Worst Episodes?

Let me first say that I'm a massive fan of this show, and almost everything Larry David does makes me laugh. That being said, there have been a few episodes that I would consider duds. After re-watching the series On Demand over the past few weeks, I've compiled a short list of the worst all-time Curb episodes:

5: The Nanny From Hell
4: The Ida Funkhouser Roadside Memorial
3: Car Periscope
2: Ben's Birthday Party
1: The Blind Date - by leaps and bounds.

Honorable Mention: Aamco, The Benadryl Brownie, The Lefty Call, The Bare Midriff.

Thoughts anyone?


Really? I love Nos. 3 and 4. And I like all of your honorable mentions. I'd agree on the top two, though.


One episode I never really cared for much was Beloved Aunt from season 1. The typo thing was funny but I thought Larry acted strangely passive and out-of-character the whole episode, which is understandable I guess since it was an early episode. I thought it was stupid that Larry just lets his wife's boorish family practically kick him out of his own house, he should have told them to leave if they were so offended. And then the whole business with Jeff's mother thinking Larry felt her up was ridiculous, especially since Jeff took her side over Larry's, which is way out of character for him too.


Kamikaze Bingo is my least favorite episode.


I thought most of the first season was not up to the standard of the rest. Luckily the series wasn't cancelled because of this and it had the chance to get up to speed.

"I am always happy to engage in POLITE discourse."


The one about Funkhouser...he has to be the weakest regular on that show by far.


The Terrorist Attack. Larry's friend (from That 70's Show) didn't do anything for the show, even though he was suppose to come across as a jerk. That bit about not wanting to valet his new car is also a misnomer because most owners of new cars don't mind at all (it's the vintage ones that park themselves).

Wasn't big on Wanda, either. I normally like her comedy, but she appeared oddly out of character.


I'm only in the middle of Season 3 - The only one I've seen on your list is the Nanny from Hell - I thought it was hysterical.

So far, I've only thought one episode looks like it was mailed in.

It was when Michael Lewis introduced them to his girlfriend with peanut butter allergy. I thought they should have used movie make-up and prosthetic to make her face swollen from her allergy. They decided not to show her face and I thought it took away laughs.

I also thought they should have made her allergy reaction result from the brownie Larry David's manager brought to the party since he stole them from his kids. Maybe his ex-wife didn't know he was going to eat them and not give it to the kids who she made them for so she added peanut butter. And not knowing that, they went to her to make more brownies for the gf to comfort her(which they did) but the ex added peanut butter again not knowing that the person she was really making it for is allergic to the ingredient. And they closed out the episode with the worst swollen face ever when she looks into a mirror.


OK, just started Seaon 4 and the first couple of episodes with Mel Brooks and Ben Stiller were not funny.


Mary, Joseph, and Larry.

There was a Seinfeld where Jerry tells George he needs to learn to leave before he wears out his welcome, joke wise. The hair in the throat thing was such an example.


Haven't seen all of them (far from it), but I didn't really care for The Special Section. The opening with Martin Scorcese is hilarious and I love the scene where Larry is shocked he wasn't informed his mother died, but eventually the episode becomes less and less funny. I didn't find the story very interesting.
It entertained me at least though, so I'd give it a 7.


For some reason "The Thong" (S02, Ep05) never had me laughing... not sure if it has anything to do with Jeff Garlin's direction but something was off.
