MovieChat Forums > jimmyjuliano > Replies
jimmyjuliano's Replies
good excuse. 8/10
thanks for deleting your messages in the other thread, i wouldn't wanna look like a moron either. at least you know you're ignorant, thats the first step....
] Jproof (42) 3 minutes ago
smart move, now only i know that you're ignorant
like i say, my insults are playful banter, mocking your lack of masculinity, calling people "cunts" is something angry people do. you've lost the debate, a debate that asked why trump would want to investigate something you suggest he played a part in.
and i suppose that 1% unbiased part of your brain knows i'm right, so no counter-debate, just "cunt"
thanks tiffany
if we were in jail like the clintons will be soon you'd be cleaning my cell and answering to "cynthia" thats how bad you just lost here. did you at least learn something?
so unreadable that you're angry, megan
Yes, Trump is so powerful that he can have dozens of russian robots brainwash and change our minds so we vote trump, but he can't make a little video from 25 years ago about grabbing pussy go away.
And apparently you megan and the other loons here can't understand the lack of logic you have. makes no sense.
mine is light hearted banter "tiffany" due to your very feminine way of expressing yourself, "cunt" is clearly shows your anger, you're angry because you've lost.
you're so angry, if i was you i'd delete these posts so others can't see how dumb you are hahahaha thats why you're insulting me tiffany theres too much logic for you here, and you don't like it.
we have links between the clintons and epstein, like you could surely link epstein to almost anyone in new yorks power circles, but bill clinton had a rather special relationship with him, he went to his island, the clintons have a history of whacking people. the left wing media doesn't wanna talk about it! the clintons are democrats!
how are you not putting 2 and 2 together on this and getting 4, tiffany? re-read what i've written 6 or 7 times, see if that helps you.
i got you there! i know i did! thats why you've insulted me! i didn't say it was a criminal offense, tiffany. i simply asked why, like you did we can know something and not know others. i used your logic and even in that biased little mind of yours you saw i was right, so there came the insults.
this board is too easy for me
"nonsensical mind"
clinton was to blame for benghazi, trump had a reality tv show when the incompetence of hillary led to deaths.
i see links between the clintons and epstein, i don't see links between trump and benghazi, and you know what? i never even said in the first place that clinton did it, i just said that it's interesting that the left wing media have decided to shut down all conspiracy talk, on something that even YOU accept is fishy, my question was why? why are they not wanting to discuss the obvious? other people have said he was "clinton'd" hahaha i think it's a reasonable theory, yeah, but theres a whole host of people who could have done it.
but for trump to push the conspiracy theory, therefore opening it up to be looked at, to say trump could have been apart of it, is like me stealing something from the store, putting myself in handcuffs and telling the security guard to check the videos, it would be irrational to believe so, and trump didn't go to his island "at least 6 times" like bill clinton did. i'm not pushing a clinton conspiracy, i'm really not, but something makes no sense, and it isn't conservatives who are trying to hush it all up, think about it
i'm glad you made this post
i'd like to personally thank you for changing the minds of maybe dozens, 100s! who knows of moderate democrats who did and will vote for trump. i think you're doing a great job. try and use "neo-nazi" more. we could get into the 1000s.....
the irony is people like you do more for trump than i ever could, and i voted for him during the republican and then general election. you turn people off doogie, you focus on garbage, on pipe dreams fantasies that will never ever play out. you dedicate your time to emotional blackmail, calling people "racist" and "neo-nazi" and it's good for the AOC, bernie, democratic communist type, but i have friends who were moderate democrats who changed their mind and voted for trump because they got sick of people like you. maybe you're a plant, maybe you're really a trump supporter who knows what you're doing. i dunno!
yeah, i agree with that. i just find it telling that it's the left wing media that don't want to explore the possibilty, the very obvious possibilty than this guy didn't commit suicide in a suicide proof cell, i find that very very telling...
the funny thing is you actually believe it, you'll be saying the same in 2022 hahahaha remember susy, this isn't bolivia, you can't impeach a democratically elected president because he says meany weany things you don't like! every 2 weeks since january 2017 we've heard trump will be impeached, and nothing.
let me give you a reality check princess, if you wanna impeach trump, get a good candidate, good ideas, and not whackos who only promise free stuff and call everyone racist maybe then you can get trump out of the white house..
"the clintons have no power"
wow, how naive are you?
lets turn that around princess, lets see trump can't get away with saying "grab them by the pussy" but he can't get away with using a foriegn government to change the outcome of the elections in the most powerful country in the world, and he wasn't impeached?
you see how that works tiffany?! think about it
your lack of logic is scary, and i'm glad you did this post.
1. epstein had a million more times links to democrats than he had to republicans
2. trump and other republicans are asking questions about this, wanting it to be investigated.
3, democrats are calling it "baseless conspiracy theories"
so your logic is that trump is pushing a conspiracy theory, which he is a part of?! he wants to investigate something he did?!?!?!?!? and the democrat and liberal media are so hungry for the truth that they are shutting down any talk of maybe he didn't commit suicide?! is that how fucking nuts you?! liberalism truly is a mental disorder!!!!hahahahahahahah!!!
theres many blacks working in this white house more than when barry was in there. i'm just asking myself how racist you are and if this is based on race more than what she said, thats why you want her gone. your next step is to call her an "uncle tom oreo cookie girl"
surely at some point you've wanted ben carson to step down from something for saying something you didn't like, well thats the excuse you use.