Thespear's Replies

<b> 'There's was no "pressure" from the US because Ukraine didn't even know that the funds had been withheld.'</b> If you REALLY think having Soviet tanks at your border and wanting 'javelins' to defend yourself against them is NOT pressure, then I am wasting my time with you. All the Ukraine needed to know was that they didn't have the weapons yet! <b>"You overstate the law"</b> No, I didn't!. ASKING A FOREIGNER (govt or individual), merely asking, for anything of value, money, help of ANY kind (whether it is given or not) is a campaign finance violation. So you know what? Don junior has already committed this crime by accepting the meeting with the Russians. Trump claims he was concerned about corruption? and you think this was part of his 'constitutional duties'? I hope you are ready to watch his impeachment trail in the Senate. a) There are official channels to establish such concerns and THEY WERE ALREADY USED and b) Trump asked about NO ONE ELSE except Biden and his son. For your sake I sincerely hope you are merely trying to make an argument here and don't actually believe the rubbish you are talking. Nobody forced Trump to have that final call with the Ukraine President. Nobody asked him to go on tv the other day and ask China to investigate the Bidens. For that matter nobody asked him to ask Russia to investigate Hillary Clinton's email. No other presidential candidate, in the HISTORY of candidates has done that. The GOP senators will have NO OPTION but to convict him. There were diplomats involved. Many people resigned (Bolton) Some were sacked. You will hear the FULL version of the call not the twenty minutes short summary Trump released. You bet the rest of it is damning. This is a slow motion car wreck, already happening and only a hyper partisan person like yourself will doubt it or deny it. The 'pressure' is because Ukraine has the Russian army on its doorstep and is dependent on the aid to save itself. QPQ aside, it is illegal for ANYONE to even ASK a foreigner or foreign country for aid or anything of value in regards to a US election...ANYONE. So when the President asks for the 'favor' whether anyone considers it QPQ or not, that is an impeachable offense. Not only has Trump already PUBLICLY asked China and Ukraine to investigate his political opponent (impeachable), he has admitted that what he wanted Ukraine to do on that fateful call was to "INVESTIGATE JOE BIDEN". This is ALL ON VIDEO TAPE! The fact that some people are STILL trying to defend something so completely indefensible illustrates the moral and intellectual bankruptcy of the modern Republican party. According to them it is okay for a President to solicit foreign help to win his election...because that's the ONLY way Trump won before and now thinks he can win that way again! I've noticed that when Trump supporters are challenged on facts, they simply ignore the argument and call names 'socialist', 'antifa' etc instead. I guess they hope to distract and deflect from all the recent damning impeachment news. These name probably mean a lot in their world but nowhere else. If I engage a right winger and they refuse to engage me on facts, I simply disengage.....not worth the effort. I guess Trump is not really the problem. It is his followers who are in denial So you had W, Mccain, Romney and then ...Trump Don't you see a sharp drop somewhere?. We do! Really? A Trump supporter wants to talk about cheating? You might want to ignore ALL the dishonesty of this guy but for most people, he has stained the Republican party FOREVER! Well, at least a one thing is now clear. Republicans probably can't win without cheating! This is why they are busy gerrymandering districts; stuffing the courts with right wing judges and passing draconian voter id laws. They have given up on winning the argument and instead doubled down on crazy, lying and cheating! I get it, Trump is doing what you like but you guys are acting like you are cheering for your local football team: standards, the constitution, the laws, decency, honesty now even national security must be sacrificed at the alter of whom? Trump. Someone who you must know cares NOTHING about what you care.He ONLY cares about himself. Whether it is impeachment, 2020 or 2026 Trump will leave office eventually. At some point a Democrat will be president. I only hope you remember the lengths to which you guys went to defend the indefensible. I honestly don't get the Republican defense of "Biden did it too". First, Biden is not currently President. Second, it has NOTHING to do with what Trump did. You don't tell the cop who pulled you over for speeding that the other guy was speeding too. It's NOT a defense, Third, Biden did what he did in the interest of the country and the rest of the West, NOT HIS OWN! The pollsters did not factor in the 'help' Putin was giving Trump! I was CLEAR that if you wanted me to respond to what you think are legitimate arguments on your side, you MUST drop ALL your 'unnecessary colorful language'. After several responses from you it seems you failed. You tried, but fell short, sorry. You obviously don't want to hear my responses or if you do, you just can't read and follow simple instructions. When either of the two is the case my efforts to educate you will be wasted. So carry on swearing and believing whatever it is you choose. Once again you have made my point. The Right is left to lying, shouting and swearing. Buckley, Will and Reagan are turning in their graves. Good day! NO, that's the reason the US broke from England because the King was above the law. Impeachment and removal IS part of the law. <b> MovieBuff224 said: "Let’s start with the basics - sexuality, sexual intercourse and sexual attraction all exist for one purpose and one purpose only: procreation; to ensure the survival of a species. This is no different in humans than it is in fish or birds. "</b> Billy, Go read the OP again. After some long and hard thought, MovieBuff224 was making rather declarative statements about homosexuality and NATURE, not humans Billy, NATURE. If you want to limit your defense of his/her position you should make it clear you are ONLY referring to HUMANS. While sexual reproduction (involving opposite sexes) is common among animals, asexual reproduction also sometimes occurs. My point is simply this: The OP is wrong in trying to make the point that 'everything in nature' involves reproduction of the kind that necessitates opposite sexes...therefore homosexuality is unnatural' meaning 'it does not occur in nature'. It does! Speaking strictly about humans, if you too thought 'long and hard' about this issue, you will realize that the mere condition of being 'hetero' or 'homosexual' has little to do with reproduction. More correctly what you want to say is that 'anal sex' is unlikely to cause reproduction in humans. I will agree with this. However having 'anal sex' is not a necessary condition of being homosexual and MORE IMPORTANTLY, having 'vaginal sex' is not a necessary condition of being heterosexual. Drink Deep, my friend krl97a, You have to decide whether you want to have a discussion ( like Buckley and Will would) or you want to have a shouting match. I have not refrained from cursing you because I am scared, stupid or don't know curse words. I have done so because I have CLASS and will not be dragged into a shouting match. If I can't get you past your vulgarity, cliched 'talking points' and unnecessary colorful imagery I can't hope to get you to REASON, which is PRECISELY MY POINT about the RIGHT. This is ALL you have left today! You are intellectually bankrupt! Chief proponent is Trump. You can make ALL the points you want without trying to tie me to some extremes you feel might invalidate my words. You simply need to read, understand and refute them! Now surprise me! "What a crock of shit." Exhibit A. Yes Buckley and Will rallied against perceived media bias, but they did not need to resort to YOUR language to do it. They used logic and reason to do it. Today the Right is actually admitting they can't even do that! "he spoke to legitimate, substantive issues that Heartland and swing voters care deeply about." Let's assume for argument sake that you are 100% right. There is no deep seated and racist reasons behind the ideas of Trump supporters. Why can't you lot argue based on THOSE legitimate and substantial issues. I recall the Tea Party opposition to Obama was based on Fiscal concerns and Government intrusion. "Don't Tread on me" has become " Please tread on the other guy" Where are those concerns now? Where is the concern about an intrusive and over spending government? You have failed to make the argument you JUST said were legitimate heartland concerns. Why is Trump's rallying cries draped in racist and xenophobic language if the REAL concerns are 'substantive issues'? "because they believe their last, best hope of saving America will have been extinguished, and by illicit means to boot." I might agree with you there. Sooner or later, the Trump followers will realize that whatever real "hope" they have for America is NOT shared by Trump. Sure he sounds right but this man has never done anything for anyone else his entire life! He is completely selfish! You refuse to acknowledge his moral decadence and financial dishonesty. Deep down I believe many of you already know this, you are simply on for the ride. At some point, the ride will end and guess what? those hopes will remain unfulfilled. What's worse is that your side would have mortgaged ANY right it had to have it's point of view heard. The bargain of this democracy is that you fight fairly, follow the constitutional boundaries, and take turns with our different visions. When one person decide to cheat; not follow the rules and wants to keep control forever, it is not good for ANYONE. Not everyone has the means to spend 6 months in any modern metropolis certainly but that is NOT what I am suggesting. I am saying is that for what you might pay for a 3 week cruise in Europe or even in the Caribbean or South America, you could probably live at least two months in many, many countries around the world (the choice is yours) and thereby BUY a much more enriching, valuable experience. 6 months is only an impossible amount of time depending on how you value your time. It only a fraction of your life and there are many, many other ways someone can spend 6 months, including doing the same old drudgery. There was a time when I could listen to the arguments of William F Buckley and George Will and understand their POV even if I disagreed with them. After Trump, ALL the people who argue for Republican positions are making impossibly stupid, thinly veiled racist, illogical arguments! Why didn't Buckley and Will complain about 'Fake News' or the 'Liberal Media' or the 'Deep State'? Because they didn't need to invent boggeymen they relied on the strength of their ideas! Trump has NO IDEAS beyond race baiting, calling names and lying. He said the reason he would run as a Republican is because "They are stupid and will believe every thing you tell them"!!! Trump is a lousy person with many flaw, but he is keen judge of character! Traveling is the greatest antidote to ignorance and this goes for ALL people to ALL parts of the world. Sight seeing is often not enough and spending years on some army base or resort town won't do it either. Every human should endeavor to go to a different culture and spend at least six months with the regular 'Joe' of that country, enough time to learn the language, eat the food etc. What they will learn is worth a 4 year degree! You: "I think what I said was fairly consistent. I am curious to know about so called types of reproduction outside of sex that is considered "natural" though." Unless you think humans are the ONLY things in know where the word "unnatural" comes from. Drink deep! could the 2ND WHISTLE BLOWER be BOLTON? That's what I was thinking