MovieChat Forums > jimmyjuliano > Replies
jimmyjuliano's Replies
any "russian reptiilan shapeshifting robots hacked my brain making me vote for the orange man" conspiracies over there at the daily stormer? i just love those!
i just see a "liberal" wanting someone to be fired for voicing her opinion in a democrat country. something i'd call "fascist"
the fact shes black makes me wonder if that also has something to do with it. it's a little worrying.
i have more proof that colbert was connected to epstein than you have that says russians meddled.
there are people just as powerful, maybe more powerful than trump in this country, the CIA tried to use the italian mafia to get to fidel castro during the 50s, sam giancana, carlos marcello, with the promise of getting their casinos back, so yeah, there are people in this country with means and ways of doing things that are much deeper than even that of the CIA and the president.
I like how you go to extremes to try and belittle what i'm saying, "hillary parachuted in and whacked him" hahaha i like it, but we both know that the reach that clintons have would make it easy, and i'd say that about many families, even republicans, the term "the clinton body count" exists for a reason, whenever someone has gotten in their way, they have "commited suicide" what about seth rich? a mugging slash murder but he had his cell on him, wallet, watch? you know what i'm getting at, you're not that dumb.
as for russian interference, naaaa, you know it's crap. my real problem is that we can't question somethings, but have to accept others. and it all depends on who it helps. i just hate the bias.
that shut you up...
"booo ooooo someone said something i don't like! booooo oooo time to impeach, time to fire them they can't say something i don't like boooo ooooo"
another "liberal" fascist, or mybe you're showing your racism doogieboy, if she was white would you still have the same problem?
well we know colbert won't be arrested, his good buddy epstein just got clintoned. i'm all for stopping these conspiracy theories, so tell me, when we can expect to stop hearing how russian secret robot reptilian shapeshifters hacked our brains so we'd vote for the orange man!?
if the conspiracy theory damages a republican, then it's fact, if damages a democrat, then it's "baseless nutjob loons bla bla bla bla" right?!
you're not living in he real word, you know theres zero evidence to suggest the russian hacked our elections you know it. project veritas have videos of higher-ups from CNN saying "we know it's bullshit but if you throw enough shit, some will stick"
"if" "if" "if" "if" always with the "ifs" right? not facts just wants.
your bias is insane, in your retarded brain if the press tells you it's so, then it is right? you only have "ifs" and if you believe that a man in a suicide-proof cell, just happened to kill himself when the camaras broke, and the guards went on a break and he killed himself but he just happened to report that someone tried to kill him, and you don't see something wrong here?!!??!
if this guy leaned closer to the right then to the left, if he donated money to trump and not hillary you'd be pushing this conspiracy theory till the cows come home, but because it's not, you say less than harpo marx. so what does that mean? well another "liberal" complict in pedophilia. big shock!
hillary used a private server, when her emails were hacked it came out that she had been swapping emails using the word "pizza" as a code, based on books from the 70s and pedophiles speaking on it, it became clear that pizza was a pedophile term for children.
fast-forward 3 or 4 years, a man who had bill clinton on his island "at least 6 times" on his private jet and was a donar to the democrat party is arrested for sex trafficking kids, and he dies in his cell, his suicide proof cell, just as the guards go off juty and the camaras stop working. and the LEFT-WING media, not the right! but the LEFT! says we can't question "baseless conspiracy theories"
and if you're too stupid to see the link, either you're biased or retarded, or my worst fear that you're maybe a pedophile.
you're lying, he said "we should question if what we're told happened there that day actually happened"
but lets say he did say there was a hoax, and why not? the doctor who performed the autopsies said that the rifle was used to kill the kids but it found in the car when police arrived on the scene. but anyway, why do you feel it's ok for the left to shut down and attack people who question certain things, while push their own conspiracies?
why can't we question sandy hook? why can't we question a man found in his suicide-proof cell after the people guarding him went on a break and the camaras just happened to shut off... whys that "baseless" but 30 months of "but but russian robot hackers hacked our brains so we'd vote for the orange man" is ok?
it's ok sam, because the media tells you it's ok, and this is why people are laughing at our press in other parts of the world. and it has nothing to do with "sympaties" there you go again playing the emotional blackmail game, it's about having the freedom to question things.
funny how clinton tried to hide her emails, then pizzagate came out, now a longtime clinton friend dies like this, how strange, you too wouldn't be aiding and abetting pedophilia would you doogie?
"look it up" good one! the old "i don't have a clue what i'm talking about so go and find something online which agrees with me, thanks"
democrats don't let facts get in the way of a nice bit of race baiting.
deep ties that you can't prove, like 2 and a half years of nutjob conspiracy theories can't prove russian colusion, but your emotions want there to be right?!
clinton went to this island at least 6 times, used epsteins plane, theres proof. and because you ignore it you are enabling and justifying pedophilia, do you have kids?
you enable pedophiles, trump is a billionaire, epstein was a billionaire, both new yorkers, in your sick mind you take one picture of the two together at a party from 30 years ago and then you ignore how this guy donated serious money to the democrat party, had bill on his island many times, even as president without the secret service, why?! and in your mind, in your hate filled mind the first means a lot and the second means nothing right!?
in the name of politics you've just accepted pedophilia. endorsed it, if i knew you in the real world and i knew you had kids i'd make a call to social services. just to check it out.
trump is pushing conspiracy theories (rightly so) the left is calling any questioning of epsteins "suicide" as "baseless" make of that what you will.
because science and archaeologists are racists and neo-nazis and transphobes.
liberals are so fĂșcking insane they don't even know the difference between men and women, fĂșcking 2 year old kid biology.