saltfat's Replies

I was surprised how good it was. I'm not really familiar with any of the actors besides Stephen Dorff. Tim Blake Nelson was fantastic, I'll have to look out for him in other things. It was at least better than Nobody. I can't remember the last time I watched an action movie I really liked though, the mediocrity is rampant. I hated this movie but it's silly to say there would be no interest in this. Edgar Wright is considered a good director by a lot of people and is big enough that he's considered a Hollywood director, not just a British director. Anya-Taylor Joy is one of the biggest rising actresses currently and can be counted on for a good performance. Those are pretty big selling points and I'm not British. It tanked cuz it sucked and no one's gonna go out of their way to watch a mediocre movie during the pandemic. The movie was shit so, in that sense, it makes sense. Yeah, that was weird. It's not like they would've had time to make sure their stories all aligned. I guess, maybe since they police weren't able to catch them thru the court system, the cops might've helped everyone "remember" what happened (i.e. told them what to tell the courts). After all, Markus and the gang did the cops a favor and maybe they did one in return. Very boring but very handsome child of famous actor. I felt the opposite. Found the first part terrible and the second half more what I was expecting/wanting. Wish the main protagonists had been more likable from the beginning, everyone just annoyed the crap outta me until like the last 20 minutes. wow, a movie about having a baby ends with a baby. real psychic power you got there. I don't think you can get any unsexier than this movie. Went through all those monologues for that ending. Ugh. I didn't hate this...there was a lot I liked. I liked the music and thought the beginning had such a nice fantastical element to it. I loved how it looked - the dreariness and coldness, it was oddly cozy. The characters were terrible, though, and after a while my suspension of belief turned into annoyance with the ridiculous plot. It also didn't seem to have any highs or lows, like things just kept happening. The cancel culture stuff was unneeded and shallow. I did like the ending. 6/10 for me too. Not a fan of Borat or Seth Rogan, but this was alright. An aggressively stupid movie with lots of bad acting. I completely forgot i watched this and accidentally rewatched it. Still as deeply unpleasant as ever. Reminded me of those kids commercials from late 90s/early 00s with sex and violence thrown in. Trash, and not in a fun way. I was referring to modern sci-fi (and I should have specified Hollywood). Demolition Man is almost 30 years old. Utopian sci-fi in last 15 years is the exception to the norm. I expect SyFy to cancel it because it's SyFy, but I'm enjoying the show while it lasts. The one thing that bugs me is that he is very distinctive looking, it's hard to believe they had any difficulty remembering his face or his size. I like his acting and find him very charismatic. I'm not familiar with French movies/tv in general so may be missing things in his acting that a French-speaking person could catch. I'm not buying the explanation people have that daughter+father weren't that close. They spent a huge amount of time isolated together and were family. Even children from horrifically abusive households develop strong attachments to their parents. The dad here may have been stand-offish and harsh at times, but more run-of-the-mill parenting mistakes than purposely abusive. From the way she reacted to cutting Pedro Pascal's arm off, it seems more likely she had been through a lot of trauma and that affected her (non)reaction. Basically every other sci-fi is gritty and dark lol. I have no interest in Star Trek, but it's nice to know there's still some sci-fi with optimism in it. Yes, that's the 'rare thing' lol. It might be the only other thing I've watched of his that I enjoyed where he wasn't a voice actor/had a bit part. I really like Tudyk but he's rarely in things I want to watch, so I was happy to stumble on this. It's a stupid show but I enjoyed the first episode. Too bad it's on Syfy...