avortac4's Replies

Hey, _I_ am supposed to say all that! "Christianity : A god who loves you so much that he'll set fire to you if you don't love him back" Religions suck, but if you look at what the Oiled One REALLY said, you'd be burning in hell sooner than you can find any portion where he mentions The Creator setting you on fire. I agree with you, I would definitely accept the quality of the effects, props, sets, costumes, anything and everything, if the story and writing were good. That's basically how Space Cop is - it feels like a wasted opportunity, wasted potential, wasted talent, wasted everything. With just a few tweaks, it could have been an amazing classic, but it brings itself down to garbage level because it's boring, the story is bad, writing is bad, jokes fall flat, and all that potential is just wasted. I mean, Mike's character from the past interacting in the 'modern time' (I don't even remember if it was the 1980s or not) with a cop from the future - this theme has SO much potential! All the things that COULD have been done, and we're only shown about three per cent of that. Some small bits were good, like the video camera stuff and some other Mike's characters stuff, but for the most part, this movie is so bad you can't even cringe at it. Where does this information come from? Who said it took 7 or 12 years to make? I think they could've succeeded if they started from a really good story. A good story that INSPIRES everyone involved to surpass their usual self and give us their best. Then you can have some bad effects or bad props, and it won't matter. The bad props/effects/B-movie stuff shouldn't be the POINT / CORE of the movie, it should be the thing the audience forgives, because you have a VISION, a story, something you genuinely want to tell. They didn't go that route, so the result doesn't work. It's basically 'B-movie for the sake of B-movie, laugh now that we bumble around and act badly deliberately'. If the story was their driving force, and the effects were 'whatever', and sometimes they could even be good, it could be a beautiful expression of love for the craft instead of 'trying to manipulate the audiences with cheap tricks', as it comes off as now. I think the problem with this movie and the AVGN movie is the same; they try to 'be funny by making a B-movie deliberately', which can never work. Instead of that, they should have started with a 'REALLY GOOD STORY' first. Once they have that, then just polish and tweak it until the details are all in the bag, then when start doing it, you can make it funny with attitude, personality and jokes you might think of while making it. You don't start from the other end by 'making a bad B-movie', and then just shoving in it whatever leftover ideas you have from your other productions. The good story should ALWAYS be the core, then even if the 'B-movie' stuff fails, at least you still have something valuable you are creating. Bad acting and bad effects can be forgiven, if there's something valuable in the movie - in other words, if the STORY is good. It's not enough to have funny props and bumble around without knowing when to stop. Hey, they might be middle-aged men, but they HAVE been lately designated as 'man-children', so that should balance it out and they should be viewed as 'vibrant youths' by now. "#1 your written like 5 essay length responses on here... intelligent people need " "Your written"? Do you mean "You have written"? Using the word 'like' in a post (without the commas, I might add), not using hyphen when mentioning length, and YOU tell people what 'intelligent people need'? Wow. It's beyond irony, it's .. I am textless. (Can't really say I am 'speechless' in a text-based board) Why is it that stupid people are the ones that most talk about other people's intelligence, and insult other people the most? Almost any time you see someone talking about people's intelligence or insulting other people for their lack thereof, they PROVE their own brain damage in their post by expressing stupidity that doesn't know bounds. I won't even mention your lack of capitalization and punctuation .. or writing [80's] instead of ['80s] (I am avoiding quotation marks to make this comparison more legible), or escalating your insults to 'creepy loser' (which is a matter of opinion, while you are using this terminology as if it is, or even CAN be, a fact).. I feel sorry for you, because you have to live with someone like you every day. This movie is surprisingly bad. It's almost as bad as the AVGN movie, and it's just as big a mystery; someone CLEARLY talented and entertaining that knows how to make great videos, makes a movie that's as interesting to watch as a snail traversing through 800 meters wide glue pond, unusually slowly. I'd rather watch 20 randomly-selected videos from 'Best of the Worst' 24 hours in a row than watch this movie again. Basically this is Rich Evans (gotta love him, though) bumbling around and acting as badly as possible, while groaning some really stupid lines and 'one-liners' that make you groan at best, make you want to bash your head against a wall at worst while crying about your wasted childhood. There are some very rare glimpses of 'funny parts', like Mike's character trying to impress a guy from the future by using 1980s technology, that seems amazing to his character, because he's from the past.. (sounds more complicated than it is), and using 'obsolete' terminology that's deemed forbidden nowadays. Basically, no, this movie is not worth watching. I could recommend it just to satisfy your curiosity, if it wasn't so gosh-darned BORING, just like the AVGN movie is. It's -barely- better than the AVGN movie, and that's saying a lot, since it's hard to imagine a worst turd than the AVGN movie. Even the much-hyped E.T.-review wasn't used organically to support the story, but just slapped at the end credits, almost like a bonus video that has nothing to do with the actual movie. All the things that COULD have been done with that E.T. -review premise... and he doesn't even hate the game! He actually almost praises it, killing the LAST potential for fun the movie could've had. Incredible. These movies are like cousins.. great talent making horribly boring awfulness as movie.. how the heck does this happen? Why would it be odd? This is 'the current year', so how, what and where people watch, has changed. Is it weird that a database keeps up with people's viewing trends? Should this database be only about film-based stuff, and thus stay still when the world goes by? I mean, why would it matter whether something is released in a theater or a computer monitor, stored using film or a hard drive, as long as it's entertaining and visually interesting? Why are people so stuck up with the specifics and formats? It's like the idiot that said 'It's Time Cop, not Time and Space Cop'. Did they ever stop to think that regular cops are not called 'space cops', but just 'cops', because movement in three dimensional space is such a normal, expected, regular and a given thing taken for granted, it does not need to be specifically mentioned? A cop that can't move, now THAT would require some kind of specific title, like 'immobile cop', but a normal cop moves in three-dimensional space, so it doesn't need to be specified. The same way, why would it need to be specified or categorised, let alone SEGREGATED (!!), just because it is shown in a different format than videos and movies were 30 years ago? Let the database get with the times and keep up with the world, ok? If you disagree, at least PLEASE elaborate and explain, WHY you think this database SHOULDN'T accommodate popular, excellent TV shows that are streamed instead of sent through airwaves? Does the delivery method matter THAT much, and why would it? I am waiting for well thought-out, well-written answers. Please use actual english grammar. Thank you. A movie is a movie, regardless of its origin, location, format or displaying method. If it's 'moving pictures' (i.e. lots of picture frames every second to create the illusion of motion), it's movie, regardless of where or how you can watch or view it. Your complaint, no offence, is as stupid as "It's Time Cop, not Time and Space Cop". Think about why that stupidity is wrong, and you may understand the fallacy of your comment. (I know you are just trying to be funny, but I am bored, so sue me) Don't you mean "underated"? You spelled 'villain' exactly like people always spell it in these boards, so why spell anything against the current grain of stupidity, american typos, mispellings, errors and bad grammar? Just spell every damn word incorrectly and get it over with. That's the beauty of watching things as a kid; you don't consider this kind of aspects or understand what 'sarcasm' or 'camp' means. You simply watch something to enjoy it - if it's fun to watch, you like it, if it's boring or not fun, you don't like it. You are not getting the nuances or adult jokes, but on the other hand, you're having a lot of fun with a show like this. Of course the fun comes from a different dimension when you watch this as an adult - Adam West's speeches have me almost rolling on the floor, and Burt's enthusiasm never fails to tickle my soul. As a kid, you wait for the action and love the BWAM! SPLOOSH!-stuff (of course still fun for adult mind), but as an adult, you fully understand the hilariosity (?) of Batman and Robin's incredible, wholesome purity and respect for the law. No wonder they went to the 'dark and broody' direction after this kind of camp, but holy hilariosity, Batman, would this world be poorer if this show didn't exist. ..no matter how convincing they are, no matter how good of an actor the owner is. When video cameras were left to observe a dog left home alone, they proved that the MOMENT the owner made the decision to head back, the dog immediately reacted, and went to the door to wait. This is not even debatable, it's a fact. A dog's brain is simple enough for an animal to utilize it probably close to hundred per cent. A human's more complex brain is meant for multiple levels of spirituality and true humanity, which means there's always going to be 'locked, latent potential' that you can't have access to. No matter how you utilize every molecule of the physical side of your brain, you are still not accessing all that the brain can do and be, because it's locked out and hidden. Brain has so much room for human growth - a highly cultivated and evolved spirit can utilize a brain much more effectively than a lowly, animal-like brute. Even if it's the same, exact brain, the higher being gets SO much more out of it, they can do telekinesis as an everyday, mundane thing with the brain power. The animalistic brute can maybe count 1+1 correctly on a good day with that same brain. So please learn already, the 'you only use 10% of your brain potential' is not to be taken LITERALLY and PHYSICALLY - you can use every molecule of your physical brain without reaching 20% of your brain's potential. If you only knew what brains can do in the right hands (so to say), you wouldn't blindly vomit this overly-used lie. It's not a fallacy, get that through your thick skull into your brain, and maybe you can start utilizing 12% of your brain power.. Your kind of attitude is basically rationalizing and excusing the 'status quo of stupidity and non-cultivation' that most people have fallen into. It's basically worshipping the complacency of the useful idiot, the lazy slob that doesn't BOTHER to understand the world around them, because they have bread in the cupboard and beer in the fridge, or shoes and handbags in their bedroom. We should always be striving to become better human beings, to elevate ourselves from the mud of mediocrity and stupidity, to reach for the stars and endeavour to become angels of the Universe so we can better serve the Hand that Created us. But instead, we fall into these popularized lies so we don't have to do anything. 'People are already perfect, everyone uses 100% of their brain, case closed, now where's my twinkie and beer while I watch some buff dudes kick some artificially skinned, non-round object that's called a ball inbetween some poles and get all excited about it'. The 10% never refers to the physical side, hinting that there's 90% of completely unused area of the physical brain where signals can't be detected, OBVIOUSLY. It refers to the 'human potential', 'brain power' that you can cultivate, and also to the 'hidden latent potential' that we aren't yet allowed to unleash. An enlightened, old-soul Adept (I have to use capital letter for respect) certainly utilizes more of their 'brain potential' than regular people on this planet, maybe even 90%. We all have a long way to go before we are allowed to handle the full power of what a brain can do with proper, enlightened, high-level spiritual energy. There are such thing as 'spiritual abilities', both lower and higher. Animals utilize lower-level telepathy, for example, they can see right through you. You can't lie to a dog, because dog instinctually experiences whether you are serious or not. If someone kidnaps the dogs owner as a prank, and the owner is in on it, the dog won't react to the fake screams for help.. "premise is just so stupid" The premise itself is not that stupid - a great story COULD be told about someone gaining power/intelligence/etc. without having the backbone, maturity, spiritual wisdom, etc. to handle it correctly and responsibly, power could make someone immature enough MAD! This actually happens in a Dr. Strange comic from decades ago, and it's great. A LOT of great stuff could be done with the premise, if handled correctly. Are you sure it's the PREMISE that's stupid here..? " up there with the fallacy of "we only use 10% of our brains"" When did it become fashionable to vomit this lie all over the place as a show that you are 'with science' and 'intelligent' and all that? It's not a fallacy, you are just not understanding it correctly. People are definitely not using their full potential. It doesn't have to be taken LITERALLY, as in 10 physical percent of the physical brain (the actual brain is non-physical anyway, as is pretty much everything that's real - we are spirits living in multi-dimensional, layered bodies and the physical side is the least important of them all, but we need it to be able to exist in a physical world). You can think of it as your soul, mind, brain, etc. having a lot of locked, latent and unleashed potential that people aren't yet allowed to access, because they are still spiritually immature and young. The ten per cent does not refer to physical matter, it's more of 'access to potential' - it's like a bodybuilder has more access to the full potential of their body's muscle structure than some fat slob that barely uses their muscles. Brain power, like muscles, atrophies, if it's not used or utilized. You can take this as a metaphor of people's mental laziness, if you want. In ANY case, when you look around, do you really see human beings that are utilizing 100% of their 'brain power' and potential? Brains can do amazing things if their power is completely and properly harnessed, and most people don't do that. When you say 'Irish', do you mean people that : - Do not know what punctuation is - Do not understand language enough to begin a sentence with a capital letter - Do not understand how to actually write a legible sentence - Do not know how to construct a coherent thought You have written over thousand posts, and that's over thousand posts I hope I will NEVER see.. "Nowadays I actually find Deep Space Nine less interesting. I was just watching an episode last night and thought it was boring." Why is this a trend? People write a tiny, barely two-sentence post, that reveals that they judge a long-running TV show based on _ONE_ episode they probably didn't even understand, and consequently their toddler's attention-span-mind 'found it boring'. Come on, if you are going to say something, at least ELABORATE, tell us WHY you thought it was boring, which episode it was, what the story was all about and so on. It's hard to agree with someone that just throws a generic insult into the air and then goes away. I find this planet boring, but I won't come to discussion forums to say this and then leave without elaborating. Geez.. LEARN TO WRITE, you ... damn.... Earthians! First of all, episodes are not fish, you don't 'catch' them. Secondly, _AN_ episode? You are not even aware that TNG has varying quality in its episodes, and some episodes are AWFUL TRASH, while others are 'actually pretty intriquing'? Thirdly, how does a 'local theater group' (local to what? Which locality are you talking about, and why would 'locality' be an essential thing to mention?) 'attempt' a 'series'? Series is not something you 'attempt', it's not an activity. You mean they are attempting to recreate a series by ACTING? You don't have any logic or understanding of anything, even simple english language, so your sentiments are not very valuable to the discussion. Furthermore, you do not mention the episode you supposedly 'caught' somehow. Which season was it, the first one? You also avoid elaborating on WHAT about it made it .. (and I will clean up your brain vomit).. SEEM like a group of wandering amateur thespians attempting to create their own Star Trek show. Of course it should be obvious that 'video cameras' do not, have not, and probably never will 'evolve'. Technology is not nature, only natural things evolve, and even them, not as much as we think (a fish can develop better fins and gills, but it won't 'evolve' into a bipedal land-entity). The only evolution worth talking about is spiritual evolution anyway, and you are proving to be a Neantherdal in this respect. But don't worry, at least your output is congruent with your other displayed qualities in your remarkable post - remarkable, because you managed to pack so much stupidity in such a small, tiny post. In my opinion, only stupid people that have nothing to say because their minds are devoid of meaning and understanding of anything, write these 'SMS text messages' in discussion forums, that would allow much longer posts (though never long enough for some reason). But hey, this is just my opinion. Also, couldn't they just ask Q to erase every problem they have ever had, bring back to life everyone that has dead, and do it retroactively, so none of the bad stuff ever happens? Q makes the whole show useless anyway, because you can NEVER know, if all or any of it was Q's doing or real. Also also, the whole Borg thing is so stupid, why would they know WHERE they disappeared to when Q snaps them back, why can't Q erase Borg's memory.. there's NO REASON for Borg to know about Earth or any of the people, there's no reason for Borg to be able to hunt them down, there's no reason for Borg to even start that hunt EVEN if Q does nothing, because there must be gadillions of things and worlds to assimilate way way before they reach anywhere near Earth. Why does Q (or Q continuum) even allow something as purely stupid, soulless, horrific, square and destructive as the Borg to even exist? They could make the whole Universe perfect with a snap of their finger(s). So we can have a stupid TV show?