Worst Episodes?

Let me first say that I'm a massive fan of this show, and almost everything Larry David does makes me laugh. That being said, there have been a few episodes that I would consider duds. After re-watching the series On Demand over the past few weeks, I've compiled a short list of the worst all-time Curb episodes:

5: The Nanny From Hell
4: The Ida Funkhouser Roadside Memorial
3: Car Periscope
2: Ben's Birthday Party
1: The Blind Date - by leaps and bounds.

Honorable Mention: Aamco, The Benadryl Brownie, The Lefty Call, The Bare Midriff.

Thoughts anyone?


"the larry david sandwich" that whole episode tried too hard & felt like some awful curb fanfiction.


The bi-sexual.


from the last two seasons I go with car periscope


Aamco, The Benadryl Brownie, The Lefty Call, The Bare Midriff

Wow, are you kidding me? Are you sure you actually like the show? I'll give you The Lefty Call- but Aamco, Benadryl Brownie, and the Bare Midriff are classics!


Seriously there was not a single episode that I would rate "bad". Some are almost unbearable to watch but funny nonetheless.



Love them all but there is one episode near the end of the final season with Larry and Susie Green in a car for an extended period of time and it literally gives me a headache every time I see it (why I can't cough up details right now). Made me realize a little Susie goes a long way. Or I am developing an allergy to "shrill".


I think most episodes are great but season 6 stands out as the one with lowest quality.

Just from the top of my head, the episode I enjoyed the least as far as I can remember is "The N word" primarily since it was the least believable episode of all.

In general I think the episodes where Larry is trying to get a Seinfeld reunion only to have Cheryl starring George x-wife in order to win her back is by far the worst multi-episode event.

