this episode is just out of left field. Why would Larry be going after another woman after he made such a fuss saying he was getting Cheryl back?? And why would that woman want Larry if she already had this big boyfriend. Then there's Christian Slater with the stupid caviar. I've noticed that Ted Danson is fine by himself but the episodes with Ted and Mary aren't very good for whatever reason.

Then they followed it up with "Denise Handicapped" which is another out of left field episode. Again, why would Larry be going after another woman after he made such a big deal about getting Cheryl back. And then they basically don't get back to the whole Seinfeld Reunion story arc until the "Bare Midriff.

They should have placed "Hot Towel" and "Denise Handicapped" episodes before the Seinfeld Reunion episode.


Then they followed it up with "Denise Handicapped" which is another out of left field episode. Again, why would Larry be going after another woman after he made such a big deal about getting Cheryl back. And then they basically don't get back to the whole Seinfeld Reunion story arc until the "Bare Midriff.


They should have placed "Hot Towel" and "Denise Handicapped" episodes before the Seinfeld Reunion episode.


"Why would Larry be going after another woman after he made such a fuss saying he was getting Cheryl back??"

Actually, I believe this was covered. I seem to recall something about how Larry saw it as an opportunity to get some side action in before he got back together with Cheryl as once they got back together, the window for that kind of thing would be closed. This was further justified by the fact Cheryl had been dating someone after their break (the no-fly underwear guy) and presumably getting action of her own.


Bens birthday party is hilarious


Well The Nanny From Hell and Bare Midriff were brilliant!


Glad to see the Lefty Call only gets an Honourable Mention - I love that episode.

Larry's visit to the doctor and couple of rants when gently questioned about his bathroom habits is one of my favourite CYE moments! Cha Cha is absolutely brilliant at wrecking Larry's head too!

Most of your choices are spot on though

A Man You Don't Meet Every Day


Bare midriff was very funny. All of the scenes with Seinfeld and LD were classic


Bare Midriff is one of my least favorites mainly because it contains not one but two of the absolute stupidest scenarios in the show's run: the speck of pee hitting the painting/causing an uproar, and the police arresting Larry for the napkins/guy not being able to tell white and black bald men apart. And I do get the joke, it just fell completely flat for me. Sometimes that over-the-topness and surrealism works in the show (and on Seinfeld), I just think it bombed big time that episode. The Larry and Jerry scenes do bring it some redemption though- I could watch those two interact for hours.


Don't forget the murder sequence, which was not funny at all - just dark, and cruel. I don't mind dark humor, but what's so funny about a woman witnessing her husband being bludgeoned to death, and the subsequent mental trauma it caused her? Jesus Larry, wtf?


Pick one from the last season.


Awwww...Car Periscope is hilarious!



While the Lefty Call may not on the whole be a great episode, it does in my opinion contain one of the funniest moments in the entire CYE series - at the barber when the proprietor starts slapping Larry around with a towel because of his insensitive remark. The way the slapping starts as innocuous brushing off stray strands of hair on Larry's back, and then builds up with a crescendo to downright flogging - it has me cracking up every time :)


I personally loved all episodes and I can see why you say some of the above but definitely not Nanny from Hell, Car Periscope, Blind and Lefty Call

Lefty Call could have some weak points, but the bathroom monitoring scenes with ChaCha were extremely funny and so bloody true!
