Lampedusean's Replies

Just probability at work. Have a thousand people call heads, flip a coin and repeat for those that resulted heads. Soon you'll find your "lucky guy" A diluted facsimile of Dr Strangelove. Nice for a rainy day the 70's! Jungle because of the climate. Like the girl said, when it grows hot! Again, pay attention, like 'ol jawless should have. It's just that it does not coexist in the truly enlightened. Chasing a driving sand crawler and murdering a solitary mother rhino for a snack in 40 minutes. That was tonight. And you are asking WHEN the show is falling apart? Yet it encourages lethal violence as absolutely normal behaviour but abhorrs anything sexual. Watch episode 1 and 2 to see the Mandalorian kill dozens in cold blood. Episode is bland af and will hopefully spell the end for the show. And for that whole Disney+ channel nonsense. What did you expect? SW died with TLJ/Solo Turkel was believable. Leto is not. Has little to do with what you like or not about the script. But I'll give you 30 years to find out that it's a crap movie since you seem to need that. Your name suggests you are suffering from late stage Scott, so good luck with that. She would have been great but Hoeks was good. It was just poorly brought. Jared Leto scenes are cringe worthy. Whole pregnancy thing is artificial (swidt?) FFS go to a hooker and get it over with, dude! Red haze standing by. Couldn't have said it better myself You are.missing out! Watch it again, pay good attention and I'm sure you'll have a fun time with a sense making movie. Jelly Watch it again and pay attention this time. Enjoy! Oil junkie ? Of course I watched it. It is a children's show with a lot of violence (the slaughter of an entire village of guards is depicted as something the main hero does regularly) It has not revived Star Wars for me.