Lampedusean's Replies

Offensive to me? Not in the slightest. I'm growing bored of our conversation. Hmm you seem a real fan. Alright, I'll stop spoiling. Tune in Friday for more predictions. What moron are you to think that you are alone? Most Muslims aren't terrorists Tulsa race riot anyone? Stupid is as stupid does. Well as long as it was free.. No, he's someone else. I am aware of the editability of both title and post. The reason of the spoiler is to get more readers and replies. And it works. So that is your life? Alright, keep posting. ...because there was money to be made in the short run. It's your choice. No, really! Yeah, no. Expect some reboots after George gets tired but that's it. Just something to show that the citadel builders hoarded the wrong cans. Fascinating! I have nothing with Ferrari. Just a post to incite some dialog. Well in honesty nothing is really necessary. Then again everything is, truly. I guess you are both losing this argument, fellas. The whole simplicity and aiming for coolness with the hero. The ridiculous all bounty hunter race, the bloodless but rampant and casual murder like in a video game. Aimed at children exclusively! Things are not that grim.